Yesterday, the Malaysian Insider, featured Raja Nazrin defence of the monarchy against ridicule. I personally found the contents JUICELESS. The rakyat always respects the monarchy. It is in our constitution. However, respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned. We never interferred with the royals, unless the royals inteferred with our lives. The royals influence our lives, but we object when they allow politicians to influence them.
When we ridicule, there is always a reason. Primarily because we commoners have no other recourse. So we ridicule to show our anger. Normal citizens would not, for frivolous reasons ridicule or get angry with our rulers. When we are robbed and when the authorities, pledged to protect us, do little or nothing, we ridicule them becasue we are angry with them. When politicians on both sides monkey around we ridicule them becasue we are angryWhen our judges become a joke, we redicule them because we are angry and incensed that learned men could blatantly prostitute their code to continue to warm the lofthy bench. When the Royal Commission of the Lingam tapes took no action, we redicule them because we are angry! Why? It is a ROYAL commission, and not a domestic inquiry. We cannot redicule the royals because they only lent the royal adjective to whatever commission. Isn't this an insult to the word Royal. So we redicule the commission.....becasue they did shit all after the commission. Not a whimper. The common man who does not ridicule and get angry at this is an uncommon man.
Why cannot we get angry....it is a natural emotion even in the lower live forms? Have we a choice?
PERAK is not a common state. Our tin mines and our rubber estates enriched the country and contributed to the Industrial Revolution. The first railway line chugged from Port Weld/Taiping. Perak had illustrious sons and daughters in sports, civil service. We are proud to be Perakians. Perak exported many of its sons and daughter towards the betterment of other states. However, over the years, Perak was left behind but we swallowed our pride and flowed with the tide. Perakians were very aware of the corruption rampant in the country. Perakians knew the cause of this malady. In 2008, PERAKIANS MADE THEIR STAND. But within a year, their votes were forfeited by illigitimate unscrupulous manipulations. YOU ARE NOT ANAK PERAK IF YOU ARE NOT ANGRY WITH THIEVES.
Which loyal sons and daughters of Perak would not get angry. It is lucky that we only redicule and that because we are angry. But becasue we Perakians are not DUMB, we will voice our dissent.
If Raja Nazrin, our future Sultan thinks it is rIdicule.....so be it. It is just semantics and juiceless?
Bernard, they are all the same, my man. No point wasting our breath and energy sucking up to all these people. We must stand on our own two feet and carefully choose the right party to lead us....that's PR!
Hey, who is sucking up to all these people?
Arrogance! All these people need to get out from their high chairs and comfort of their homes paid by Malaysian tax-payers, to mingle with the crowd to feel the pulse of their subjects/Perakians.
How not to expect Rakyat/Perakians to feel angry when "Highway Robbers" are hurriedly rewarded, an endorcement of their actions?
Futile efforts at trying to recoup what is lost.....
The only cure is to dissolve assembly and call for state elections...
In Malaysia there is this common occurence...A man falls ill suddenly. The doctor says there is only one cure and prescribes his medication. What does he do? He goes to his local Bomoh!!...
We are all missing the point. The problem began when the PR was unable to manage its slender majority in the Assembly. The various frogs threatened the PK and they wre not able to control them.Where were the leaders?
I hope that the lesson of Perak remains in the minds of PR and that they will get on with the task of providing the much talked about good governance.
For what is worth, I would like them to maintain a clean image. It will be of no use if you are cleaner. You must be clean and seen to be clean.Ramalx
Anti-bomoh....I wanted to get this off my chest. I wanted to dispute what Nazrine postulated. I can do that cant I? Only Perakians can take back their state and mine is a minimum contribution which I am entitle to as a Perakian.
Ramlax...spot on.However we want their candidates to be CLEAN and not seen to be clean....many chose to close one eye, no?
My last iota of respect for the Monarchy evaporated after hearing the Perak Sultan honor that USURPER Zombie Zambry the thief - in defiance of the righteous indignation of the people of Perak. The Sultan and the Usurper are birds of the same flock...
A Monarchy that does not protect the people against the tyranny of the State has forfeited all its warrant to continue.
Let the Bastille be stormed and torn down.
At the end of my career with the government, I encountered some problems and a friend told me "never argue with an idiot as you will never win" And this has been my reminder to all my sons and friends.
Keep it up brother and GOD willing we will win.
The earlier statement coupled with the latest suggests that father and son would, much against their publicly avowed stand of 'no interference in politics', prefer
an UMNO/BN regime.
How else are we to interpret the statement that the main institutions of our Democracy are being attacked purely to gain power.
So, this claim of being above politics and neutrality does not gel with the reality of actions. And actions alone above all else signal intent.
