Back to the question Why him? Is it to appease TDM or is it one easy way to rid of veterans in double quick time. I really dont know. I am no politician and not wise in the ways of political chicanery. I am just a cross-eyed, myopic senior seeking answers to some perplexing goings-on in my twilight years.
Again back to why is he targeting us bloggers? My instinct says that as minister of infromation, he feels impotent that we will continue to reveal more information than he can manage. He is aware of 8 March and the other by-election revelations of election misdeeds and missteps.
Everything is honky-dory to this guy. RTM will continue to gives us shit stuff, and losing rocks to Singapore is win-win he says. I used to have some shred of respect for this guy, but I am losing that imperceptibly but surely.
So Brother and Sister Bloggers, just be aware. This guy will not miss a beat buggering us in cyberspace. Remember, no matter how painful, everything to him might be considered a win-win.
Just be scrupulously careful, like I am here.
Barbie of the Dandy Mobsters have something interesting HERE too.
Barbie of the Dandy Mobsters have something interesting HERE too.
I used to respect Rais when he was with Razaleigh. Tben the leopard change its spots. And this leopard is a dangerous one for the simple reason it is educated. Rais is a bastard, an out-and-out bastard. This bastard will sell his mother to gain brownie points. That's what makes this leopard so dangerous. They used to say that a bastard by the name of Kadir Jasin, the former editor of the discredited NST, was the Josef Goebbels of the Mahathir era. But there is a difference. Kadir was crude and uneducated. Rais is the ultimate Josef Goebbels - well-educated and polished. The only difference is he has learnt the new tricks of the 21st century to carry out his nefarious schemes.
latest : all stations, radio/tv, are warned, NO mentioing of baginda & pm&bini in aminal's case !!
No shit, the guy's an 'intellectual' and very fond of pon-defecating.
And at the same time, can anyone check whats happening to Harris Ibrahim?
No more news after his last blog dated 8 Apr 2009?
Already there are 3 more who have been allegedly yaken in under ISA.
Bloggers also - please take care and keep going strong to unleash during next general elections.
The sissy who lost that piece of rock don deserve a place in the cabinet. Oops, its a kitchen kabinet, there's why Jibby chose all the sissies... hehehe
Dear Unc Zorro,
I wish to give a free advice to the lawyers of the defendants in the Mongolia murder case.
If there was never a record of the deceased entering the country, then the trial is err, ab-initio, wrongful from the begining. So it is up to the prosecutor, judge and jury to prove that the deceased had indeed been into Malaysia. There are computer logs that can be subpeoana from the Imigrisen Dept for this.
How can the defendant be accused of murder if the deceased has no record of entering or leaving Malaysia.
If indeed the DNA of the body found in Alam Shah was of the deceased person, then there is a tampering of evidence.
In conclusion, the prosecutors must prove that the deceased had entered into Malaysia. By the way, is there an airway bill?
yup, you are right. just be extra careful coz how can you trust a guy who doesnt even believe his own thesis that gave him the PHD?
he should have directed his verbiages at the judges - esp. the one deliberating on the silver state's constitutional crisis.
the moronic judge has twisted and turned the constitution which is considered traitorous and a security threat to the nation.
this is expected from unmo : morons at helm.
Mr. zorro-unmasked, I hope you would not fly our Malaysian flag upside down. It really pains me to see it that way. Ok, you have a grouse with the way our nation is moving but the flag is doing us no harm. Our flag should be held astreemed forever, whoever holds the government. Besides, the flag belongs to us all. Please have a thought.
perhaps , culture should be taken away from his ministry, leaving him with just information and communication only
Read a blog posting talking about how bloggers can use the Communications and Multimedia Act, to protect themselves, esp as the prosecution must prove that the blogger intended to annoy etc the person which is the subject of the content published. you may read the article at http://manthatthinks.blogspot.com/
Anon9:20...Haris is ok....catching up with his legal work.
Malaysian Layman has a point there. Respect and salute the Jalur Gemilang.
Malaysian Layman
Syed Imran
I owned my first house in 1982. That Merdeka Day I flew the Jalur Genilang and it was only taken down a month later. I was the only one in my taman who did that. Since then, and every year without fail, I proudly hoist our flag at my gate much earlier before the government went on this fly the flag campaign approaching Merdeka Day. I now live in a condominium and I still fly the Jalur Gemilang from my window....and I am still the only one doing that.
I respect your sentiments, I ask for that reciprocal sentiment. It is on MY sidebar and I have not asked anyone to emulate me. This is a very personal thing. It remains until we get a SEMBLANCE of good governance.
When we lost the much larger island of Pulau Batu Putih to S'pore this guy made a shocking statement of "we win some and we lose some". The other island that was awarded to M'sia, you'll struggle to place your coffee table on top of it. How does he justify that statement. God help us.
Do we now have 'laws' of private convenience
To replace those of popular public conscience
With the tilting of the two scales
To receive the tipping of the secret bales
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 180409
Sat. 18th Apr. 2009.
He's fulfilling his part for being named into the cabinet
Sokong Uncle Zorro on the flag.
@Malaysian Layman, @Syed Imran, last time I checked Perak is still ruled by an illegal MB, the PM keeps talking about fluffy 1Malaysia while Utusan makes seditious calls and it is ok. Try Sri Perdana and Utusan for people who do not respect the Jalur Gemilang.
yup, I used to look up to this man and Ku Li. what a let down!
little bird say ' be good write good behave good..." something is cooking.....bloggers will be main course !! grilled? steamed maybe raw?
hey, '1+1=many' phd, u cant handle the truth lah !!
Dratz, here goes our rights to do blogging..What's next? Block all bloggers rights to blog and write? Like that would work...sheesh...Get a life..the more he does this, the more the people resented him..if he ask me why, i would say "you ask for it"..boo~
Why not "fly" the BN flag upside down, instead of the Jalur Gemilang.
By the way, I am not questioning your loyalty. No, not at all. That is unbecoming of a Xaverian.
Syed, the Barisan Flag should be buried and not hoisted. Peace brother.
A Georgian
(Honor is the reward of virtue}
and a Xaverian!
(Labor conquers all)
Rais' criteria to convict bloggers and shut down blogs:
Those who are Pakatan supporters
Those that carry anti-ISA banners
Those with Raja Petra's banner
Those that display Hindraf leaders
Those that make caricatures of BN leaders and polluticians
Those that question what government controlled MSMedia and broadcasting channels report
Those that do not support 1Malaysia
Those that published the name 'Allah' and not a Muslim.
See the rest in www.jonathan66-my.blogspot.com 'Internet Monitoring Not Censorship'
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