Syukree passed away this morning at his brothers house, seemingly of a heart attack. He was to be on our team when we head for Kuala Trengganu for the by-election. In fact I had booked a room for him for the duration of the by-election and told him so on Sunday nioght. He was a colorful character.
OMG Zorro,
This is really sad news.
I remember him so well from Sunday night's vigil, mainly because he was masked.
May his soul rest in peace.
OMG ....
What the heck man!
Here I was thinking that my days were numbered!
The Lord Giveth ....
Deepest condolences to the bereaved family.
May His Soul Rest in Peace.
Dear Bernard,
Really sad news.
He was standing next to me and we were joking about the mask.
We will certainly miss him.
God Bless his soul.
Sad, I have taken many of his pics. Im shocked! I know next week, we are gonna missed him dearly. He brought so much cheer and joy at the vigil. He stood for justice and truth, and we shall see that his voyage are not in vain. God bless him and his family.
Here's what Syukree would probably say to all his friends...
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
– Mary Elizabeth Frye
Bernard, here's the segment you asked me to video Syukree at last Sunday's Mesra Rakyat's vigil - 1:25-1:45 at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUNTbd4XZf8
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
why does good man has to pass away so young? why why why?
Gosh when i received the news from Mark i was really shock. Still couldn't believe this. Will definitely miss his masked face.
May his soul rest in peace.
This is a really sad news...
We will definitely remember him FOREVER.
May his soul rest in peace....
The news is such a shock to those who've become accustomed to his presence at the vigil.
It's so sad! :(
May he find eternal peace!
OMG, I had actually linked him to his 'bnb' blog bro. Seems he is also the lone bare-breasted protester(as more than 5 constitutes a crowd and warrants arrests by our stupid cops !) against anarchy as can be seen in his blog. Imagine a very normal conversation on Sunday night with him and 'bam' gone today. Just like that ! But I am honored to have been his brother in this vigils and I'm sure he'd want us to stay on course and continue this journey for change. Colorful personality this Syukree fellow ! Guess God has other urgent plans for him. Rest in peace my brother. We'll miss you. And my heartfelt condolence to his family.
Zorro, condolence, my he rest in peace. He did all those for the love of his fellow brothers and sisters. Al Fatihah. Take care.
He struggled against lies. He struggled against idiocy. He struggled against racism. Most of all he struggled against Umno and Barisan, a coalition built on a cocktail of lies, skulduggery, corruption and hatred. The least we can do is to uphold his legacy. His life was never in vain. He fought to the very last against evil and a system cocooned in a web of chicanery. Here was a man, whence comes another.
My condolences to his family. So sad that we lost a voice in our fight for justice.
Dear Sir,
Please do not Islam by being a kafir and calling for Al - Fatihah. Please be sensitive to other people's religion.
Respect is a 2 way street, dont expect respect if you cant give any.
It's so SAD, I never had the change to meet the man but his involvement and contribution to Candlelight Vigil is admireable. My condolence to the family of Shukree at this time of deep and very personal sadness. I hope they take comfort in knowing there are caring thoughts far and near, and heartfelt sympathy are with them.
God bless you Shukree
Singa Laut , you are a moron.. Hold your peace if you do not have anything constructive to say.
May our man Shukree rest in peace and god bless.
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