But that’s how
viewed the
Japan Tsunami!
Is this how
this cartoonist, wet his pants to get involved in
a tradegy?
Malaysian Insider has the sordid sorry HERE.
Also Uppercaise HERE
This zov is in the kampong reserve league compared to Premier Leaguers like Reggie Lee & Zunar
Japan tries to avert nuclear meltdown; tsunami may have killed 10,000
I pray for Japan, today, not for yesteryears.
A 1st world country is having such a magnitude of problem. I heard a 3rd World country PM is declaring the country he is in is ready for nuclear reactors. I m unclear can they be able to contain better?
Shame on them when most of us watch with tears in our eyes the destruction suffered by the people in Japan, they have the cheek to make fun of the tragedy! Is there no conscience or have they lost their souls?
biasalah, ini niat jahat berita harian. satu akhbar tandas.
Sad and cant stop my tears seeing the country promoting dumbo dumno journalism, day in day out.
Are we ready for brain meltdown?
Bodoh punya UMNO paper. Best used as toilet paper. Really2 senseless and heartless. Am I surprise coming from an UMNO paper?
You can't blame him. But this is the culture taught and instilled by BTN, Madey and UMNO. They have been brainwashed almost everyday. Even in schools they are teaching the young the art of ridiculing and humiliating other races. Now they have extended internationally by making fun of the Japanese disaster. What can we expect from "hyenas" which gains pleasure by witnessing other's sorrow and pain.
Colonel Yamashita.
This is not just gutter journalism, it's just show all the jamban papers in the country are full of sickos & dickheads.
In turn all those papers are own by the ruling parties which are full of stupid & incompetent leaders, as labeled by the kiasu.
God, pls have mercy on these evil beings !!!
Did the Japanese soldiers raped his mother & grandmother during WW2. Yes ?
poking fun at others misfortune...
this is what their boss call 'malaysia bolih' !!! as shown by those 1bangsats in bh...
The whole world is praying and sending aids to the victims of this tsunami.And we got an editor from berita harian making fun out of it. To this edidor i can say pukimak and hope when you kick the bucket your god will make fun of you too.
Inability to show empathy for the suffering of others --- sign of a personality disorder
Dont worry, the majority of people in Malaysia lack civic minds! Only 10% hv, very sad!
"Burit-a Harian apologizes for..."
Why want to apologize? when those assholes have every intention to make fun of the Japanese sufferings.
On one hand pretending to sympathize with Japanese by announcing a rescue team ready to assist but on the other, having his party newspaper poking fun their misfortune... This fat arse boy is a bigger hypocrite than the mamak kutty.
This Zoy really got talent.
Hei Zoy, how about drawing a picture of the PeeM Najis on his "toilet bowl" or the DPM MOO Din as fat cow munching on weed, meh!. It will certainty enable your crappy paper a total sold out!
Somebody should send a copy to the Japanese newspaper! They must know that even Ultra-man cannot save Japan from disaster!
Burita Harian SUCKS!
Seems like you have nothing better to blog.
Making a meal of this!
What a typical Opposition Menality!
These are the products of BTN and Mahathirism and UMNO-BN.
My dear Anon201am...looks like you are the only oddball rooting for this slime ball cartoonist whom you would relish having a meal with! Understandable, shit smells the same everywhere except for texture and mass. Typically from a BN mentality dump site.
Bet this so called cartoonist idiot n Burit Harian never even bother to get the copyright owners permission to use the copyrighted cartoon. If others do it they will want to jihad.
anon 2:01am
I think zorro has said all I wanted to say about you but may I add, this has nothing to do with Opposition mentality you damn simpleton . It has to do with sensitivities of a people in dire times. Never poke fun of other people's misfortune. If you cannot say/draw anything nice, just don't say anything at all. SHUT UP ! That's what this garbage BH is all about ! That's gutter journalism !And this episode has once again gone world-wide via the internet. Giving fodder for the world to rate and condemn our mentality and our standard of journalists.
Shame on you....you are a real juara kampung. Sheeeesh !
That si why we need Mat Kilau and Tok Janggut to burn down these Racist Papers and their Printers.... Go google and if Angry enough .... Practice Archery....then with fire at tip and let go.....
