Let's get one thing clear. PM Najib is a pragmatist. He is a smooth operator. He is a realist although he may swear on anything that he is none of the above. But such is the double-speak of politicians.
This is the only opportunity he will have to put to effective use the RM20 odd-million given to one Division Chief for the PP by elections. Poor Ariff complained about the absence of this sum during the PP by-elections. So this is the only time and he is going to nominate the errant Division Chief who was guardian of that money to use it for his candidacy at Penanti. Did I not say that the PM is a pragmatist. Isn't that smooth. I volunteer to swear on this. Even the lone MIC parrot, the HR Minister who said that by-elections are a frivolous use of taxpayers' funds would be told to stop parroting the PM's earlier utterings. One other thing about the PM, Not only he abhors parrots, he despises hand and ass smooching. How do you figure Perlis Shahidan got whacked? He stooped so low to kiss Najib's and Mrs PM read the body language. The rest of course is history now for the Perlis chap.
The trouble with Najib is that he has an over-supply of Yes Sir men and hardly any No Way Sir men (maybe Khairy....and possibly his Deputy.) Has anyone noticed this about UMNO. The PM and Deputy PM cannot work together because our PM never chose his running-mate. The running mate in UMNO is elected, just like Malaysia do not elect its PM, UMNO is given the divine right to elect one for all of US. Dang, how can that be? Why then do you think I blog for CHANGE for a NEW MALAYSIA and not 1 Malaysia.
A more professional (yes I mean it) overview on this in the Malaysian Insider story.
A more professional (yes I mean it) overview on this in the Malaysian Insider story.
Mahathir during his 22 years had horned "apple polishing" into a fine art. It's sickening to see how some politicians bodek their bosses. And they in turn expect others to pay homage to them. See how some civil servants who practically go down on their knees when greeting politicians.
Is PR still relevant?
Meanwhile, see how NST is trying to create a rift by publishing the news below today. This is part of the plan to get Fairus to tell that he is not resigning and that he will remain as independant ADUN.
As mentioned earlier, beware.
This is the first media campaign. Look out for the other vernacular media to write more from today till Wednesday 22/4, when the EC meets.
Do not be surprised, if the EC says that they have recd the 'latest' from Fairus and that there is no need for any by-elections.
Just keep Fairus away from these jokers who will try everything desperate to call off the by-elections.
Syed Husin criticises Fairus over comments
SHAH ALAM: Parti Keadilan Rakyat deputy president Prof Dr Syed Husin Ali lashed out at former Penang deputy chief minister Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin yesterday, saying his situation was different from that of other embattled party assemblymen.
Fairus had claimed he had not been defended by PKR as were Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong and former Bukit Selambau assemblyman V. Arumugam.
However, Syed Husin said Wong and Arumugam's situation was vastly different from Fairus's as the latter was facing various allegations, some of which the party "cannot defend".
"Wong has a right to do what she wants in the privacy of her home and her privacy was violated," he said.
He claimed Arumugam and his family members had been threatened to join Barisan Nasional and so had resigned instead. Syed Husin said Fairus's situation was different as he had weaknesses in terms of his duties to the people and was being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
"It is difficult to defend him," he said.
The campaign by the desperate and evil forces is picking up.
Another MSM, The Star, has reported as stated below.
Can anyone look into the vernacular media (Nanyang, Sin Chew and other in the 'MCA' controlled group) and see if this type of news is out?
The guys are moving fast - to ensure Fairus remains as ADUN, but independent.
Meanwhile, they will use this distraction to foucus on Perak and tighten their power grip which the public are very much against.
Guan Eng piqued that he was not informed of Fairus’ resignation
GEORGE TOWN: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is unhappy at the turn of events leading to the Penanti by-election.
Lim, who is also the DAP secretary-general, said he was faxed former Deputy Chief Minister (DCM) I Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin’s resignation as Penanti assemblyman only after the media was notified.
“As far as I am concerned, I knew only when the press contacted me. I am not happy with how everything has unfolded but if there is a vacancy, there must be a by-election.
“The whole (by-election) operation is planned by (PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim. I don’t know what is happening and neither do the PKR members themselves, so you have to ask Anwar,” he said.
Asked if PKR had failed to show respect and courtesy to Lim by not first informing the state of Fairus’ resignation before announcing it in the media, he said: “We (DAP) have shown a genuine spirit of camaraderie and co-operation but whether or not it has been reciprocated (by PKR), you have to ask Anwar.”
On whether the state would appoint an acting DCM I, Lim said he would keep his word and wait for Anwar to recommend Fairus’ replacement
I had given the Mahathir - Najib honeymoon to not last beyond the end of the year. Looks like Najib and Mahathir are on a collision course already and its hardly been even 18 days.
Someone told me I shouldn't be, but I am actually beginning to feel sorry for Najib already.
I am obviously taking the assumption that Najib has been inspired to 1Malaysia by what his father's Rukun Negara was dedicated to. After all after Mahathir came into power the Rukun Negara was as good as shafted down to oblivion and occasionally mentioned or chanted for the feel good factor.
The Rukun Negara is after all the National ideology. It was his father's contribution to the nation. And just look at what it was dedicated to:
Our Nation, Malaysia is dedicated to:
1 Achieving a greater unity for all her people;
2 Maintaining a democratic way of life;
3 Creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably distributed;
4 Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural tradition,
5.Building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology.
I would say that that, more than anything, is the legacy of the late Tun Razak. I would expect the son too to recognise that. I too would think as a son it would have been agonising seeing the legacy of the father being shunted into oblivion so that Mahathirism can take hold.
Is 1Malaysia an attempt at the reemergence of what the Rukun Negara is dedicated to? If so, I'm all for it.
Let them contest in Penanti and let them be defeated again, in peninsula we have the edge,Sabah and Sarawak will soon join us,if they don't contest then it will still be good for Pakatan Rakyat as it will be an automatic victory aginst BN and UMNO.
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