You may have made up your mind about voting for NIZAR. That is not good enough because the BN Election Commission has a history of twarting YOU even when you perform your voting duty. However you can be doubly sure YOUR VOTE COUNTS if you go to vote EARLY.
There is a possibility of late afternoon showers. There is also the possibility of road blocks in the afternoon to prevent you from going in time to cast your votes. When you are delayed, this is when the EC will pave the way for phantom votes! wHY do you think there is such a concentration of police personnel hanging around? This has happened at every elections and by-elections. That was how the BN ruled for so many years. BE SMART, out-fox the Election Commission at their game. GO EARLY TO VOTE.
It is hoped that the PAKATAN RAKYAT parties have in place contingency plans to ferry people to vote in case of rain. If you are voting, ferry your neighbors.....if you are not voting volunteer to ferry friends and relatives to the polling stations in the eventuality of rain. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU WANT TO WIN BACK PERAK.
uncle zoro
it is our shared responsibility to make sure Pakatan wins all 3 bi elections.....keep up the good work......cant wait to hear the good news of us winning in all 3 ......
PR only bring country into chaos! sigh..
in God we trust. in najib we doubt. praying for PR to perform convincingly for these 3 by-elections.
The light will dim today?
It will be decided in the 3 buy elections
For Pakatan must keep the spirit moving
For Bee Anne and Harm Noh
The taste of the 3Ps
Perak, Kedah and Sarawak
The voters must really send a positive signal
The march of change is now
Else it is back to the woodwork
Instant Bee Anne mee
Glowing projects suddenly
Telling people about it
For the past 5 decades
Who got it all?
Pakatan still the best bet
Steering onwards in this century
The old guards of Bee Anne
Retired the party let it remembers its past glory
The voters you can make history
The march must carry on until GE 13
Then the full force must be seen
For changing the country's landscape
And the future generations.....
p/s thank you Zorro for the news
Hi guys
The BN will legitimately win the two Bukits and one Batang tonite.
Will you guys be celebrating?
An early Yam Seng.
I've volunteered for 3 days, but unfortunately I can't today. I do hope that the voters will support Nizar. Sincerely I hope PR wins in Bkt Gantang.
To Zorro and the guys, THANK YOU for all the efforts.
idzan whats the bet the 2 bukits pr will win but the batang i give you.
Hi Readers,
Take heed of this and put it to your friends and families. Together, we can bring back democracy. Thanks.
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