Just got this awful news -the abduction of the student Nayati Shamelin Moodliar, in Mont’Kiara, KL this morning. The auto used was a black Proton Gen 2. The tag number is WNH 1356. (Police have just verified that this is a false number plate). Anyway there were two dark-skinned male occupants seen abducting this kid. Please, if you have any news of this child, or car please call the Malyasian Police at 999, or the school at 0320938604. Please share...we do not want this to happen to any of our kids. We await further confirmation from the authorities.
Alamak....Off topic.
I thought you only talk about BERSIH???
No need to bother lah. He ain't Malaysian. Malaysians can't even take care of Malaysians & yet wanna act smart by being so busy body meh?
Let the cops or their embassy take care of it lah.
yeahh right. malaysian or not. if you don't even bother about the safety of a kid living in this country then shut the fuck up
I am totally sad and mad..
How can we act based on whether he is a Malaysian.
mon't kiara international school!!! must be some kid from some rich family. sounds like kidnap here.
since the family is so rich, just sacrifice some of their money lor. i'm sure it's 'SAP SAP SUI' to them. zorro, u don't lah so KEPOCHI lah. first, u go KEPOH about BERSIH & now u wanna KEPOH about rich people punya hal. apalah lu
Such an asshole. Don't worry, when your kid is lost in another country and somebody replies this kind of stuff. Don't be angry and smile cause karma hits on you.
this is the problem when people have trouble, they will call the cops for help but when the cops issue instructions, they will go against the cops.
like that how can?
To Anonymous @1.20PM, that was a heartless statement to make.
A child is kidnapped and taken away from his family.
I hope you or any of your family members do not have to experience the same trauma, pain and fear this young boy's family is now enduring.
just because the name is not malay so he's not malaysian?
Dear anonymous, you really are an insensitive person for commenting like that. I suggest you should go live in cave and play with your balls coz that's probably what you're good at. Malaysia doesn't need kampung ignorant people like you.
Idiot, this someone's child we're talking about. Take your stupid head out of your ass and realise that you're not just a Malaysian, you're also a fucking human being. Oh wait, I'm sorry, based on your comments it's obvious your a neanderthal so I can't really expect to see any human like behaviour coming from you. People like you are the reason why children get raped in Uganda. Fuking moron.
Malaysian or foreigner, he is still a kid....this could happen to anyone including ourselves. If everyone could lend a helping hand, this world would be a better place.Do onto others as you want others to do onto you
To anonymous @ 1.20pm
What a low life you are! Trying to reason with you is pointless, as you're obviously used to thinking with your hind. It's ppl like you that disgrace not just Malaysians, but the human race as a whole.
Not Malaysian means Not Human is it?
no matter what your political beliefs are, you should be HUMAN first.
Its people like you who causes the deterioration of Malaysia!
-Human being Malaysian-
"He ain't Malaysian'??? Does that even matter? What kind of a sick nut are you??
idiotic comment by the last blogger. "no need to bother lah" is too often the response here and that is why incidents like this happen. More care and thought is needed by Malaysians in all walks of life!!!
You sick FUCKER who ever you are..."Let the cops or their embassy take care of it lah"
If you have kids and they are kidnapped how would you feel... If you are in anyway religious may your god shit on you for such unfeeling and uncaring comments..! Or do you only care about your own ass or playing at being a coffee shop politician.
Anon 1:20pm
what kind of human being are you? how would u feel if this was to happen to your family member in overseas?
Shame on you and you were def not brought up properly.
cukup sial
what an irresponsible comment.... if it happens to our family, we would want to swear at anyone who makes such a comment...
before being a Malaysian, pls be a human being. Even it is off topic, why don't you guys give some room for humanity beside politic....?
anonymous atas ni tak boleh lagi mengundang? Jangan kisah sebab dia bukan Malaysian? Kalau jadi dekat anak/ adik/ family kau? Tak kecoh? Pftt fikir jangan pakai lutut. Bertimbang rasa sikit dgn orang lain.
Anonymous above needs his ass beaten!!!
If it was your child abducted in a foreign land I bet you wouldnt have this crappy attitude
malaysian or not he is a person, and we are here to help anyone in need. there are even rescuers for animals, wat more a boy. I only pray he gets back to his family safe and sound.
