This next one is encouraging but I can't wait that long lah:
".....whence the next GE, you would scream so Looouuud at our win that the offending bone will dislodge itself in joining your ecstatic cries!!! and you will say finally ' i have no bone to pick', cause the offending body has been removed off the political landscape....failing that try eating a ball of rice, while doing a headstand..."
Lao' Cha of Bodohland forwarded me a link (Sarawakiana) about fishbone & throat cancer.
Kintakid brushed aside his wife's advise to drink lime....instead he said vodka would soften the bone faster. Your both aren't fighting over me huh? Most said swallow a ball of rice or banana whilst some claimed that doesn't work. Somebody told me to bear the pain as repaying vow in thaipusam!! Musa Susah dispensed this free: Perhaps love juice might do the trick. Its very low in pH. Hello Mus....you figure it is available easily....give me a lead lah......sheesssshhhh low in pH!!!!
Many gave Toyolbuster's suggestion the thumbs up: Get Rosie to do a striptease and you may throw up even the most rusty of anchors you may have consumed over the bubbly years.
My buddy Antares came up with an uncommon cure: I suggest you invite Idzan ismail over & swallow him whole, Zorro. This creature comes across as such a slimeball he'll dislodge the fishbone as he goes down the gullet. When you next go to the loo, make sure you flush twice! (aside: this idzan revealed to me that she is female....but I have reservations that he is a man trapped in a female's body)
A one-time commenter Nostradamus appeared out of the blues with this gem: Stand in your doorway and with one leg outside the doorway and one leg inside the doorway, just say out aloud "Fish Bone go away!"
KTemoc gave me an insight into teochew lore but ended thus: But seriously speaking see a doctor, not witch but medical one wakakaka.By the way, I love this post of yours, not because you're suffering, but I can 'connect' ;-)
Shah 101 as usual showed his sinister concern: Knock, knock! Yer still breathing, Z? You need no enemies when you have friends like him.
Frankly and honestly, your hilarious input was discussed over dinner tonight and we all laughed and out it came.
I'm laughing imagining you laughing and the fish bone dislodging with a mighty "katui!" So glad you're better now :) Really enjoy your blog and your ballsy thoughts. Sending you "wellness" and "happiness" karmas. Jules.
GODBLESS ! (pakcin)
Suggest you keep the fishbone as a lucky talisman, Zorro. Could encase it in amber or clear silicon and wear it around your neck (better out than in). May have even more remarkable effects than your quantum pendant ;-)
Thank God the boner is gone:)
Dear Uncle Zorro,
Thank God for that. From the response, you can say we can't bear seeing people in pain, which is good.
Indeed, laughter is the greatest medicine! Cheerio!
Rodi is wronglah. Anything French is definitely in and trendy.
wooohooo....the bone that tickled our funny bones is out!
Uncle Z, were you tear-ing up with laughter when doing this article cos his name is "Tojo" and not as you have written. duhhhh.
And Eric, just so everybody is happy, let it be deeeep frenching, ok Rodi?
Keep safe Uncle Z !
God Bless Zorro. Rodi absolutely agrees on the deep french thingmy.
Peace Admiral Tojo
My mum taught me to swallow a wet gauze. She was a nurse in Taiping.
if toyol got poked with fishbone in his bloody throat = should we pray for him too !?
mca boss OTK said he din agree with dpm who said babicinas r ungrateful but he agreed that dpm has his right to his own opinion = dpm lied !!??
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