From the day word got out that Penang Deputy CM 1 may quit his adun-ship, the new PM was fast in inferring (can't blame him though after losing 4) that BN might not contest the by-election because it was a WASTEFUL EXERCISE.
The NUT GRAPH's Jacqueline Ann Surin who comes as sharp as you can get, points out WHAT IS REALLY WASTEFUL:
If we were to extend the BN's logic further, Malaysians should also conclude that any other candidate who contests against the PKR candidate in Penanti is being irresponsible about how public funds are spent.
Already, former Penang Wanita PKR chief Aminah Abdullah has said she will contest as an independent candidate. Surely she deserves to be vilified, too, for creating a situation where public resources would be unnecessarily drained again.
What really is a waste of public funds isn't the necessary process of an election in a democracy. What really is, is when so much is spent by state agencies with little accounting for how the money was spent.
And as someone who files my taxes in full and on time, what irks me is not the messiness and costliness of the democratic process. What outrages me is when public funds are used to stifle democracy.
For example, when FRU and police are sent to disperse peaceful candlelit vigils, sometimes violently. Or when more than 100 tear gas canisters are lobbed into a crowd of peaceful Malaysians protesting because of a legitimate concern (I wonder how much each canister costs?). Or when state funds are used to maintain the Kamunting Detention Centre which continues to incarcerate people, without trial, under the Internal Security Act.
That the BN is instead focused on demonising a legitimate democratic process because they don't see the value in it is revealing. That they refuse to acknowledge public funds are really being wasted to undermine our democracy in concrete ways is even more significant.
Need Malaysians wonder anymore what the BN stands for?
What's that startling statistic again? RM3 million spent on recent by-elections by the EC... against RM31 million spent by PDRM to intimdate voters! Only in Bolehland...
4-1 the score
Favoring Pakatan in the by elections
Albino gets scared
When using the might and money
Yet the losses bruised its ego
Spending millions by the uniformed police
No breakdown of what they did
Is it hiding again from pubic scrutiny?
It is our tax money wasted unnecessarily
The black knight galloping away
One lance with a shield to hide
Telling his story but the truth
His supporters feel fatigue and disarray
The calling of Penanti
The waiting game begins
“Phantom of the Opera” singing
Only the wind.....millions you know
Base on report
EC spent $3 million
Uniformed police walloped over $31 million
So how did the money go?
No breakdown only beautiful figures
This is Bee Anne
Back doors saying it is legal
The people know waiting to unleash
The lies and corruptions
When GE 13 arrives
Write its own obituary
penanti buy-election : 23/5 then 31/5
here goes our blood $$$$$$$ again & again .....SIGH !!
What is REALLY Wastefull....
Previous Perak govt bought 16 Camrys at RM 158K each. Present govt wants to auction of the 16 cars at RM 148K each...Mamak Zambry say govt will not be losing..people will bid higher than reserved price..WTF...and buy Perdana V6..
High maintenance, high fuel consumption, low quality...Low Mentality....y cant use what is already bought..still bau kedai...
MB = MENTAL BLOCK(of wood)
rm31 million spent by the police? all our hard earned money down the drain and no accounting? let's bring these unscrupulous and irresponsible rascals to justice. but then again..
Ask and you shall receive ..... Military CS Tear Gas - Magnum Size at Army Surplus comes in at US$12.89 per unit.
LOL, I thought he(RPK) got balls and reminder to all who allows big ballroom, their balls may not stick at one place (or right place)!
Zollo, you better get you hiding place leaddy mahh... and dont forget your underwear this time..
No I don't know you because you have no balls (Pete has titanium balls)to even have a name. Us with names dont need to hide like U. Even illegitimate children are given names by their mothers whose husbands have run off and dare not give names to their offspring. We call these "some piece of shit". Are you one of these? You sound like them though....still hiding under U know me.
Dear zorro, plz dun entertain a loser like 'U know Me'.. cowards got no place here. Ask him to hide behind Stupid Perak MB haram's skirt
Premial, I have no intention to entertain him....I like to EXPOSE to readers cowards like him. That way, someone might give him a name. Thanks for visiting and for the feedback.
