For what this reference?
I have been wondering repeatedly on the choice of people the Government placed in some critical positions/agencies, like the Election Commission, the MACC, the Judiciary, as Ministers and Deputy Ministers and even the Cabinet.I agree with Tun Mahathir on his "unsavory" snap. I watch in consternation and utter disbelieve their shuffling, puerile utterings, indecision, and most of all their blandness and blatant disregard for ethics, integrity and self-respect. And these, the government claim are all honorable men! These men in honorable posts treat the rakyat as fools, easily duped.
But honorable men make honorable decisions. They have no masters. They are their own masters. They cannot be squeezed down there. Is the Chair of the Election Commission being (also) squeezed? The facts are all there before him and his troops. Why is there a delay in calling for a by-elections in Penanti. Performance NOW? A decision due today is postponed till Monday. Is he waiting for someone to whisper to him. Is the leash too tight?
Of course we do not discount that consultations with the powers that be is a prerequisite to safeguard your job and position, but when this becomes a chronic habit I have just one bit of admonition that I do not dispense easily and gratis:
A good read on the utterings of a "cornered rat" HERE in Malaysikiakini
A good read on the utterings of a "cornered rat" HERE in Malaysikiakini
You are barred from using the word 'whisper' from now on. Unless, of course if you agree to pay some royalty:-).
Nonetheless, an appropriate pic to go with your post. Just one look at his pic, this hypocrite is a brainless idiot. His eyes seems to be blank all the time. Probably, due to NEP induced complacency of the mind for far too long or over abuse of drugs.
I thought Najib was one lost case and now came this double moron.. With look like this, it's not a question of how good but how bad this one can be.
Well, we have already got the answers ever since he started work.
He definitely looked Wasted!
The EC called for a meeting with politicians on both factions ostensibly to inform them on new rules e.g. limiting the number of supporters who can avail themselves on nomination/polling day.
What's next? A ban on 'mexican waves' as evident during the Taiping event simply because it's not a malaysian culture?
Meanwhile, Jeff's littlebirdy has a third prediction after two came true -
Look for clues as it become apparent through the MACC/EC/MSM nexus.
Whisperer: sorry for infringement of property rights. Will me giving you my ears always, be good enough compensation? You got to have ears willing to listen to your whispers mah. Deal? And sealed (not my ear-drums though.)
Shar101....yep, the post was either "instigated or inspired" or both by Jeff's post.
Tell you what? Not only EC, MACC, Judiciary, Misters and deputy but the whole bunch that run the government are ball lickers. Incompetency and mediocre have infiltrated the system and it is so hopeless.
Mana ada harapan uncle?!!! Sicko and rubbish,
possibilities : (1) firus changes his mind = no buy-election = no work
(2) firus changes his mind = frogs
to bn; (3) .......!!.....??
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