And now, BN politicians in Sarawak did not know what hit them. In this daze they mumble words against Sarawak Bloggers like "specialist instigators'. Tomorrow Jabu will coin another name just to keep busy. How about "gladiators against land-grabbers"?
My Sarawak Blogger Brothers, you are being feared NOW. Keep at it. CARPE DIEM!
On polling day, there will be live updates at http://www.linasoo.com
Jabu brand us as Specialist Instigators. I brand Jabu as Jabu The Irrelevant.
I kind of like the name "specialist instigator". Sounds very professional and a nice ring to it. Bloggers should put it after their name in their calling cards.
'specialist instigators'. Tomorrow Jabu will coin another name just to keep busy
Hahaha, at least they are not paid 'professional BN bloggers' known best for their twisting and spinning!
Jabu or JAMBU this toilet cleaner, how to think straight, his blooming dickhead is stuffed with haram money.
Yes, Sawarak bloggers, screw them and screw them well...Bravo!
Aiyah!. What can hasbeen and umemployable do against people with smarts and passion.
Go blog these government sponsored virtual vampires to the ground.
i had told my friends in batang ai to vote for PKR . their respons was very good. all of them said that they already ask some of the villager to do the same. good responed.
Ah? My title upgraded from mere instigator to specialist instigator now? Thank you Jabu the Dork!
khas buat pengundi batang ai
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