On 5 September I received this comment following my post on Hassan Slodeng.
hostage88 said...
Brother help promote TMG. TMG = Taib Must Go is a civil society movement and is apolitical. Aim is to exert pressure and harness support from Sarawakians to ensure Taib no longer overstay his welcome and ensure change in the 10th Sarawak State Elections.
The promoters of this new movement will contact you and Mr Haris for some advice as far as activities are concerned.
For starters, T-Shirts will be printed and hopefully, they are able to organise social gatherings in all towns in Sarawak. Voter Registration exercise will also be organised.
Lets see whether we can change the mindset of timid Sarawakians and how many will show their faces and show up to be counted.
We need all the support and advice from Civil Society groups.
I immediately sought our Daniel Yong and Mob1900.
Below are Daniel Yong’s contributions to TMG. Danny can be reached HERE.

Unfortunately, majority rural voters also TMG (Take Money & Go to vote BN). Years back, they even voted BN for a bottle of mineral water. Therefore, Taib will stay.
He will be more than willing to go anytime on just 1 basic simple condition - that he has absolute immunity from civil and criminal prosecution on whatever charges relating to the filthy wealth he had acquired either through his proxies, relatives and asscociates. If anyone can accord such an absolute guarantee, we can probably expect to see his resignation as the CM within 24-hour. All else is moot.
Better for Taib stays for the present election. Then everyone kick him out. But then if rural folks fall for a bottle of mineral water..then what to do? Shows you how much and how well he has educated his subjects.
Hi Old Fart,
Market something better than mineral water to them. CHANGE they will.
New Dawn. New Government. New Hope.
Thanks Mr Khoo.
Response have been promising, 1,000followers since I wrote to you.
Hopefully, after Raya, we can hit 5,000 and 10,000 by mid October.
Just to share this...
Winning hearts and minds of the people – JASA - http://dayakbaru.com/weblog08/2010/02/19/winning-hearts-and-minds-of-the-people-jasa/
You be the judge.
We should do a "Howard" (former Australian PM)in Sarawak. Let the electorate rid this corrupted scumbag with a rookie politician, to completely finish the process of burying this man!
a miracle if Pakatan wins Sarawak state election....
hope the ppl have realised that they have been blinded by lies for SO LONG!
come on, fellow Malaysians in Borneo....Taib Must Go!!!
Not only this Pek Moh must go, he must be prosecuted…MACC trace how this man managed to grow all his “Tall Timbers” in different parts of the globe, worth billions!!
Sarawakians make him answerable to all his evil doings and misdeeds...bury this corrupted man for good!
Hope the Penans realised by now that their rights, wealth and dignity have been trampled upon these past 52 years by greedy, corrupted and completely no conscience people in the state and federal government.Just look at their chief minister and his whole family tremendous wealth. It is beyond comprehension.Unbelievable to say the least.
Its now time to fight back all what have been taken from you all. Of course lots and lots of sacrifices, dedication and hard work are needed. For your future generations just do it.
Sarawakians irrespective whether they are Penans, Ibans etc.... must i repeat must do their part NOW!!!!!!!!
Penans being spoiled by foreign NGOs!!!!!!!!
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