Yeah, this DIGI PREPAID (shank's creation) thought that just because he is Director General of MOH, whatever he says is gonna be swallowed and thinned. Fact is Malaysians don't open their mouth so obediently to allow any government's trash to be stuffed down their throats. And fact is, people of integrity speak up today....they don't sell their souls so easily; My blogger buddy, Shankar, aka donplaypuks send me this note:
Zorro,This might interest your readers and the general public:
Kugan's case: Unsettling questions remain
David KL Quek | Apr 9, 09
Whether an inquiry initiated on its own behalf is the correct avenue to address the public unease about this custodial death, is open to differing interpretation, acceptance or otherwise.
Any inquiry if it should be made at all should be carefully-constituted, thoughtfully empanelled and well-empowered by law. Its terms of reference
must be made absolutely clear. It must uphold the final truth.
It must be based on facts and rational analyses of findings which are consistent, and which should be striving towards the ultimate truth of what actually is the cause of death or its contributing factors.
It should not be simply to water down discrepancies which would need fuller explanation and perhaps further elaboration from the actual forensic pathologists who had performed their respective tasks. These pathologists
should be allowed to defend their findings and interpretations.
Furthermore, more expert and renowned forensic pathologists should have been invited to give their interpretations as to the facts of the findings and their weightage of causes of death, especially since there had been
unmistakable evidence of torture, i.e. undeniable beating marks and
unexplained bruises. These experts should be fiercely independent and thus unimpeachable.
Most importantly, this inquiry held behind closed doors, should not be seen to be papering over any misdeeds of any authority which it may be perceived as trying to defend.
Also, since this is not a public hearing and we know that the second
pathologist declined to take part in the inquiry, this may make the report less than solid or above reproach. Seniority of pathologists is no measure of professional competence. Forensic evidence based on previous precedents and specialist experience, and not conjectures should be the essence of any
meaningful truth-finding exercise.
It is usually disingenuous and pointless to assume another chance event as having taken place to be the cause of death, just because it is possible. Suggesting the unlikely pathologically- unevidenced diagnosis of acute
myocarditis is simply conjecture. Whichever is more probable and plausible is usually the truth, to paraphrase the legendary Sherlock Holmes.
Doctors are alarmed by seizure. Unfortunately, because of these glaring slants to the report, questions will continue to linger as to whether this report is truly independent and whether all the inquiry members are in agreement with the findings.
The legal standing of the report is still questionable, and may be
challenged in a proper court. It might be better to have a public inquiry where all queries and representation can be made known to the satisfaction of the public, and especially, the victim's family.
To add salt to injury, doctors are aghast and very alarmed that the police had raided the UMMC pathologist's office and taken the material records of his autopsy findings. We are also shocked about media reports that tissue
samples for toxicology which had meant to be sent to an independent
laboratory in
Toxicological studies should always be allowed to enable proper and independent discovery of the truth. Denial of such a legitimate avenue for forensic finding would prejudice against the police, and make their action that much more difficult to accept or to tolerate.
Therefore, this arbitrary seizure is reprehensible, unprecedented and
certainly breaches normal procedures of medico-legal discovery. Usually only detailed reports are obtained from court-approved injunctions and demands.
Medical records and details are nominally the property of the physician in charge or the facility where he practices, and should only be made available
under a court order, and are usually never confiscated or seized by any enforcement authority.
There are clear procedures to be followed, and are well articulated in handbooks for the police and enforcement authorities, clearly established by the UN Center for Human Rights. I'd like to reiterate that: "International
humanitarian law prohibits the following acts in all situations: - murder; - torture; - corporal punishment; - mutilation; -outrages upon personal
dignity; - hostage-taking; - collective punishment; - executions without
regular trial; - cruel or degrading treatment."
Such extrajudicial actions should never be made in a climate of intimidating circumstances just because these events may mar the good name and professionalism of the police force.
It is difficult to comment when the DG of Health decides to come forward and announce this so-called independent inquiry, which incidentally incorporates
two foreign specialists. At best this inquiry had added to the confusion of being a third interpretation into this sad case of custodial death and did
not refute the probability of torture.
Adhere to humanitarian principles
Any custodial death in any instance the world over, is inexcusable, wrong and criminal. The UN Human Rights Committee has defined "Extralegal, arbitrary or summary executions as deprivation of life without full judicial
process, and with the involvement, complicity, tolerance or acquiescence of the government or its agents. This includes death through the use of excessive force by police or security forces."
