Yes, for a fact he royally does keep his promise….but at the price of chicanery that Perakians will never forget. He won’t dare utter “Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa” or the preferred Cantonese “NGOR PONG NEI, NEI PONG NGOR” to any common (as opposed to UN-COMMON) Perakian. Word has it that this infamous whispered inducement originated in Perak. It was so potently powerful that he publicly used these magic words in Sibu and like what a BN stalwart said: Najib lost Sibu for us.
Najib forgot that he was speaking to the common people of Sibu and not to any un-common one.

The companies got approval to oversee the building of a 156-kilometre mass rapid transit project in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, and the surrounding areas after a weekly government cabinet meeting, said one source who declined to be identified.
However, it’s not certain whether Gamuda-MMC will also be awarded the tunnelling portion of the project,” the source said, referring to the RM14 billion drilling component of the project.
However, it’s not certain whether Gamuda-MMC will also be awarded the tunnelling portion of the project,” the source said, referring to the RM14 billion drilling component of the project.
However, it’s not certain whether Gamuda-MMC will also be awarded the tunnelling portion of the project,” the source said, referring to the RM14 billion drilling component of the project.
Instead of transparency in open tender, Gamuda-MMC was chosen as the PDP because of its experience. This presumed no other Malaysian companies have the required experience. Without tender (there is no need to be open, is there?), we will never know what other pre-qualified contractors (should include foreign or local-foreign partnerships) could offer in terms of competitive tenders.
Long live 1Malaysia for 1Contractor only!
Why want to bising-bising?
Gamuda Chinese company what.
Perak royal family used only as a front.
But good for Raja Elena as she is the second richest woman in Malaysia.
You think I can marry her daughter?
A PDP is charged with construction oversight and ensure the project is delivered as per specification on schedule. How can it be that the PDP will also become a contractor to build a project component? The contractor supervises his own work and certify his own claim! If this is not a conflict of interest, I don't know what is.
The Nepalese are much, much smarter than us.
only rm 36 billion for mrt / lrt. any idea where this figure came from? from the air- no tender , no check n balance, Actually it costs rm 63 billion. now its only 36 billion. Malaysia boleh lah
Korek lubang oso can get 14billion..tiu,no wonder that Raja Ass Klentong sell me out.I hope our new history book will teach our young how to emulate him.....Brutus looks like pinocchio compared to our Raja ASS Klentong..Daulat Raja Ass Klentong lain kali sapu habis..!
What is the link of Perak royalty to Gamuda?
Anon909am....Bumi Boy has the answer above. Which Planet did you bounced off from?
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