Maha kecil said...
I am buying Mahathir's biography today.
I am willing to sponsor 10 copies to you all.
Want it Zorro? Any other takers?
March 8, 2011 12:45 PM
zorro said...
Mahal kecil....don't be a scrooge...where 10 copies enough. At least 30 lah for my UMNO friends who are still deciding to cross over to DAP or PAS. Tell me where I can pick them up from you. Be a darling and get me thirty ok?
March 8, 2011 1:14 PM
Maha kecil said...
Sorry Zorro, 10 is the only copy allocated for me as an UMNO cyber trooper.
But I will try to get Mahathir to give 20 more when I go for the book-signing.
Have a nice day.
March 8, 2011 1:18 PM
zorro said...
Maha....use your power of persuasion mah! OK lah for where do I meet you for pickup. Can I buy you a few rounds of Yamasaki Single Malts in gratitude for thinking of me. Cheers kawan.Keep well.
March 8, 2011 2:53 PM

I meant to do a posting on this but IWD2011 and 308 3rd Anniversary had to take priority. I remember DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE like it was yesterday. I will tell you why. Our science teacher in St. Xavier’s Penang, Mr. Cornelius (God Bless His Soul) was scheduled to begin the chapter on Reproduction. He opened his violin case. It puzzled us as to the connection between Violin and Reproduction. Whilst he was tuning Akasha whispered to me: “Violin shape of women lah.” That figures of course when Mr. Cornelius played “I Am In The Mood For Love”. He played beautifully being 1st violin in the St. Xavier’s Orchestra. He then followed up with “I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now” after which he upped the beat with “Give Me Five Minutes More” and us upping our anticipation! To me that was the most appropriate introduction to what we were going to study today – Reproduction. We applauded. He reciprocated with a bow whilst reverently returning his violin and bow to its case. The climax was about for sure and you can guess where our adolescent hands were….and then this explosion: “OK boys, turn to the chapter on Sound.” Dang! If I was Thor I would have thrown a bolt of lightning and thunder at him! Sound! And it was the sound of protest that he got. But as it always happens….Brother Lau Hor (Tiger) Michael passed the class. Monastic silence prevailed immediately. Sound! I began to read Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment that my English teacher Mr. Tan had lent me, whilst Mr. Cornelius droned on about frequency and what not. “What are you reading?” Stock answer: “Nothing Sir.” “Give me the nothing” as he reached out for my book. He went back to his table, scribbled something and said: “Go, give this to Mr. Robbie (Robless, my formidable Form Teacher, and late father of rtd. Brig. General Datuk Richard Robless (Rtd). In the Staff Room I sheepishly give him the note and the book. “Why are you reading such serious stuff. Here read this, but not in class.” The book was “DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE” that later revolved into a TV comedy series.
My generation had professional pedagogues, excellent educators. They never called us “PARIAHS” or “SONS OF PROSTITUTES”. They were the real Doctors in the House….injecting us with good values and dispensing medicinal doses of discipline, respect, honesty, loyalty, responsibility and accountability.
Enjoy yah….two of the many episodes……and introduce your kids to the Doctor or Carry On series. Nothing beats British comedy!
Hey Uncle Zorro
Can you try to ask your Mahal Kecil get me 10 copies as well? I am running out paper in my toilet!!
So you too are SXI. I left (Form 5) in 1973. You?
Anon640pm....don't lah be like that.
Sonshi....1956...I am an ancient 71 now
RM100 for a piece of junk book returned by a Melayu Celup who the Malays will call MAMAK KELING!
do send some for my coming bbq party. charcoal is expensive nowdays. 1 book 1 chicken wing enough ah ? I have 12 people lah
Why waste RM100 on 'Hikayat Serong Mamakutty'?
Mamakthir said that when he could not stand the loud whisper that Daim Zainuddin was involved in corruption, he arranged for through mutual friend to ask Daim to resign the post of Finance Minister.
There is anti-corruption law in the country. If Mamakthir did not believe that Daim was involved in corruption, he should have asked the ACA to confirm and clear Daim. If Daim was found by ACA to be corrupt-suspect, Daim should have a chance to clear himself in court. It is not for Mamakthir to tell Daim to resign and forget about the criminal offences committed. So Mamakthir confirms in his memoir that he used the laws of Malaysia as if they were his family own rules. He demonstrates that he was the judge to declare Daim innocent, the attorney general to prevent the case going up to the court, the police and the ACA to stop investigation on Daim’s activities. Mamakthir said that the informants could not provide evidence to him on Daim’s corrupt practices, as if corruption needed official receipts, and that he was the IGP and ACA chief; and thus he decided that there was no case against Daim. So Mamakthir as PM was not interested whether Daim had committed corruptions and caused the government to lose public funds, but was concerned that Anwar was accused to have sex with two women, and also was involved in sodomy. Even if it was true that Anwar had acted against nature it was his own personal affairs. If it was argued that there is the law against sodomy, there was also a law against corruption. Mamakthir chose to go against Anwar when the country loses nothing, but not against Daim when proven to be true, the country could recover losses. So Mamakthir used power for political purposes. Mamakthir practiced rule by law, and not rule of law. The citizens should charge Mamakthir for malfeasance. He would have been impeached in USA, with the statements written in his memoir. He would be in jail had he been PM in Taiwan.
I was in SXI from 1966 to 1970. That old Lau Hor was world famous (or infamous). He used to hide his cane up his long sleeve. But behind all that harshness was a real heart of gold. If he's still alive today and does what he used to do, they'd probably throw him in jail. But look at discipline problems these days. We don't have that kind of dedication anymore. Pity...
