Wednesday, September 30, 2009
FOR a spell I kind of believed the PM and his Deputy swore that UMNO must get out of its current mode of encouraging and living amidst corruption. Their posturing hoodwinked some of us. We started having our doubts when Rohaizat, the disbarred lawyer was chosen as candidate for Permatang Pasir. Even then, the DPM swore that Rohaizat was innocent. When proven wrong he defended Rohaizat when the 2nd spouse made a complaint about his not caring for her. Did Moo-hideen learn. Did Najib throw caution to the wind despite Tun's and KuLi's strong call to not choose Isa as the candidate for Bagan Pinang. The way I see it both these two leaders have agreed to WIN AT ALL COST, and damn those two old foggies! I might be wrong. They might have some other reason? Maybe they will engineer something to ensure Isa loses as a lesson to the ohter warlords that it is twilight time. You don't dictate (with your threat to boycott) to us? Possible?
Read more HERE
I just called Duke for feedback. Seems the twin towers were evacuated. Endless rumors. Duke unaware but felt dizzy.
His dizziness was all due to last night, I volunteered.....anyway I am off. Hope everything should be ok when my Muslim condo-mates come over to help me celebrate Hari Raya. LETS SHOOT UP A PRAYER FOR THE PEOPLE OF PADANG, SUMATRA.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
"We will assign officers to keep tabs on all ceramah and other activities during the campaign and they will alert the police immediately if the issue is raised."
Murugiah is the deputy minister in charge of the National Unity and Integration Department.
"We want a clean and fair campaign and to ensure no racial or religious issues are raised to incite the people."
Who the
ASIDE: That paper crown becomes you!
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Over breakfast, Datuk Kamarul MP and PKR chief in Negeri Sembilan, revealed that he was proud to have HH as his mate in MCKK.
HH is on the roll....he has put up 132 postings this month against the 94 last month....phewwww!
He is on my blogroll as Sturdy but Steady Hussein. Healthy to include as your daily diet http://steadyaku-steadyaku-husseinhamid.blogspot.com/
Here are some pedas starters...have available some drink beside you!
I remember that my Father had to detain one of Tuanku’s uncle during a racial disturbance in Pahang and the suspect was using his Royal status as a shield to prevent the Police from arresting him. Tuanku told my Father to just go ahead and do his job. HERE
Then they will ask of me why do I as a Malay now desert UMNO at the time of its greatest needs? My answer will be this – “Because UMNO did for itself more then what it did for the Malays!” Here lies the greatest tragedy of this once great party – the inability of its current leaders to see the writing on the wall that shouts to them that UMNO need to change to be relevant to the times it is now in. They have not learned from the willingness in 1951, of Dato Onn Jaafar to leave the Party that he helped found because UMNO was not prepared to open its membership to non-Malays. HERE
I no longer trust our Prime Minister to do what is best for our country. I no longer have faith in his ability to take care of our interests, our hopes and our aspirations. As with all incoming PM there is the grand gestures of turun padang in the first few days in office – going walkabouts in Brickfields, China Town – the obligatory intent of “looking” at the ISA, the intent to clean up Puspakom…but slowly the rot starts creeping in. The appointment of Mukriz into the cabinet is for services rendered by his father, the ground sweel of support in Johore for a revival of the crooked bridge is again also another payback for services rendered by the old man. Already money has been spend on newpaper advert to welcome Rosmah for visit to God knows where…all these grand gestures that precedes the reign of a new empresses. HERE
Now what if we have a politician who is a child molester? Only in UMNO…only in UMNO! It is my opinion that one of the most vile, despicable and sordid deed ever done by UMNO and Mahathir was to protect Rahim Thambi Chik - a child molester - and imprisoning Lim Guan Eng for speaking out against it. Let us look at the facts HERE & HERE.
Najib knows that he can make the people forget about virtually anything negative about UMNO – given time. This is one of our weaknesses. Our people forget with time. If UMNO spins enough stories and time their campaigns to peak during election time – Pakatan Rakyat will lose. We need our people to be more proactive. Show your displeasure. Your discontent. Your disgust. Your contempt to what they do to us. They do enough to deserve our disgust and contempt – but because the majority of us keep silent they will continue to do so. We must have the critical mass to flow from now towards the next election and the flow must be with Pakatan Rakyat.
This Bagan Pinang by-election – how many of you would be prepared to do something about it. Do not ask what you can do. Think of something and just go and do it to make that difference to Pakatan Rakyat winning. God knows they need our help there. Go do something. They need money to help out with the costs of running a good campaign. They need volunteers to run the campaign – every little thing helps. Go and help - then when Pakatan Rakyat wins we will know that it is OUR victory. HERE
Friday, September 25, 2009