We do not expect perfection from our Royalty. We do not expect them not to make mistakes. They are human like anyone else and susceptible to the occasional faux pas.
But we do expect them to let us choose our Government when there is massive doubt. We expect them not to be manipulated for lucre!!
monsterball SIR, where r u ? Salute you man !!
Good one uncle Z !
I like to believe Malaysians of all races love and respect the Royalties. It's been our Malaysian way of life. But we do not see them as semi-Gods and they can just be as fallible like any human person. Earn our respect. Do not expect this respect to be coerced. In England the Monarchy is criticised when they step out-of-line. Why should it be any different here?
The cakap tak serupa bikin disease is very rampant in this country.
the level of ridicule commensurates directly and sometimes proportionately to the level of idiocy.
right behaviour begets the right responses. and the reverse follows.
In the past, many people were quick to praise him sky high when he spoke something promising. It was same as Pak Lah who spoke those catchy slogans & all people praised him too. At last, all are nothing but cakap tak serupa bikin.
Really fed up. I wish there is a divine intervention ASAP. Or is God on vacation??
Master will meet u one day am d anyms that askd u if you catch my drift on chivas like they say in hokkien chiga lang si seng lampa pa lan eh lang n master i am not chinese.CHEERS.
Respect must be earned
It isn't through law and demand
It is through one's conduct and services
That one's name singing with the breeze
Respect isn't send by courier services
Respect isn't written in any law
Respect is only given on one's deeds and action
For respect must be from self to the next.....
But what do have in this century?
We are conned in every part of our existence
We have enough of the speeches no action to correct it
Even history the power that be wants to change
What our lay man can do?
The ordinary people going out incognito
Even that the corrupted uniform officers never try us proper
We are intimidated even on peaceful night vigils
We ask for help....
Our rulers ignore our pleadings
Writing memorandums all for nothing
Even signing petitions come to naught
Yet we don't lose respect for the rulers
We still hope they will defend the last post
Against the alleged corruptors in the country
Respect of the Judiciary
Ah the learned federal judges of the law!
When they can ignore subtly of our Federal Constitution
Just to suit the Harm Noh......
Our pillars of check and balance conveniently forgotten
For the people are angry when the federal judges too trap in darkness
Our respect for ourselves
Amongst those we share the common gaols of life
Of politics, of economy, of social gathering
And the common grounds of the country
So respect must be earned
Nothing on a silver platter
Crafted crafty speeches
When action fails it is just nothing
The story of this joker again.
Anonymous April 20, 2009 9:06 PM said...
….monsterball SIR, where r u ? Salute you man !!..
Lia pigi sembah Hantu First Emperor mau minta fire power mau tukar jadi dragon.
Pai pai
When you win, the people are with you,
When you lose, the sultan is against you.
When you win, the people are with you,
When you lose, there's are phantom voters.
You can't lose.
OOOiii Apa nonsense kamu kat sini?
Go teach the Brahmins to respect you first Dey!
1000years ini pasal they still refused to touch you!
Jangan merapu kat Perak lah.. tak suka balik Tamil Naidu..Tutup cerita!
Zorro.. this is by far one of your greatest post!
Me can feel it!
.."However, respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned. "
zorro.. what happened to haris?
i hope he's fine.
just cant wait for the days when rpk is back, u are as fit, and haris back up and kicking again..
but it's sad.. we only have 3 superheroes out of 28 million population? where are the rest??
new younger superheroes who fight corrupted lying and selfish motherfucking politicians and government officials should rise up!
the like of Antares and DElcapo.. but somehow their superpower aint quite there yet.. where's Prof Xavier!??
We need MORE young warriors!
We've already lost a powerful one to the dark side. Guess you all know who.
Please for those of you younger ones who cares about the country and love to blog.. please rise up and practice and become the future bunch of Superheroes which Malaysia needs badly.
The more I watch this pale yellow man with his father, the more I want to spit at them. They are just like leeches on earth.
Correct me if I am wrong but Raja Nazrin is not a shoo-in to be the next Sultan.
Isn't the Perak Sultan position rotated amongst 3 families (or am I mistaken or have events overtaken this presumption of mine)?
I believe the father of Sultan Azlan Shah wasn't the Sultan of his time, hence my rationale.
Uncle Bernard,
I hope the Sultan of Perak have a royal conscious towards the people of Perak.He is the symbol of respect whereby his subjects have proudly respected him truthfully all the while.Why suddenly he has drifted away from his royal subjects and the state is now in quadmire?I hope he open-up his mind like the lord president he used to be and think of his subjects deeply.
A very simple fact. If a person wants to gain respect or love from others. He or she has to respect or love himself/herself and others too.
