Let's digress a bit. I have not met Herr General yet and it is my current pet wish that our paths may finally meet at Penanti. I figured I missed him by a whisker when I went into Bukit Selambau. I had that feeling. We bonded in KT on blogsphere and I have thence on enjoyed his insightful sightings and impactful inputs; I mildly chided him when he brought down his blog Pade Dohl. However he resurrected as Benkel Wajiboy during the UMNO campaign after which he went off air and finally appeared again as publisher of The Rembau Times.
Herr General Wenger J Khairy is a declared UMNO ronin whose efforts for KJ winning the Pemuda Chieftan is a stated fact. I don't think he adores the PM but one has to help out because one is a ronin.....a true samurai of sorts.
I was reliably informed that the PM faithful to his Performance Now nagging has asked for inputs on why BN is being tagged a born-loser. I believe Herr General Wnger has been short-listed to have a private eyeball to eyeball tete a tete, without any female intervention.
I am lucky (don't ask me how or why, please....we have to protect our sources!) to be privy to the questions Herr General will throw at the Numero Uno. Here they are .....only 6....but pertinent, undoubtedly:
The economy - High cost of living, rising unemployment.
The Police Force. The Kugan issue, the Adi Anwar issue, the police seen to be ultra BN.
The Mahathir stigma - PM is seen as acceding to the wishes of Tun Dr Mahathir, which is a liablility. Its just replacing the 4th floor of Pak Lah with the First Floor of Dr. Mahthir. Not acceptable to the youth.
The Altantuya issue - People cannot accept that PM has yet to sue the foreign newspapers that blackballed him over the case.
The Cabinet - Tired faces, we've seen them before. And why is MCA rewarded with 4 Cabinet positions? PM should have never selected Ng Yen Yen as she is rumoured to have an Autralian PR. Why a lot of UMNO supreme council members not selected to the Cabinet. Ini tak betul, Dato'......
The BN - Once again MCA is not pulling its weight but at the same time demanding more and more. PM should not have played hard ball and made sure they worked first before rewarding them with the positions. Only UMNO is working every time there is a by-election, yet one in 4 MCA parliamentarian is a Mentehri. We only ask they can get 35% of the Chinese vote, that also cannot - too much. Same old story, UMNO is a bully and all that crap. Very very disappointed with MCA..
Herr General believes that if the majority of these 6 issues are addressed, then BN can begin to turn the corner, if not, the slide will be doomed to be down and down and down.
Herr General, I nearly forgot!
Can you throw in this question?
Its a request from my buddy Duke the Whisperer:
Sir, what did you whisper to the Ruler to win Perak so expeditiously?
Just ONE more question also can or not. Ask Jibby where is Manohara Odelia Pinot; before this name gets banned in all local media.
Dear Uncle Zorro
Pls let me know how Herr General in person after meeting him ok. Such an interesting mysterious gentleman.
My take on BN turnaround - it's sinking Uncle Zorro. Still can turn meh?
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