Torture is further defined by the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) and its Committee against Torture (CAT as: "Any act committed with intent to cause severe pain or suffering, whether mental or physical, for
purposes such as: (a) obtaining information or a confession; (b) punishing, intimidating or coercing."
Therefore, torture of any one suspect or detainee or prisoner is never condoned, whether this leads on to death is immaterial (but which only adds to the grievousness of the crime), and is liable for prosecution in any
international court of law.
Kugan's custodial death and other possible past custodial deaths should be given a truly independent investigation by a publicly open Royal Commission
or Inquiry or even by Suhakam.
It is time that we adhere to humanitarian principles as we grapple with our modernisation to become a developed people and nation. Our human development
index as a civilised nation must necessarily rise proportionately.
We call on the police and law enforcement agencies to respect these tenets of modern life and human rights and urge them to abide by these nondiscriminatory rules as a norm. Only then, can we believe and respect their true and usual professionalism again.
DR DAVID KL QUEK is past editor-in-chief of the MMA (Malaysian Medical
Association) News for 11 years and currently president-elect of the MMA.:
I think this Dr Quek is going to hilang soon.
Now let's look at things in a simple manner.
Hypothetically, if three was such police brutality, I can't understand why the government need to cover up, when from time to time police officers have been convicted of such crimes. Most high profile case was Rahim Noor against Anwar, and the list goes on including corruption etc.
In this case, it involved a car thief, which does not carry any political agenda, or benefit the police force by doing a cover up.
If it's true there was brutality, there is no benefit for the police to cover up such act, and defend such officers. Just prosecute the officers and everybody is happy.
The government has no interest in protecting such officers if such malpractice did occur. Its a future liability, if you fail to figure that one out.
Too bad the politicians were involved, turning this into racial emotions, a hero, and some simply because of their ego, cannot accept the truth or admit making a wrong allegations.
Now tell me how the government benefit in this unfortunate death.
When hatred clounded the judgement. Any conclusion not suit the agenda will be seem as proBN and pro police. These people already have their prejudgement in their mind. They conuld not accept any conclusion that NOT directly link the police to the murder. Bloggers like this website will continue to spread the lies just to create hatred rather than educated discussion based on facts. When they tell the lies for ten times, the lies will become the truth by itself.
Non emotional truth seeker
anon7:45pm...I am sorry I dont know where you have been all this time. That is a letter from a doctor, a medical doctor, not a witch doctor.
What lies are you refering to?It is best you seek your truth somewhere else.
We only have reports in the MSM that police claim Kugan was a suspected car thief.
The important words are 'suspected car theif.' Kugan has no prvious criminal record whatsoever; so, the benefit of the doubt is in his favour as per our Constitution and Criminal Law.
You also cannot be so naive as to think that where a death occurs in police custody, the guilty cop is going to come forward and confess. So far, it has not happened and unless one of the 11 comes forward to identify who was responsible, there will be NFA from the police, AG or DPP.
If you had followed the RCI, there were some 500 odd deaths in police custody between 2000-2004. In the vast majority of cases no inquests or post mortems were held as is mandatorily required by Law!!
It's quite clear that we will not get to the botttom of these cases from police investigations or confessions. Rahim Nor was too blatant and could not be covered up due to DSAI's support, both locally and internationally.
As for Kugan, he's a nobody; but that does not mean we should stand by idly and allow a travesty of justice to be perpertrated right before our eyes!
And we expect Digi Prepaid Health to act independently and dispassionately; but sorry to say, he's conduct reeks of a cover up, especially the seizure of toxicology samples and a new theory of myocardiatis for which there is no evidence whatsoever!!
This Merican fler has got cranial syphylis, another liar that has bought his degree via MARA. Unqualified even to be a garbageman, real garbagemen has more integrity than this bastard.
Anon 7.03
Why the Govt would want to cover up?
Under normal circumstances we would expect the CPO and the IGP and possibly even the MInister of Home Affairs to resign or be sacked for an unsolved litany of deaths while in police cistody going back some ten years. Mandatory inquests and post mortems were not held.
That might trigger a vote of no confidence against the Govt and fresh elections. The stakes are high indeed.
If you can't see all this, which emu hole exactly have you had your head buried in all these years?
Thanks for highlighting the Kugan case and my blog Brenard.
Another bottle of amber nectar will find its way to the Wharf soon!
The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine and Forensic Pathology has been confirmed to be jointly awarded to Tan Sri Dr. Ismail Marican and his mentor Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for the pioneering work on suicide and death arising from self thought related abuses.
yes, why should the gomen protect these 11 mata2 !?.... O! one of them is rose's brother/nephew ah !!??
Some anonymous commenter here just don't get it.