An SMS alerted me to the fact that my friend YB Wee Choo Keong was going to UN General Assembly. I replied: What for? The reply: Read MM. I was happy for Wee though.
I read MM online this morning.
Dang! Wee was having as traveling companion the Bar Council buster who says for him it is Islam first and PKR second or something of similar strain.
My knee jerk reaction was, UMNO is wooing. But why would they woo these three. They cannot initiate any hopping. One is
Or was UMNO rewarding? Ah, maybe because Wee recently threw a pebble asking PKR to check out some characters in his former DAP. That caused some ripple that cascaded and resulted in multiple finger-pointing,and investigations of DAP aduns. That of course created some history of sorts. Zulkifli of course threw a boulder into the coalition that caused a whirlpool, kind of. I am not privy to what the DAP guy from
But then again if it was a trip for the Opposition, how come no PAS was represented? Two PKR and 1 DAP made up the traveling trio. Selective Selection?
That is not typical of Tan Sri Razali, one of our most highly respected Diplomats who was untiring in his efforts to secure freedom for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. If it is TSR who selected these he would have done it right by asking the relevant opposition parties to select their candidates.
You smell anything?
Thursday, September 24, 2009

However, even before we start on this next mother-of-all-by-elections, we already have a clown performing on a tight rope. The tight-rope walker is none other than the shit-stirrer Hassan Ali. Besides an uphill against Postal Votes, PAS cannot afford to sacrifice the Indian and Chinese votes. Hassan Ali created a near havoc immediately after the March GE. If not from an UMNO insider, we would not have known that he was in cohort with Toyo to engineer a PAS cross-over to UMNO. Had it not been for the fortitude of PAS MPs and Aduns in Selangor who honored the PR pact, we would have seen Hassan Ali as Menteri Besar of Selangor.
And yet the PAS leadership did not do the right thing.
He stirred some more shit when he went head-on with Selangor PR over the sale of Beer by 7Eleven outlets in Shah Alam. When he was cautioned by the MB he layed off into his snake-pit to hatch another scheme.
And yet the PAS leadership did not do the right thing.
Who would ever believe that Hassan Ali was not in league with UMNO in the cow-head episode that made a universal capital fool of the Home Minister. His finger-prints were all over the place and those finger-prints were lifted at the fracas in the Section 23 residents meeting, I was reliably informed.
And yet the PAS leadership did not do the right thing.
This shadowy figure emerged again, when he called for the ban of beer in all Pakatan States. The Sultan of Selangor took exception!
And yet the PAS leadership did not do the right thing.
After the Sultan rapped his knuckles, he must have consulted UMNO, and he now goes after SELCAT, the formation of which he was part of. PAS, and PR MPs and Aduns have rapped him
And yet the PAS leadership did not do the right thing.
Battles have been LOST because of one Benedict Arnold aka TRAITOR !
Will the PAS leadership do the RIGHT thing NOW?
However YB Salahudin Ayub and YB Dzulkifly Ahmad will still get my support, because these are good men we must hold on to.


