YES I DID. For the sake of his constituents in Kota Alam Shah HERE. I have nothing more to add except that the BN government will be vanquished by a higher majority at this by-election....and of course we will take the opportunity to fry some Toyo's ass during this campaign.
Malaysiakini broke this story HERE.
Meanwhile Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim denied that Manoharan was going resign from his state seat.
Speaking to reporters in Shah Alam, he brushed aside the resignation talks as speculations.
Speaking to reporters in Shah Alam, he brushed aside the resignation talks as speculations.
HOLD IT Sir, as my friend Admiral Tojo would say: Why are you talking like an UMNO guy?
.....or if the PM thinks it is a waste of money and resources,
release Mano from Kamunting
and there will be no by-election.
.....or if the PM thinks it is a waste of money and resources,
release Mano from Kamunting
and there will be no by-election.
Yes, this will be a master stroke for the Opposition and another nail in the coffin of UMNO/BN.
Let us show how much the PEOPLE want a change for the better and not mere cliched Slogans and lip service.
Let the by-election proceed and let's see if like 'Menanti di Penanti' UMNO/BN dares contest it! What say you Dr.M and Jr.?
As PM who preaches 1Malaysia, Najib better walk his talk by releasin Manoharan from ISA detention immediately so that Manoharan is given the oppurtunity 2 serve his constituency
Najib knows damn well deep in his heart that a defeat in Penanti is inevitable
He surely does not need another by election defeat in Kota Alam Shah 4 it will ruin his credibility among UMNO Selangor
I like to think that it is the collective conscience of all our thoughts willing this sequence of by-elections taking place.
How better than to lull them into a losing position, if and when a Parliamentary contest arises. And as for the impending sitting of Perak's State Assembly, I hold the view that Pakatan members boycott the meeting altogether.
Why should Pakatan legitimise an illegality to begin with ?
Why should he resign now? Poliically the best time to do it is 3 mths down the road, now we can trash UMNO in Penanti.
3 mths later, we trash them again.
Mano...is a good guy...but he like Fairus....is probably thinking of the greater good.....Mano....Malaysians...in particular Selangorians will never forget you...patiently we will await your return......till then perhaps another will carry the torch...now Khalid...do the honourable thing and let's get on with this battle...we have a Toyol to fry and a najib to blast....
the people in selangor mengalu-alukan perletakan jawatan yb mano.
kasi can sama rakyat selangor hentam bn kuat-kuat lagi.
kami tak jemu dgn pilihanraya kecil. kami nak hantar mesej kpd rejim najis bahawa kami rakyat selangor amat marah dgn apa yang berlaku di negeri perak.
Anon8:42PM. I did not say resign NOW...I said Just Do It. Agree with you that resignations must be done such that EC will not lump by elections like the 2 bukits and 1 batang recently.
Why 11 july 2009
Anon 2:11pm....11 July 2009? It is 11 July 2008.
EC : " now cannot lagi unless you mati lah !"
yb mano will need $$ assistance for his family if he's out of a 'job' (i.e. adun).
start a fund?
EC : dun simply create by-e, want to resign ? boleh ....but mati 1st, ok ?
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