my friend , don't expect any comment from them lah, everything also don't know or no evidence.Very good in sendiwara. Look what happen to Kugan's case?
You scratch my back I will scratch you back.
Moh tried to shield the police
On Kugan's case shifting blame
A liar is a lie no matter what is said
Kugan's death answer must be dealt with
Physical injuries resulting in death
Manslaughter or murder in the penal code
What's more in police custody
Don't hide the truth
Tell the people how it could happen
Now another police detainee
In ICU after drinking thinner liquid
How could it happen?
Unless the unexplained happened
I had my family experiences
When my youngest brother was in custody
Striping naked sat on ice
Sometimes hit with hollow plastic hose
Physical abuses the alleged norm in police work
When they catch gangsters or thieves and robbers
The defenseless victims will be whacked
On the way to the police lock up
My brother in law is a police officer
I asked him he explained a bit to me
It is to gather information and to turn them over
When they see the police, these gangsters will run away
For the past decade we hear
Detainees died in police lock up
Yet there is no concrete explanation
The government turned a blind eye
You expect and hope Hisham will do something? Seriously..you must be joking.
He is just another one of them. Same shit in a different shit bucket.
According to Sin Chew Daily, he was taken by plain clothes police (with gun) in front his uncle's house. The police didn't inform his family where he was taken. Adi's family searched police stations around Klang area but still fail to locate him. Until the next morning, then only informed by police that Adi was in ICU.
Can plain clothes take someone JUST LIKE THAT? I thought you are allowed to make a phone call or something? How do I know someone is taken by police or kidnap by bad guy? If it wasn't Adi ended up in ICU, police still won't tell Adi's family where he was?
The police said it is uncommon to have thinner in OFFICE. But police use the thinner to clean the permanent marker pen ink in office, so they keep the thinner on the table. OK, why they don't use a white board instead?
POlice also claimed that Adi was under HUGE stress and therefore drank the thinner to KILL HIMSELF. Why is he under HUGE stress? While he was semi-conscious (in hosp.), he told his family (using sign language) that he was beaten up by 5 policemen. Is that the reason WHY he was under HUGE stress?
another kugan in the making?
gosh, this time it only shows evil is racial-blind.
what is your excuse now, Mr IGP?
Hamid must be glad he is out. So, is the lapdog Chor.
None can expect a quarter cooked IGP to do
anything better and so follows the CPO of Selangor ! Lead by example !!!
Commodities have crashed!
So, don't expect any precipitate action from the office of Chief Palm Oil unless it is alleged against RPK, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal & Son and Opposition Members.
Shameless people are the most difficult to deal with. Why? Because they are shameless, that's why.
The bad news is this shamelessness is spreading like an infectious disease. Just look at al those shameless 'belakang' masuk' ministers and deputies. And they walk around wearing this shamelessness like a badge of honour. Malaysia memang boreh.
SILENCE IS GOLDEN -by art garfunkel my favorite song which a lot of our politicians also like
Teacher used to say that the police will have to tell us the reason we're detained.
Be read the Miranda Warning :)
to be produced to a judge. to be charged.
A lot isn't done (never did, never will).
shame, telur dua?
they cant even spell it. its not in their vocab.
you know about onion skins? peel and peel and the layer is still there.
bring along a dictionary for them next time.
i don't expect him to give any "human-kind" answer.
plenty of excuses he will give, like saying wait for the official reports and blah-blah...
Here we go again....!!! My sorrow goes to Adi's mom..! Sigh....!!! Let's all see what Kerismudin gonna do. Okay..??? He screwed up the education system. Let's see this new portfolio of his.. "Home Minister"
Our enemies are all those in league with imperialism - the warlords, the bureaucrats, the comprador class, the big Landlord class and the reactionary section of the intelligentsia attached to them. The leading force in our revolution is the industrial proletariat. Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie. As for the vacillating middle bourgeoisie, their right-wing may become our enemy and their left-wing may become our friend - but we must be constantly on our guard and not let them create confusion within our ranks. -Mao Tse Tung
Police country as the old kerala say once after he is out of office.But this dirty kerala c**k is the master of all.Know how the present IGP shoot up in his career.DSAI case.Remember?And we know whose the mentor of tuyas f****r.OLd habit die hard.Baris ketiga dan keempat dalam Rukunegara dan lama dinuh oleh old kerala c**k.What would be his comment about kugan and Adi Anwar case if questioned
There is CPO and CPO.
One contributes greatly to the country's economy while the other is an utter disgrace and a pretty revolting character.
We all know which is which.
New Police slogan " CEPAT tangkap dan BETUL2 belasah orang yg disyaki". We can thank Police Ins. Gen P.I.G)Musa(ng) for this wonderful force...Your father must be so proud of you....
This victim is to balance up for Kugan.
Now Chinese quota fulfilled - though not death like Kugan.
Who si next GOD?
Only you know.