The F1 money should be used for the rakyat of Bagan Pinang and Seremban. For 5 decades of rule they have done little. They have sidelined Bagan Pinang where the infrastructure is wanting. Buses ply the town, but getting out of the village to come into PD town can be a shore. And who lives outside PD? We are not asking for an F1 t4ack to be home for our dream team. Do what Selangor did for its citizens, hardly 6 months after taking over. The Selangor Government gave its citizens BENEFITS, and non-taxable benefits at that. Here is what they got!
3 Exciting Benefits
for SelangorCitizens!
Babies born 01 Jan 2008 onwards
eligible to apply to the Selangor Govt. for an account to be opened .
RM100 per year till 18 yrs. (Approx: RM 1,800)
a) Either mother/father’s IC with code ’10’ in the middle or
b) Lived in Selangor for more than 10 yrs.
a) IC of both parents
b) Baby’s birth cert & MyKid Card
Upon Death- Those aged above 60 yrs who passed away from
Jan 2008-30 Sept 2008, his or her beneficiary can claim RM2,000
a) Deceased must be Selangor state citizen
b) To present IC of deceased-showing Selangor address
c) To present burial permit
d) Present beneficiary’s IC (immediate family only)
e) Present birth cert of beneficiary
From 01 Oct 2008 onwards –All Selangor citizens aged 60+
can register for Mesra Usia Emas Scheme, where upon death,
the beneficiary is entitled to RM2,500 for funeral expenses
a) At ADUN DAP office, Selangor with 2 copies of beneficiary’s IC &
2 copies of the deceased’s IC
a) Those who stayed more than 15 years in Selangor can also
apply, but IC must show Selangor address (i.e. Those born in other states.)
a) Within 7 days, RM 1,000 to be paid
b) Within 90 days, RM 1,500 to be paid
Kudos to the Selangor
State Government
Posted by Malaysian Medical Resources
Thank you Selangor for taking steps the Federal Government should have taken. Maternity leave is now 90 days and the health of senior citizens is being looked after:
Female civil servants with the Selangor Government are now entitled to 90 days maternity leave starting this year. Announcing this yesterday, Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the extra days of leave was part of the state’s economic welfare programme.
“Husbands whose wives gave birth will also enjoy a 14-day paternity leave, up from a week previously. Female staff whose husbands pass away, will also get 30 days’ leave, compared to three days emergency leave in the past,” he told reporters after presenting appointment letters to more than 6,000 village committee members here yesterday.
The Pakatan Rakyat state government had proposed the extra days after it came into power last year.
On another matter, Khalid said Selangor was meeting with various groups, including insurance companies, to work out a plan to help the 300,000 to 400,000 senior citizens in the state to cope with their medical expenses.
Under the programme, senior citizens might only need to pay a maximum of RM5 each time they received treatment from a clinic, he said, adding that the elderly must, however, be registered with the state government.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

AS it appeared in NSTonline:
SEREMBAN: Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) will meet the Election Commission soon for permission to observe the counting of postal votes in the Bagan Pinang by-election.
The election monitor's deputy chairman, Col (R) Shahrudin Othman, said Ma-frel was allowed to observe the voting and counting process in the last general election, which "helped to ensure there was no room for any manipulation by either party".
Although Mafrel would be allowed to observe the postal voting in Bagan Pinang, the EC had yet to give it the green light to be present during the counting.
"We are hoping that the Bagan Pinang by-election will be the first where Mafrel is allowed to be present when the 5,171 postal votes are counted.
"If all the parties involved have nothing to hide, then I don't see any reason why we cannot place our people there to observe the counting. This will ensure a clean and transparent election."
Pas had earlier voiced concern about the postal votes in the constituency and said it would meet the EC on Monday about this.
Pas state commissioner Zulkefly Mohamad Omar said: "We want to ask the EC to allow representatives from the contesting parties to witness the postal voting process and also accompany the ballot boxes to the voting centre."
Shahrudin said Mafrel would station two people at each of the eight polling stations in the by-election.
"Apart from this, we will also have mobile
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