If all else fail, get Ummi to get them for you free. Autographed by Mahalfuk of course. If she can make the old man cry, she can do anything.
" Old newspaper. old tv, old battery
old... ah, new books oso can , 30sen a kilo ! "
Confession of the Doc sounds better.
Aiyah , whatever it is I heard someone said Old newspaper is good as wrapper to keep the vegetable fresh ?
Me and you and a Doc name boooo...
Mah Ha tiew.
Me too! Me too! Sorry if this sound even more grouse....Me would introduce Spitting Image.....Lagi better. Enjoy this clip
Brother, get me one copy so that I can cover every pages with shit and post it back to Mahadiq apanama... the liar.
Behind that cunning smiling face doctored by professional photographer Mahathir is nothing but a DECEITFUL RACIST. A Fake Malay who is so ashamed of his Indian roots. For greed of money and power he single handedly destroyed so many institutions from the PDRM force, Judciary,Anti Corruption agency and unity among the races.
If we all recall his first meeting with PM Badawi. He said he took notes at the meeting and we can just make out how they misuse public funds for their own and family benefit. And we are talking in terms of billions if not millions. As if the Treasury and Petronas is the personal bank account. MahaTHIEF must explain How he and his Sons have become billionaires ......why MACC is not investigating him and Taib Mahmud ?
It stinks to high heaven !
MPH is now selling the most expensive toilet paper (Malaysia book of records please take note) - 800 sheets for RM100!!!
Some people near Death will do all they can to produce an Image to TRICK Allah......Mubarak, Gadaffi,... Melayu Islam di Malaysia dah Bangkit belum??
Tun Racist kata dia 100% melayu...kita bumi non malay kata Mana Boleh??
Tun Racist kata dia 100% bumiputera, kita kata Orang Asli 100% Tulin.....Bangsa dan agama Siapa diperBODOHkan dan diperMAINkan??
Bertaubat dan orang melayu islam perlu imbang fakta2 ini!!
I am sure all Tun Racist royalty goes to Palestine people??....but Arab nations is burning with anger.....hope Malaysia catch the END To CORRUPTION Wave!!
Moral of the story:
Please check the dna of your child, it might not be yours!
If Tun were an architect he is postmodernist.
If a Indian man who is a fraud peeled dick muslim and a faked melayu, do you really want to read his intended lies and self glorification? Sudah lah, let this old bastard die a slow and miserable death...he will not be missed!
Enough lah, people. You are doing the voodoo thing on your former PM.Tell us about your good "doctors" in your school.Taste better, no?
If I had to use those "honorable" doctors who testified in Anwar sodomyII trial as a pointer of their
nobility, I have to conclude, "A good doctor is a dead doctor" in the case of Mamakutty, even as a dead doctor he will still ooze venom from his blowhole!
Can someone SCAN it in PDF and post it on the WEB......
We achieve 2 things....Give the Racist Tun no Royalty money to Fund his Racist Soldiers of Perkasa, 3 Line and save Malaysian from losing more money.....
WIN - WIN for kita bumi non malay!!
btw... TUN is Bapa Kemerosotan Malaysia....Father of Corruption in Malaysia.....
A senile old fool trying to twist & rewrite history.
Read Harold Robbins one some more better.
Can I chip in a little late?
Really miss those British humour ever since the Americans took over ASTRO TV.
I left SXI (Form 5) in 1971.
I had the honour to being caned by Bro. Michael Lau Hor and also got a hair cut in school for keeping long hair. Paid 50cents for this to the Indian barber.
Nice man with a heart of Gold. Love his stories during classes.
Malaysia is becoming one big soap opera with a leading cast of the senile demagogue Mahathir; the confused and spineless Najib Razak; the ambitious and unstoppable Rosmah Mansor; and the treacherous Muhyiddin Yassin with a supporting cast of extravagant Malay rulers, corrupt big business, incompetent civil servants and subservient judges.
No wonder we are the laughing stock of the region and the world. But then again, that is Bolehland for you. Chances are we will all be laughing, singing and dancing into political, economic and social oblivion soon to the tunes of 1Malaysia.
And yet we Melayu are giving Umno the full support to protect race, religion and royalty blindly. Really, we should wake up.
A stray pariah dog wandered into a Malay compound one day. The Malays being kind and simple took care of the pariah dog.
Everyday the pariah dog barked at strangers and the Malays thought... ok let’s keep this pariah dog and for it barks for us.
As the days went by the pariah dog became more and more brave.
It now knew that the Malays could be manipulated and decided to write a book on the Malay Dilemma and barked and barked saying that the strangers (Chinese and Indians) were taking away their food and rights.
The Malays listened and trusted it. They kept feeding it and it kept barking and barking until one day it took over the whole compound. This time if any Malay protested it bit them.
Many were bitten if they did not agree or go along with him.
The Malays now do not know what to do with this stray pariah dog keeps barking and barking... today the pariah dog has successfully barked and separated Malays from the others.
Once upon a time the Malays, way before this stray pariah dog came, no one saw colours, no one saw religion.
By a twist of fate this stray pariah dog is now worshipped today as pedigree dog by a group of his own stray pariah dogs. It's high time they put the stray pariah dog to sleep before the whole village is destroyed.
Not all of us have access to that book and to read the Dr.Mamak spins and half truth.
Did Dr.Mamak includes the Memali incident, DP Vijandran sex scandal ,BMF, the "Korek, korek,korek" Lingam and Tan Sri VinSetan in his book?
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