We have laws to punish the guilty and protect the innocent. At least that's the original intention. Even convicted felons and suspected criminals have rights too and should be accorded due process.
Who are the Police to play judge, jury and executioner?
merican, the mamak genius.
he can conclude without conducting a post-mortem. the world must sit up to forensic science practised by this great man.
So are the other 10 ball carriers who will be in no time promoted for being part of the frontier forensci team. I dont know Lee Kuan Yew be pleased though with one of his fellowman for displaying such high level of intelligence.
Malaysia Boleh.
dr merican is traitor not suitable to be human, willing to do anything to survive
Keywords - Big money, stolen luxury cars and smuggling ring.
Would a young Kugan (if he's involved) be privy to sensitive information such as the location of the final point of embarkation (i.e. the warehouse in which the cars were 'processed for export') used by the big guns of a syndicate?
A syndicate which has access to the ability to bypass customs inspection, etc.
I think not. There's a lot more to this case than meets the casual eye.
For example, if this was breakthrough on a luxury car smuggling activity, why was there no corresponding news report on the matter since Kugan's murder came to light?
The original legal owner of the luxury car may be in cahoots with the syndicate to have it 'stolen'. The car owner subsequently defaulted on monthly installments knowing it would be stolen in due time.
Then, Kugan innocently came at the wrong time and place with a re-possession order.
Syndicate bosses think that there might be a competitor in the market and therefore, use their connections to get Kugan to spill the beans.
But Kugan ended up dead in a police station.
AG announced murder case to deflect attention away from syndicate activity, hoping to rectify matters at a later date .. when everybody has forgotten why Kugan was taken in by the cops.
Things get complicated during first post mortem when Kugan's severe injuries became public knowledge and even more so, with the detailed but conflicting second p.m. by an independent pathologist which the cops had to 'confiscate' (who the hell gave the order?).
MOH committee steps in to provide 'cover'.
And, and, and ...
Dang! I gotta stop smoking cheap ciggies!
this is the 21 st century and this administration thinks they can hoodwink the people tun M so spectacularly did in the 80's.
during tun M's reign the country was saturated with cowardice ass kissers and boot lickers which seems to be making a come back.
yes this and the abuse of authorities and power to subjugate synonymous with dictators in the fourth world countries.
after all that there is to what they have to say has no bering and as such this medic moron has no credibility. he has forgotten that aside from his ability to lie thru his teeth people are smart enough to see the rights.
good job posting and inseminating these issues and let people be the judge.
It seemed that after the Najib- Razak case, there is a potentiality that the police now have the upper hand. Protect us or ...
This mamak fellow does things to prove that he is more Malay than Indian.
He is not alone. Look at that Zambry fellow in Perak. And what about that mamak who was PM for many years.
The agenda of these buggers is to showcase themselves as more Malay than Indian and in the process cheat the actual Malays of their rightful place in society, wealth distribution etc.
Back to this idiot Merican.
Look at the MOH charter stated below!
That idiot has not followed that charter. He is a shame to the medical profession and the mamaks as well.
Its these type of mamaks that spoil the name of the other Indian Muslims who want to remain as Malaysians of Indian origin in this country.
Piagam ini ditujukan khas kepada setiap pelanggan yang berurusan dengan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
1.1 Setiap pelanggan boleh mendapat perkhidmatan yang sewajarnya daripada Kementerian ini tanpa mengira umur, jantina, keturunan, agama atau taraf sosial-ekonomi.
1.2 Setiap pelanggan yang ditakrifkan sebagai dalam keadaan kecemasan akan diberi perkhidmatan dengan segera.
2.1 Setiap pelanggan akan dilayan dengan baik, mesra, bertimbangrasa, hormat, bersopan santun, jujur dan ikhlas.
2.2 Setiap pelanggan akan diberi perkhidmatan sebaik mungkin secara profesional.
2.3 Setiap pelanggan akan disediakan dengan kemudahan dan persekitaran yang bersih dan sempurna.
3.1 Setiap pelanggan boleh mendapat penjelasan dan nasihat mengenai perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepadanya.
3.2 Setiap pelanggan boleh mendapat laporan mengenai perkhidmatan yang diterimanya secepat mungkin setelah membuat permohonan mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan.
We are all focusing on this mamak asshole, what about our HELL MINISTER. He is as quiet as a mouse on this issue.
Where is he? Oh yeah, saw him checking some ceiling in Putrajaya.
heeeheeeeheeee, why do think the hospital and the health clinic in Putrajaya came a tumbling?
soon, umNO = united Mamak notorious
organasasi !
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