a. Postal voting in the camps to be done on the same day and counting to be done in the base(s) OR
b. The Police and Army IF REGISTERED in the constituency vote at polling booths like all ordinary citizens.
Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof has given his assurance that phantom postal votes would be impossible in the Bagan Pinang state by-election, adding the postal voting would be conducted under strict security and would adhere to procedures.
What he meant by strict security is anybody's guess, unless he is allowed spell them out.
What procedures he would adhere too is also a motherhood statement. These procedures have been questioned endlessly.
This is what Brigadier General (Rtd) Datuk Mohd Arshad Raji ( 4th Mechanized Infantry Brigade) wrote in his blog:
There is also the perception that postal voting is not transparent and flawed, especially having to cast their votes a few days ahead of the actual polling date. Actually, there is no reason to do this, especially if the postal voter is located in the same constituency where the voting is held. The voter can cast his vote like anybody else, and his name checked against the nominal roll usually prepared by the Armed Forces Record & Pension Directorate. If this is done, transparency is upheld and there will not be any accusation that absent voters ballot papers are marked and place in the polling bags.
This quote originated HERE.
Many have questioned Postal Votes. I was hoping MAFREL will say something, or I might have missed their take.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Analysts and commentaries asking for the closure of Kem Kamunting since there are now less than 10 national security-risks interns occupying the sprawling ranch have somewhat angered the Home Minister. It was reported that he would not have any qualms filling Kamunting to the brim with anyone who is a threat to national security, definition of which would be his prerogative and his alone. Given such powers unto himself you can bet that he will outdo his sand-harvester (for
Collectively all these contribute to national security:
- Unexplained deaths in custodial detention.
- Desecration of religious practices
- Publishing hate
- Plundering of
- Exorbitant charges for tooth extraction
- Collusion by Government Agencies to hoodwink the rakyat: MACC, MCMC, ROS, PDRM, EC, AG Department…..and the list can go on.
- The masterminds behind PKFZ.
- The revelations of the leaked Cabinet papers.
- The judge who condemned two cops to the gallows for killing a Mongolian lass that the Government thru its Immigration Department says did not enter the country.
Just a few of many more.....for another time he opens his mouth.....
BUT his boss-cousin says otherwise:
PUTRAJAYA, April 7 2009 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today his administration would not use the Internal Security Act (ISA) arbitrarily but would give importance to the principles of human rights and civil liberties.
He said the ISA was undergoing a review to ensure that it incorporated several provisions which upheld these principles.
"Several provisions (of the ISA) will reflect our (the government's) intention to uphold civil liberties and establish a check and balance so that the ISA is not used arbitrarily or according to the whims of the authorities without regard for the fundamental rights and civil liberties of the people of Malaysia," he told a group of journalists from Indonesia at his office, here.
Najib said his decision to release 13 ISA detainees recently was a government gesture which gave importance to the fundamental rights and civil liberties in a modern, mature and civilised society.
And here swings in a monkey seeking recognition (as reported in Malaysikini)

On the other hand, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) secretary-general Wilfred Nissom is in a definite minority of one in backing the ISA.
Other Sarawakians including journalists, politicians and senior civil servants beg to differ with Nissom. However, Nissom concedes at the same time that the Act in its present form may have outlived its usefulness and needs to be brought more up-to-date.
Irresponsible people who are out to cause chaos should be removed to Kamunting where they can't harm the peace of other people, according to Nissom.
These irresponsible people, in his view, instigate and create ill-will between communities and eventually cause disorder in the country.
“I haven't seen BN or heard them going around preaching hate towards any community,” said Nissom without batting an eyelid. “We know which group seems hell-bent on creating chaos in the country.”
Of course, you haven't being so preoccupied with poking!
I dont wish this on you because I want the total abolition of the ISA, but if you support the ISA just remember anything is possible in BN.....

Brunei-based senior
hi uncle zorro,
pliss promote our blog:
we bloggers from n9 and Bagan Pinang now give live report from N31.
We give the latest pictures from bagan pinang. No copy paste report from other blog.
Thanks uncle zorro.
September 27, 2009 6:51 PM