This matter should be resolved all the more, because he isn't Malaysian. It shows how unsafe this country is becoming. Some people can comment without sense.... Should put themselves in the same position of these parents, and imagine how they feel.
malaysian or not he is a person, and we are here to help anyone in need. there are even rescuers for animals, wat more a boy. I only pray he gets back to his family safe and sound.
how could you say such thing that we dont need to bother. what if happens to your family as what is going on now. think before you say something so awful.
malaysian or not he is a human being, and we should be readily available to do everything in our power to help those in need. there are even rescuers for animals, wat more a boy. i only pray he returns to his family safe and sound.
^ but he still is HUMAN isn't he? I hope you when you are in need of help people will tell you the same thing
Assholes he's still human
I think u are mean mr anonymous.
who cares whether Malaysian or nt... Still a kid wat... Think n talk.
wow, so selfish of you to even say that
"No need to bother lah. He ain't Malaysian..".
Shocking, "Anonymous" is writing such lines in this case. Are these the friendly Malaysians, Tourism Malaysia is always promoting abroad? Very disturbing..
I can't believe how insensitive you are to casually dismiss a child just because he is not Malaysian. This is my nephew that you feel is unworthy of help. Thank you Zorro for helping to spread the word.
anon 10.20, shame on you. such a disgusting attitude. sickening as i feel towards you, i hope this will never happen to your own child...
Something is really wrong with you.
If a person gets kidnapped, better let the cops do the job. Too much hoo haaa will cause the kidnappers to maybe kill the kidnapped person and escape.
While you are dealing with them robots, zorro, eyewitnesses to the incident say that the boy was accosted, something put over his face and then bundled into the getaway car. There was apparently an attempt on a child at SM Bkt D'sara few days earlier but the child wised up when 2 strangers coolly walked into the school grounds asking to take her to see her "injured" parent. The child bolted to safety. The neighbourhoods and schools in those areas are on high alert and are praying for the boy's safe return.
Sigh....what again do the boys in blue do these days?
What's your problem, man??? If you have nothing good to say, just shut up!
"No need to bother lah. He ain't Malaysian. Malaysians can't even take care of Malaysians & yet wanna act smart by being so busy body meh?
Let the cops or their embassy take care of it lah."
the fuck! if this happen to you or your family, then you will know how does it feel. no matter where he come from, a malaysian or not, he is still a boy, a human. you heartless not even a human. if you dont know how to talk or response properly, better dont. use your mind to comment.
Nevertheless, he is one of us, a human.
To say that proves that you're a selfish bastard.
You hear that, selfish bastard?!
Let's hear people say "That guy ain't Malay/Chinese/Indian/etc. We can't keep our own people in check, why bother with other races? Leave it to the cops," when you're kidnapped.
Nevertheless, he is one of us, a human.
To say that proves that you're a selfish bastard.
You hear that, selfish bastard?!
Let's hear people say "That guy ain't Malay/Chinese/Indian/etc. We can't keep our own people in check, why bother with other races? Leave it to the cops," when you're kidnapped.
Nevertheless, he is till one of us, a human.
To be able to say stuff like that... You're one heck of a selfish bastard.
You hear that, selfish bastard?!
Let's hear people say "He's not one of us. We can't keep our race in check so why even bother with other races? Let the cops deal with them," when YOU'RE kidnapped! In your case, I'd love to hear it.
Wouldn't you want someone -anyone- to help find your kid/sibling/relative/best friend? What if they were lost overseas?
help spreading sumthing wont hurt you or make you lost ur money. one day, if ur child or ur family got abduct dont bother asking people for help. stupidity own you.
whatever a child is child..as we all human being & do have feeling..humanity..hoped that u're sum 1 with those..
He is a little boy....doesn't matter whether he is a Malaysian or not....a life is at stake!
how ignorant are u guys!
The boy's parents have created a facebook page to gather info from the public https://www.facebook.com/PleaseHelpUsToFindNayatiMoodliar
I hope you burn in HELL!
thats where u r wrong, malaysian cant take care of themselves bcoz ppl like u exist, not having any sense on peace and harmony regardless they are malaysian or not, ur statement says u have a dumfuck's heart not caring of others but urself.. a kid is kidnapped, n u go out saying let the cops n embassy take care of it, the fuck?? havent u heard of unity?? stupid child u r..!!
come on guys this boy is a human being too, regardless he is malaysian or not .What is becoming to Malaysia. GOD help Malaysia. I hope the Police will catch the culprits soon.
