YESTERDAY, in my contribution to ensure that the foreign media do not continue to malign neophyte PM, I intimated that the Minister of Information who got this information about the insidious move by the foreign press to unseat the PM, need to have what it takes to sue these foreign bodies. If he does not institute these initiatives he should concentrate on one of our enduring cultures....play marbles. I meant to but I forgot....also spin tops, fly kite or indulge in the mind-game called congkak.
Today, SKY, Malaysiakini columnist and my Sarawakian blogger buddy (Hornbill Unleashed), asks the 3-in-1 Minister to go eat cakes. Evidently, he was not very pleased that Dr Rais was blatantly bias in feteing, thru a sponsor, bloggers who were seemingly pro-BN except for Ancient Mariner's Capt. Yusof. SKY wrote; Recently, the new Information, Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim hosted a dinner for 50 ‘prominent’ socio-political bloggers at a local restaurant in a move to engage the New Media.
Raja Petra Kamaruddin and his gang of Barisan Rakyat bloggers were not invited; to ask the reason why would be stupid of me.
Rightly so Sim, but i would also like to remind the Minister of Communications that communications is a two way affair. I remember the coin has two sides. We, the Barisan Rakyat Bloggers, in the absence of RPK would love to engage with the Dr. Minister. No nasi kandar spread please, phulka or chapatti will do. It is healthier anyway. This way we can rush thru dinner and spend more time on issues and guidelines on healthy blogging.
I would ask the 3-in-1 minister to also invite the press whom he barred from his dinner with the prominent bloggers. The Barisan Rakyat Bloggers will pay for the media participants if the Minister has no budget for this engagement. For the Minister of Information's information, we are a strangely motley crowd of mixed ethnicity, all Anak Bangsa Malaysia. Our BRBloggers chapters in Sarawak and Perak would be thrilled to meet the Minister of Communications, you bet.
Dr. Sir, after the Penanti by-elections would be a good time to share experiences and do a kind of post-mortem. We will thus be able to give him a real hands-on PM unlike the ones conducted by the MOH DG. We anxiously await your invitation sir.
I would ask the 3-in-1 minister to also invite the press whom he barred from his dinner with the prominent bloggers. The Barisan Rakyat Bloggers will pay for the media participants if the Minister has no budget for this engagement. For the Minister of Information's information, we are a strangely motley crowd of mixed ethnicity, all Anak Bangsa Malaysia. Our BRBloggers chapters in Sarawak and Perak would be thrilled to meet the Minister of Communications, you bet.
Dr. Sir, after the Penanti by-elections would be a good time to share experiences and do a kind of post-mortem. We will thus be able to give him a real hands-on PM unlike the ones conducted by the MOH DG. We anxiously await your invitation sir.
Readers might want to know why SKY asked the Minister to go eat cake.
I bet this Menteri is still searching for ways to overturn the ruling of the ICJ which went in Singapore's favour. Because our neighbour's legal eagles far outshone his grey tissues between his ears. That must be the reason why he cannot entertain all the other bunch of bloggers. That's perfectly understandable.
Ah the pseudo intellectual Rais Yatim, the member of the United mamak National Organisation. He is one stupid Melayu man.
It is not that I am racist or anything, but when a bunch of Indians with Arab Reigion say they represent me, then that is crossing the line. Why can they not be proud of their glorious hindu civilisation of more than 5000 years old.
look at it in a bigger picture here.
ever since the newly inaugurated one was put in position they have gone on a PR blitz to "clear his ill repute" which is sticking like gum.
what he is doing is exercise in futility convincing the pro rather than the con.s and worst sidelining them as well.
conventional wisdom is that :
older you are the wiser be become ..
but this minister is older and dumber he becomes.
dont waste time on him i suggest.
Dear Zorro
I pity the Dr Minister. He has a serious mental block. To him, it is a 1 way street and that street ends up in being goodie goodie to Putrajaya.
I am more interested to know his list of 50 prominent socio-political bloggers.