And also know why!
after all the crap they did to the hindu community the pressure was on them.
the past few days after the new pm was inaugurated every sh*t there is is subjected to feel good embellishment - cover ups that are so synonymous with the mongolian case and persons responsible.
can people be fooled into believing that this is gonna be a new beginning? Not even close.
this poor malay is just a fall guy to diffuse a situation out of control with the wrongs done to hindus.
I am sorry for this brutalised and bullied young man and his family's suffering.
But more so because I know he and his family will get NO Justice for this gross injustice against them from the indefensible actions of a mad State and its criminal police force.
And there will only be more of the usual apathy, defensive excuses and tiresome inaction from that useless keris-waving idiot or the equally useless IGP/AG and the rest of the incompetent, unaccountable Government.
So may dear God help and take care of this poor young man and his family, because in my view, no one else can really help them.
"Imagine Power To the People" John Lennon.
Don't forget that the guy who was caught with chua soi lek's dvd was also dead during lockup. Pls check into this too.
by now, the officers in home ministry have got tens of stories to cover up. Ministers come and go!
What we are about to witness is a breakdown in the crime to a mere pat on the hand. First they will blame the victim then incarcerate him, then they will set up a commission to plagiarize through semantics, then they will then they will demonize the family. This gomen will keep on blundering till it falls. That's for the injustice that's fairseeming to their needs. Remember Tamby Chik, Anwar Ibrahim, A Kugan, and the Chinese girl striped in custody. The police have simply applied the notion of immunity unto itself, same as the politicians do.
I realy do admire the people of Thailand and Indonesia.
This distracts the public from the Kugan case. Another strategy?
That mamak in Ministry of Health must be relieved now.
Or is it part of the bigger drama to wipe out the 'flaws' in the Kugan case and let the killers away from the clutches of the law?
Wait - the AG has yet to issue his views on the Kugan's case, after the mamak issued a statement on the two post mortems.
The revised views of the AG will be the icing on the cake for Kugan's case.
After that - close file, let Kugan be where he is now, 6 feet underground and no case against the murderers.
Anon @ 1:12PM - We don't want the police to comment. We want them to feel the same outrage that anyone would to see their kid beaten to death - or nearly so - by uniformed employees of the state who are supposed to serve the public, not vent their pent-up frustrations on those they deem powerless. This sort of aberrant misbehavior directly reflects the spiritual quality of those who claim to be at the apex of the pyramid of power. In our case the responsibility lies in the lap of the home minister, the law minister, and the prime minister. If they allow this sort of gross and wanton abuse of power to pass unchecked and unrectified, it clearly indicates that they themselves are totally capable of behaving in similar fashion.
a week ago masked police in London beat up a newspaper vendor who strayed into the G20 demo. the fellow dies of heart attack minutes later. the Metro police denied any connection or even any interaction with the vendor. then a video surface, and another video surfaced, forcing the police to retract. the home minister quickly and clearly said while the police is a force for good, this incident will not be swept under the carpet. same day UK Independent Police Commission came out and clearly said they will take full action. The next day the balaclava wearing police man was identified along with his team and is now facing action. end of story.
four years ago a Brazilian was shot dead mistakenly by metro police. again they denied. videos surface. they had to admit and the victim's family rcvd comp and the affected police disciplined. end of story.
moral of story is police action do get out of hand. it is the politicians, independent bodies and the public keep them in line.
In the US, they have the Miranda caution. " You have the rights to remain silence",
" Anything you say can be use against you "
In Malaysia, we have the Big Mama caution. " Jawap! Mau kena C4! " ,
" Berapa mau bayar "
Too bad najis survives the Pattaya trip.But he can learn that the Thai police will not charge at protesters unless it is a riot.
There was paint thinner conveniently available in a police lockup ? Wow !
I wonder if the medical report is going to say Pulmonary Edema again...
I'm afraid we allowed the authorities to screw us for so long they have absolute contempt for our ability to think for ourselves.
dont expect the AG to come out guns blazing for Kugan.
Remember the head honcho in AG and Police Force were great team players in the "public hanging" exercise of Anwar.
It will take more than Moses to take them apart.
See, what did they `do' again? How can the rakyat feel save when the enforcement officers are doing something `very wrong' in the first place!!! What we can say is "Malaysia Boleh"!!
silence is golden !!?? i tink it should be : ' sound of silence ' !
I guess the Malay majority PDRM Selangor r fed up wit the racist label up 2 the point that they hav 2 beat up a Malay 2 prove their detractors wrong
Now they can say "Hey!We don't despise Indians only.We even beat up our own kind too.U can't call us racist now!"
Forcin Adi Anwar 2 drink thinner was reprehensible
Few months ago.Datuk Seri Anwar was chastised by the UMNO bastards in Parliament 4 defendin a "lowlife" Indian such as Kugan
Let's see in the next Parliament proceeding whether those same bastards will stand up 4 Adi Anwar,a Malay n call 4 a motion 2 reform the police system
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