God knows, the people know too!
How about him/her?
That is known as Royal Embellishments???
It is a known fact that anybody for any reason resorts to racial and religious demagoguery for the purpose of justifying their actions is a racist and bigot. That include the royalties.
Malaysia is not a 15 th C state, it is a multicultural and multi religious country because times have changed and as a result anyone considered to be a leader of the country is supposed to be leader for all regardless of race or religious profession.
Unfortunately the royalty of the silver state in this matter still stuck in the unmo’s rut and that is not the problem. The problem is that they were SCHEMERS..
They are supposedly to be the symbol of pride and trust FOR ALL but apparently are not up to it because they have too much “interest” at stake. That is understandable but then to be SCHEMING with bn behind peoples’ back that is a no no. SCHEMER in layman’s term is HYPOCRITE. Anyone knows that in royal term???
How convenient for some people to present so eloquently the hope – false hope that is – for the purpose of embellishments.
It is never too late to find out. Better late than never.
We are very naive if we think the royals will come to our rescue. Royal households depend entirely on the government of the day. They are not unlike Class F contractors as far as dependency is concerned. So self preservation comes first. How do we think companies linked to royal families can grow so huge?
However or whatever it was the people did in response to the palace's action in installing Zmbry and the BN exco, was it a response that can be categorised as hatred for the monarchy?
Nazrin's speech as well as that of the Sultan's predicates on the assumption that the people's show of defiance or contempt was motivated by hatred.
I beg to differ. It was not hatred. It was disappointment. It was dismay. It was shock and horror. It was a let down. It was sadness. You don't hate your father or your child just because he or she may have let you down.
It may be convenient to the Royals to regard this episode as one arising out of hate. But I cannot recall any act of hate that was reported. But taking the attitude that it was hate for the royals we now hear a lot of "noise " coming from the Royals. But when I read the wish list I think its being directed to the wrong people. It should be directed to UMNO!
to anon 8.47 PM,
I would like to add to that:
"never argue with an idiot as you will never win and they will beat you with experience"
And thank you, Uncle Zorro for reminding us that deceits come in many forms.
Dear Uncle Zorro,
men are really weird beings. I thought fatherhood could make them think straight, make them ponder of what future will be for their children...thats so sad. IN his case, fatherhood makes him...kindly fill in the blank please...
Uncle Zorro, with God's willing, see you in Ipoh next month! Take care Uncle Zorro
Purple Haze....yes not a shoo-in. Something similar to what transpired in the Seremban household where the rightful one is finally installed after decades. In Perak, the shoo-in could have been part of the bargain squeeze plus gamuda gambit.
Old Fart....spot on that final UMNO bit.
Fisha....shout out at me if you see me on the 7th.
Shank, I am looking forward to a royal mother of all satire on this...or did I miss it? Cheers fren.
Trouble started when Royalties became businessmen. As businessmen their priority is not towards the welfare of their clients. It is making as much money as possible.
So when a royalty becomes a businessman, he forgets about his duties and obligations to the welfare of his subjects.
If the royalties had just remained as sultans/raja of their states and the largesse provided for them, they would not have stooped to the lower and baser instincts of businessmen.
What Nazrin, his father and some of the other rulers espouse is just to show off their euridition but lurking behind is avarice at the expense of the rakyat.
Respect has to be earned but in Bolehland all these chemeleons demand respect.
How to respect when they do not care for the rakyat? They do not even respect the wishes of the rakyat who send so many petitions of appeal to correct the apparent mistakes of the government in usurping the rightful choice of the rakyat.
If royalties want to be businessmen, they should abdicate their royal position.
Don't try to have the cake and at the same time eat it. It won't work.
The Rakyat is KING. The quicker they realise this, the better for them, whoever they are.
Shalom Admiral Tojo
Let's learn to ride on the new waves
Since we no longer live in old caves
With each generation let there be more braves
To replace those who need to retire in their graves
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 210409
Tue. 21st Apr. 2009.
Dear Zorro
Good article - well said!
Keep up the good work and hope to join you all one day.
To Ketuanan Rakyat!
If one cannot be righteous, don't preach righteousness.
That's hypocrisy.
Thanks for your reply and always good to have "just the facts".
As for Shanks, I believe he is visiting many blogs as I see his trail everywhere, hence must is "busy".
Hi Zorro
The Perak situation was heaven sent for satire. Here's my response posted today at http://donplaypuks.blogspot.com/
'Thy Kingdom Come' or 'between my thighs'!!
The only cure is to dissolve assembly and call for state elections...
web design
I believe he is visiting many blogs as I see his trail everywhere, hence must is "busy".
malaysia seo
everyday is busy
fire fighting traning
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