You can google to find out where these Scums of UMNO and tax payers funded papers gets printed.....Make these UMNO racist lackeys Un-employed!!.... Burn them down.....do it quietly, unknown and unseen..... Keep up the disrutption of UMNO racist tools.... Today you may be a crminal...tomorrow Hero.... Why wait.... UMNO racist must go like Gadaffi.....nothing else matter ... A mind set thing!...... Oh yes and I am sure the malay editor prays 5 times expecting Allah to see his Compassion!!...Macam Allah buta!!...Berambus....Sumpah Keluarga UMNO dan Kroni UMNO Racist kena Bencana!!!
May I ask what is wrong with that cartoon? Did it harm anyone physically apart from their ‘cold hearted’ feeling?
Perhaps, you lot so called experts here forgot that in 1938, The Japs murdered more than 300,000+ Chinese in Nanking, what do you say about that? Has the Japanese government said sorry to the Chinese apart from a mere lip apology? What is wrong with you people? Have you forgotten what your had learnt at school?
Go and read all about it re: The Rape of Nanking” on Wikipedia. You don’t have to read the entire story. Just read those eye witness accounts by the two foreigners at the time of the invasion (a German and American). More than 300,000+ Chinese (soldiers, ordinary people, women and children) were murdered by the Japs army and here you feel sorry for the death of just 10,000+? Every time when I saw an old Japanese man on telly, I would asked myself this question, was he in Nanking in December 1938? How many innocent Chinese did he murder? Was his hands still covered with Chinese blood?
Even as late as 2007, the LDP party still denied that the Rape of Nanking did really happened. Still feeling sorry for the Japs?
Go on and read the story before coming back here and tell me I was wrong. No one was safe during that Jap invasion. Even old women were raped. Children as you as 3 years old. Chinese fathers forced to rape their daughters, sons forced to rape their own mothers. Either they (Japs) raped your children or you do it right infront of them. Either way, after they finished with you, they all ended up death.
My own mother was teased by the Japanese invasion army briefly in Canton. Luckily nothing happened to her. My mother seldom talked about this.
To the bloody Japs, this is Karma!
judge the dog by its owner ... UMNO.
The earthquake and the tsunami incident affects the entire world directly or indirectly.
It will affect the economy of the whole world . ( including umnoputras economy) . Even China is offering their help to the Japanese.( which is a rare case)
But over here at home , we have umnoputars poking fun.
バカ野郎 "baka yarou" to Burit Harian and utusan .
Anon 10.16...
So, tit for tat huh?
Last tsunami hit Indonesia & hundreds of million lost their lives... give us a fucking good reason why it happen.
Is it karma also? Or is it just simply a big screw-up by the almighty?
So pray & pray harder... And hope this thing don't happen when you & family are there for holiday... you know, the karma thing.
Fucking embarrassment, thats all I got to say.
It reflects the failure of NEP and poor education system, as well as the deepening woes of malay dilemma (we do not need further explanation from mamakutty).
Burit Harian is really a good name for this junk paper.
Mahathir knows better than LKY on desalination? That is what his book said and you gullible Malaysians start to believe that? Do you know Singapore has desalinated the whole Kallang basin and has also started exporting the technology to the Middle East? If you know what need to be known, that is the beginning of wisdom. If you don’t know what you don’t know, you are a farting idiot. Mahathir also said we can use our foreign reserves to boost our economy. Obviously he does not know what exactly foreign reserves are and he was PM for 22 years. Now you know why this country is in deep sh!t. How smart can a kutty be other than sending coffins to their own homes before they are dead.
Anon 12.37
Oh, it hurts. A right blow under my belt and this is not illegal either. I expected this. No worries there. I can dish it out and I can take it in too.
Obviously you have no relatives came from the Nanking region.
Where the fucking hell was you when the Sokarno regime killed and murdered millions of Chinese Indonesians in the 60s? Sleeping in your warm bed, or you had some form of selected memory issue? What about the raping and killing of Chinese girls some 10 years ago in Indonesia following the Asian currency crises? Did you recall the local Chinese girls were forced to wear home made chastity belts? Another memory lost there? Have you seen those pictures yourselves? I have. Did you? Oh, I am sorry that perhaps your local newspaper failed to report that either.