ANON 1:20pm :
This boy can be the devil's child also but we will care because he is a child . Now you I'm not so sure because you just might be the devil himself...
To the STUPID person above, if you go oversea than you son being kidnap. So you want other others leave you alone too? What a STUPID comment for a STUPID brain of a STUPID guy.
who ever you are hope it wont happened this to any of your family or on your own son if ever you have so that you wont feel how the parents feel....if you dont bother this case would you mind to just dont say anything, thanks....
TO "Anynonymous" : Pls be more considerate . Whether he ain't Malaysian or not, he's just a boy. Just pray for his safety.We do not know his whereabouts. The poor kid must so scared.
Good you care of other people. He is maybe here to make Malaysia better or help to make it better.
Really small brain you have.
Hope they find this boy soon.
dont be like that la.. he still a human being ma, still a child and still need a protection.. stop being such a typical malaysian la, no need to bother, then u go hell la.. what happen if same thing happen to your family in other country.. then let your family find them their self la.. haiyo
Are you sick in the head or just fcuking stupid?
that's being nasty.
why don't you join us 28 april saturday at 7.30pm for candlelight vigil. we meet at MKIS and walk to 1 Mt Kiara. Wear White.
Join us and lets pray for his save return.
WTF.....this is a child we are talking about, Malaysian or not, is this the attitude we should be taking. It just shows how selfish one can be, and how ignorantly stupid and egoistic when they can't even care enough to see a child in distress
You fucking bastard of the lowest order! This is a child we're talking about! Malaysian or not, it's a child! A human being! Dumb shits like u should rot in hell for even thinking that way.. Just because he is a forigner means he doesn't deserve to be found is it dumb shit? Eh asshole, dont forget that karma will bite you in your big fat ugly ass one day.. This poor boy needs prayers not fucked up comments like that.. If u got Ntg nice to say, don't say anything at all motherfucker! Fucked up assholes like u are piss me off!
What has happened to the Malaysian race?? Its certainly time for foreigners to reconsider moving to what used to be a beautiful country with even more beautiful people. I had for many years considered this country to be my home. This nasty comment from "annonymous" has confirmed that that people have changed and we are no longer welcome. I for one will be happy to leave if this is how we are to be thought of in the future. Dont expect Malaysians to be welcome elsewhere in the world with comments like this. my flights are booked. Am sure you will be happy Annonymous!!!!
Goodbye Malaysia.
What does being a "Malaysia" have anything to do with this poor boy being kidnapped? I am utterly amazed at the rude language at a time like this. Why not spend some time and pray for his family and this boy? Obviously the uncaring language of annoy above is from someone very uneducated and very narrow minded. Please grow up and act like a human being! Being a foreigner in this country, it is very scary to see this happen.
How can Hisham claim that crime rate has gone down?
this gutless wanker who remains anonymous who said "No need to bother lah. He ain't Malaysian. Malaysians can't even take care of Malaysians & yet wanna act smart by being so busy body meh? Let the cops or their embassy take care of it lah."
In response to that ...Anda begitu bodoh saya terkejut anda boleh menggunakan komputer. LAH! You are so stupid I am surprised you can use a computer. Can you not spell your name yet?..If expats weren't here in Malaysia your economy would be Kampung at best. Your government are the biggest satans ever, they steal from those who need it, pretend to be good Muslims and then underpay the police force ss they can only afford to hire monkeys to police the crime ridden land.Who cares what race or background they are. You dont kidnapp children. Fuck you lah!
Dear all,
It warms my heart when I read all the comments that defends this child and his family.. I am thankful to be born in a land that is filled with kind people and am assured if anything happened to my little girl there will be many hands to help and many hearts that will pray for her safety..
Nevertheless, the minority of imbeciles will never cease to exist.. only to remind us to be united and to uphold virtues that are being forgotten... still to our benefit..
last Friday when I read the comment "No need to bother lah. He ain't Malaysian.." my heart bled.
But today, my tears welled in thankfulness after reading your replies which confirmed that I do still live among angels..
May all of you be blessed.. I pray that you and your loved ones will be enveloped in love, joy and peace.
Dearest Nayati,
Wherever you are we are praying for you, sweetheart.. stay strong!
When you come home soon, you will be welcomed by the whole world in loving virtual-embrace..
Loads of love,
It's the likes of these people we called "humani",
Half hum an and half ani mal.
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