(There's enough vim, vigor and vitality here)
We have much in common and our differences should strengthen and not weaken us.
We all should sincerely hope that once the party election is concluded, we shall stand united and immediately work constructively with our elected leaders and Pakatan partners in charting the way forward with fundamental principles, detailed plans and programs for a Better Malaysia.
To conclude, I am confident that it is never too late for the party elections to be conducted in a fair and free manner, equal to our call to the government to do likewise.
It is a test of our integrity and credibility as a founding partner in Pakatan Rakyat to conduct ourselves in a transparent, responsible and accountable manner.
We will be measured by our party members, our Pakatan partners and the Malaysian people on how we uphold democratic principles in our party elections.
So, let us rise to the occasion and not betray the hopes and expectation with the promise of a Better Malaysia for all Malaysians.
Let us not be short-sighted, selfish and Machiavellian in our campaigning.
Let us be ethical in our actions when seeking the legitimate and moral leadership mandate from our members.
Therefore, as a sign of our collective responsibility for the future of our party, I wish to propose that all candidates sign a ‘Keadilan Free and Fair Campaign Election Declaration’ publicly next week to promote and protect our common good and shared vision for a democratic Malaysia.
I believe that with this party lies the future of this country.
This is indeed our moment of truth.
Nurul Izzah:
My Announcement as a Candidate for Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (KEADILAN) Vice President Post
23 September 2010
In the spirit of democracy and reformasi, I would like to announce my candidacy for the Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s Vice-President Post.
I am honoured and humbled to accept the nominations from the various divisions and wish to thank them for this trust.
I am indeed grateful because your nominations or ‘Suara Ahli’ (member’s voice) shall become my own ‘Suara Hati’ (my voice) as I humbly embrace the opportunity and the responsibility to serve.
I have not and will not endorse any candidates as I feel that the members are not only free to nominate but that I must also respect and accept their endorsements for their respective candidates accordingly.
I have had the privilege of witnessing and participating in the reformasi movement twelve years ago and see how it evolved into Keadilan today.
At this moment, I believe that our party’s election this year will be a real defining change as we will be able to forge a true people’s movement that shares a common destiny - for a Better Malaysia.
I am reminded that this is a contest among brothers and sisters in one Keadilan family.
We must believe that party members will elect the party leadership based on the candidate’s vision, ideas and commitment to the party’s values and ideals for a Better Malaysia, rather than exclusively on personality.
We must appreciate and acknowledge leaders at all levels for their contribution, sacrifices and efforts in transforming a reformasi movement to a party that along with our partners in Pakatan shall lead the nation soon.
We must believe that every leader is guided by their moral compass to do what is best, even more so under demanding circumstances and difficult choices, for a common good.
We must affirm that each member shares similar aspirations and has the best intentions for our common struggle.
We have much in common and our differences should strengthen and not weaken us.
We all should sincerely hope that once the party election is concluded, we shall stand united and immediately work constructively with our elected leaders and Pakatan partners in charting the way forward with fundamental principles, detailed plans and programs for a Better Malaysia.
To conclude, I am confident that it is never too late for the party elections to be conducted in a fair and free manner, equal to our call to the government to do likewise.
It is a test of our integrity and credibility as a founding partner in Pakatan Rakyat to conduct ourselves in a transparent, responsible and accountable manner.
We will be measured by our party members, our Pakatan partners and the Malaysian people on how we uphold democratic principles in our party elections.
So, let us rise to the occasion and not betray the hopes and expectation with the promise of a Better Malaysia for all Malaysians.
Let us not be short-sighted, selfish and Machiavellian in our campaigning.
Let us be ethical in our actions when seeking the legitimate and moral leadership mandate from our members.
Therefore, as a sign of our collective responsibility for the future of our party, I wish to propose that all candidates sign a ‘Keadilan Free and Fair Campaign Election Declaration’ publicly next week to promote and protect our common good and shared vision for a democratic Malaysia.
I believe that with this party lies the future of this country.
This is indeed our moment of truth.
Thank You.
Nurul Izzah Anwar
MP Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur
23 September 2010
My Official Position on Party Elections
Nurul Izzah Anwar
17 September 2010
“I am happy that KEADILAN is going through direct elections, which is a true reflection of our national election process.
Our 400,000 members is a microcosm of the 11 million Malaysian registered voters whose aspirations are expressed in the mandate given to elected leaders through a fair and free election process.
The entire nation is watching on how we conduct our party’s democratic process, as it would be an indicator of how we will govern the nation once given the opportunity.
Therefore, I call upon all candidates to demonstrate their leadership and responsibility in ensuring that party elections become an example for the nation.
A true democratic process welcomes divergent views and a contest of ideas between candidates.
A healthy election happens when we evaluate the ideas presented instead of focusing exclusively on a candidate’s personality.
Let us hear about ideas and solutions from the candidates on how to move the nation forward.
Let us not make the mistake of looking at the messenger only without reflecting on the message.
Let it be about substance not mere form.
Once we have all passed through the rigors and excitement of campaigning, we should close ranks and stand united with our newly elected leaders to bring change and build a Better Malaysia.
Let the party elections become a party-building exercise for our members and a national confidence-building effort for all Malaysians.”