If I had to encounter a Tsunami while on holidays with my family, this will be my reaction: -
-My Air fares for the family $5,000
-Shopping, gifts and all other expenses say $10,000
-Seeing a Tsunami coming my way for no hope of seeing another day – Priceless
If I have to die this way, then it will be my Karma, for all the bad deeds I may have done in my previous life. At least I would stand up to my responsibility.
What about you? Trying to cover up your guilt in your last life by showing your fake sympathy now, hoping that you will avoid this?
First, burit harian is now championing its local hero Merong Mahawangsa (or Mamak Mahalupabangsa?) to be a local ultraman.
Second, Najib is not the reason why Taib had been sitting on the throne for 30 years, but his moral integrity is put in serious doubt because of his inaction in getting the Sarawak CM investigated for corruption and abuse of power.
In fact in the Sibu 2010 "buy-election" his now infamous "you help me, I help you" speech has been parodied as the epitome of BN's corruption.
Anon 12:37 PM
Just in case you are not intelligent enough to look for information, have a read of this.
Still sleeping?
anon 10:16,
you certainly are also anon 2:01am and certainly the most stupid moron to blame the children for the sins of their fathers'. This is a natural disaster now in Japan and not a man made war where both side will resort to atrocities without any rules. Why are you so bitter to what happened in the Nanking war ? Do you also know what torture the Chinese did to captured Japanese ? That was a war, moron ! for you it has to be an eye for an eye and only then you'd be happy huh ? Shame on you now. Bet you'd also not drive a car or TV any other product from Japan if you could afford it, right ? You are as tasteless as that cartoonist. Karma indeed you idiot ! Go get a life and not dwell on revenge of the sins of your fore-fathers, you stupid worm !
Mohd Zohri Sukimi may not know that Ultraman is a post-war national hero in Japan.
How do you react if someone drawing a cartoon showing Sgt Hassan running away from communist?
anon 1016am
itu cerita lama laaaaa...
Ini cerita tsunami 2011, and BH make fun on the suffering of the Jap. Apa kena mengena dgn cerita semasa perang dulu... come on laaaa bahlul
Karma taik kucing....
Compassion conquers All including oer enemies.
Be calm… think, think…. Now I am ready.
Moron, worm... nice. A bit of curry flavour would be nice.
For someone who loves karaoke, sudoku, hmmmm you are more Jap that whoever you are. Strong words used here, but I can take it all in, and happy to do that too. I must have hurt your strong Japanese feeling! I am so the sorry here! Here, have a beer on me!
Go and check your fact on the sino-japanese war first. Was it really a war or just purely an invasion of no reasons at all? Did the Chinese started this first? Did the Chinese wanted this? Of course you don’t have a clue. No wonder the Ministry of Education is now making the history subject compulsory now. It is people like you that failed the system. Do some facts finding first like the other wormy moron too before biting on my arse. My small arse is still intact. Is yours still there?
As for what I have at home here….that is none of your business, but since you asked, Life is Good and it’s 55 inches wide LCD. DVD player cina buatan and it plays all craps you put in! Public transport, tram, train and sometime by bus, one fare for all day.
What else do you want to know? Perhaps a mole on my butt too?
Just for the records, my mother's uncle was killed (murdered) by the Japs in Canton during the Japs invasion. He was not even involved in the army or politic.
My mother seldom talked about this, except in few occasions called the japs as monsters, bastards or animals.
Oh, my Beer drinking friend, it's me again...that guy you called moron wormy. I am so the happy now.
Here, have a beer on me, cheers!
Anon @ 14 March 1.50pm,
Yes, when the day comes and you and your family are swept away by a tsunami, we will all gather around and say "Yup, this is his karma and he was very happy with his priceless end result".
By the way, give us your name so that we can post your orbituary in berita harian.
Anon 3.31 PM
Yes, that was long time ago, but until the Japanese government openly apologies in writing, and admit their guilt to all the Asians countries they invaded during WW2, this will never end. As I said in one or my previously posting, in 2007, the LDP party still openly denied the event of the Rape of Nanking.