And what the Dr minister did is actually not sincere. It is more of testing his marketability and also "touching" the water, in line with 1Malaysia PM6's concept. Soon, he will be back to his old rumbling self and threatening bloggers. Afterall, he is a political creature who will do anything for a cabinet post, including rebuilding the bridge that he "burnt" and has vowed never to re-construct.
So, instead of Dr minister inviting the BR bloggers, why not the BR bloggers extend an invitation for DR minister to attend one of anti ISA candle vigil and gulping down teh tarik and tosai at the usual place - Lotus restaurant. Next week is a good time...what say u Zorro. U can invite 2 sifu bloggers there too - Tun M and PM6...who knows they might come to join the party.
Zorro, you should know by now that the BN will not invite their so-called enemies to dine and talk with them. After all, you guys are lumped as bored housewives, communists, aliens and what have you. The 3-in-1 minister is trying to suck up to the pro-BN bloggers so that they will spin more nonsense for them now that people don't believe in anything their propaganda papers NST, Star or Utasan Malayu say. After all, do you really want to sit with the guy when all he says are rubbish?
Yes, he should eat some cake - the type that comes out from the other end of the alimentary canal.
Dipetik dari Suara Keadilan (dari markas Angkatan Muda Keadilan) (http://www.suarakeadilan.com/sk/beritautama/2009/04/4408)
Cadangan penalti RM50,000 bagi anggota dewan undangan negeri dan RM100,000 bagi anggota parlimen yang melepaskan jawatan tanpa sebab munasabah adalah satu cadangan keanak-anakan kerana tidak masuk akal kata Timbalan Angkatan Muda (AMK) KeADILan Faris Musa.
Berikutan kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Kedah Tan Keng Liang yang mahu penalty itu di kenakan keatas mana-mana Adun atau Ahli Parlimen yang mahu meletak jawatan tanpa sebab manasabah.
Beliau juga mencadangkan jika perletakan jawatan itu atas alasan bagi mendapat mandat baru daripada pengundi bagi Adun terbabit untuk menyertai parti gabungan, penalti itu perlu dikurangkan separuh.
Sementara itu, satu lagi kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Ahli Parlimen Jerlun, Mukhriz Mahathir menyokong supaya Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) mengenakan hukuman terhadap wakil rakyat yang meletak jawatan sesuka hati tanpa alasan yang kukuh.
Katanya, perbuatan meletak jawatan dalam kalangan Anggota Parlimen atau Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri pembangkang dengan sewenang-wenangnya, kini seolah-olah menjadi trend bagi memastikan parti mereka sentiasa mendapat perhatian.
Perbuatan itu katanya merugikan rakyat dan negara kerana pilihan raya kecil memerlukan perbelanjaan besar setiap kali diadakan, selain mewujudkan suasana tidak selesa dalam kalangan penyokong parti-parti yang bertanding.
Faris membidas kenyataan Tan dan Mukhris sebagai tidak masuk akal kerana amalan perletakan jawatan adalah perkara biasa yang diamalkan di negara-negara berasakan demokrasi.
“Kenyataan itu amat tidak masuk akal serta agak keterlaluan dan memihak kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional sahaja tanpa mengambil kira pendapat pihak lain,” jelas Faris kepada Suara Keadilan.
Ali Baba,
I was once a faithful follower of one blogger R..... long before the 308 election. Choosing between Haris and him then, i was figuring out which blog should I bookmark. I choosed him and through a series of write up articles, my guts feeling told me that something was not write. In a matter of 1 -2 mths, my suspicion was confirmed by other bloggers via their comments.
In short, people will know if they " spin more nonsense" . I never visit his blog now eventhough how captivating is the title.
Hi Bernard,
The BN has no end of clowns and ball bearers to be appointed to this important ministry. From the last three we have had, not one of them seem to make any logical statement. Their views do not carry the message of their leader the PM. The current one, 'a pseudo intellectual' as he has been termed does not sync with Najib's 1 Malaysia. He is out to divide rather than unite; the sole objective to keep BN in power for eternity.
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