You said,
No I don't know you because you have no balls (Pete has titanium balls)to even have a name. Us with names dont need to hide like U. Even illegitimate children are given names by their mothers whose husbands have run off and dare not give names to their offspring. We call these "some piece of shit". Are you one of these? You sound like them though....still hiding under U know me
Uncle Zorro,
please dont call illegimate children 'some piece of shit' I have a child out of wedlock and I can guarantee you if u ever meet us you will praise my child for she is such a blessing. she is not some piece of shit, she is a gift from GOd. she is intelligent, witty and can have war of words with you and her replies can astonish you. and believe you me,she is a better child than those coming from 2 parent home.
you can call me as what all the righteous ppl inthis socity call me' immoral and loose woman' but dont go calling those kids. they didnt ask to be born ,they were simply given to us.
have a heart, I know that's hard to have as a man but dont brush all of us with teh same brush.
I understand what you said to the 'u know me' person but dont pick on illgimate children
Mum in tears
Mum in Tears. I regret using the word illegitimate. In anger I used this....I apologise for this unwarranted transgression. I could have used "children born out of wedlock" but then again this has some negative connotation. I know a few lady friends who wanted a child. Three of them have beautiful and intelligent kids....exemplary mothers they have turned out to be, nurturing bright, sensible kids. No MIT, i salute you ladies. Believe me, i used it to drive home a point that these kids have names. I never, have never, and will never denigrate single-mothers whose single mindedness can put some of us to shame. Will you forgive me if I have offended you. I AM asking for forgiveness. I need to know.
To inform u X-Rey, PERDANA has ceased production..the junk is no longer available. Resulting State to acquire other brands..such as Camry, if not Mercs or Volvo.
See why Zamry change his mind to intead maintaining the current unit.
To add also..any by-election will certainly boost the state popularity & financially. Business up, activity thrive, promises of project, funds pouring & injected etc.
No requirement of large police force or security. Cost & expenses shd be minimise if BN do not abuse the cost.
Kudos Jac for the excellent write up and summary. Keep it going and you make us, especially Penangites, proud of you ! A belated wish from me, Christopher, ex-Xaverian & Holy Spirit comrade.
Thanks brother Zorro for splashing this article & may God continue to bless you.
Muhammad Firdaus Christopher
Uncle Zorro,
I was offended by the remark you made and I pointed out to you but I can understand in what context you used such words. Perhaps today is a sensitive day for me, I cant find a reason to it. but no worries on the apology. It's good enough that you know the word you used caused pain,anyways, let bygones be bygones and I honestly dont keep it in my heart. At least I have spoken out what was in my heart and mind.
I kept my baby and he walked away but my life is blessed in abundance because of my child ,so life is good and is meant for living:)
as far as am concern, for those who are judgemental , my usual words are 'screw u all' :) hahahaha.
I am a very proud single parent Uncle Zorro and I am damn good at my job as a parent as well as a worker.
so take care and go for a beer:)
Mum in Smiles( i dont stay sad for a longtime)
Mum in Smiles....feel so much better now. In fact I was going to nurse some beers over my unforgivable remark....now I go enjoy them with Boom, Rodi and the Duke at the Wharf.
You sound like one who puts quality first in whatever you do. Allow this old fossil to buy this quality mum a few beers. By the way, "u know me" posted a reply but I rejected his comment, even after he volunteered a name.
Thanks again Mum in Smiles. Hug your kid for me.
Uncle Zorro,
I don;t drink beer, I think it's the smelliest thing ever,hahahhaa,sorry. once in awhile I am happy with a glass of port, red wine or champagne:) but no worries, go & grab beer and drink it on behalf of me.
Yes quality is very important to me. I send my child to a private school( not saying that to boast)but I want her to go to a school where she will not be discrminated for the colour of her skin and her having no father.
Somedays I have to work around the clock to pay for everything but I say again , I am truly blessed. God looks after us very well.
Hope you will have a good day and screw 'u know me' :) some idiots are not worth responding to
Mum in Smiles
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