If history has taught mankind well, one must not do anything bad to others that their children may get the blame for it for generations to come. This is why the history subject is so importance!
Have a good look at Germany. I have no problem with them. They openly apologized for what Hitler during the war and duely paid their compusations.
Just in case you want to know my Japs friend, I too like photography too. Guest what, like you, I too have a canera too, and the brand says L E I C A….ops, I am sorry that I didn’t buy one from your Japanese mate. Sorry lah, maybe next time okay
Your Moron wormy friend. .
HAHAHAHA...I CANT BELIEVE ALL THE COMMENTS MADE BY ALL SICK BASTARDS...YOU ARE SAYING UMNO AND EVEN YOUR PM a najis....isnt that more racists then telling others that they are racists...WTF...stop blaming other race for all this shit...get yourself a life...you sick bastards...
Anon 5,14 PM
I will surely keen you posted, just in case.
From the moron wormy stupid guy.
Wah ! That anon 10.16, damn selfish la ! Want to have the next tsunami all for himself & his family...
Anyway, next year is 2012... Let's pray the whole human race goes in the blaze of glory. Ok? And everything kautim!
Btw arsehole, still makan & having time of your life in jap sushi joint ? family still glue to that idiot jap led screen every evening ? wifey still buying shiseido junk to plaster up her face?
Hate all those but simply can't live without them... huh?
And to that, you called priceless? Man, your life sure suck, big time!!!
Anon 5.52,
U r so, so rite, suddenly u, we & the rest have turn into 1bastard race...
We should always be more "Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu" right? No?
Anon 10.16...
For a moment we thought u are an intelligent fler...
not until u let the whole world know you got your info from wiki... an unconfirmed, unreliable source of info posted by amateur.
You just simply can't keep your stupidity from surfacing... huh?
OK you two guys, that's enough. It is becoming personal. PEACE and stay focused on the topic.
Read in today's papers that the Japanese government has asked the Najib's administration not to send his offered Smart rescue team to Japan, whereas they accepted help from other countries like NZ, Australia, China, Russia, etc..... In all probability, they read and were informed of the BH's insulting cartoon!!LOL, and shame on you UMNO!!
I can't understand what the atrocities of a war fought more than 50 years ago has to do with having compassion for a people who are suffering a natural disaster. Yes I agree that the Japanese caused a great deal of suffering during the war but they too suffered greatly for it. Remember the thousands who died in the fire bombings of Tokyo and of course Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But that was a time of madness and people have since moved on. Apparently some still haven't. Imagine if we were hit by a major disaster and someone said it was punishment for May 13? Times like this require us to look beyond and express our prayers and good wishes for their speedy recovery not mock their suffering.
I cannot sleep thinking of my friends in falia of japan and mr yabu and his family.may allah swt protect and blesses you all.
You can't blame that Zoy. With all the insensitivity they have been spewing between them and Utusan over Malaysia's own citizens, everything is game isn't it? Remember the insensitivity over the Bible banning like as if its a vulgar book? Remember the defiling of the sacrament? Remember the cow head? All of that was o.k. But see Rocky's latest post about what is insensitive? Did not know he even knew the meaning of the word.
So you see, by their own practice, they have given a new meaning to the word insensitive and stupid. Going by that meaning, this Ultraman cartoon is just a normal part or extension, in that this impacts a foreign country and a foreign people.
Shadow, without a shadow of a doubt you have expressed like sentiments that most of us share and uphold in such trying circumstances. Thank you
Zoy is so low class.
Zunar 10000% better.
By the way, did you see Lat's latest cartoon on NST? I suppose the Japanese will say thanks, but no thanks.
By the way,why a kutty can be a bumi but not a chitty?
Anon Mar 14 8:27pm
Eh dont ferget SINGAPORE daaah
We sent 5men + 5 dogs
Wat to do being little red dot mah
Sori ah Zorro, I poke2 you Malaysians sikit2.
That cartoon so damning to Malaysians, esp Malays (incl me lah) hais .....
Red Dot....5men+5dogs. They don't want any from us.....not even our FLOM Pendek. They will not forgive Zoy.
Anon1048...I was asked the same question over brunch: Why Kutty can and Chitti cannot?
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