Why can't we talk about Altantuya. After all she did not come into the country as your Ministry's computer shows. If she did not appear in the country, how can she be C4ed? If she was not C4ed, how can there be a court case over her murder? You surely cannot murder somebody who has not come into this fair land, can you? Any dickheads will not dispute this logic. You cannot murder a body when you do not have the body. The road-sweeper in Taiping town who moonlights selling 4D tells me that Hamid is not only otak kering but sangat kering. I couldn't argue with him because he holds the broom and he was not pleased that I only bought 2big 2small. So Ham, come and get us.
And you mean the Ruler did not know that of the three who crossed over, two are being charged with corruption. Are you telling me that the Sultan endorsed that.....allowing a new Perak government comprising now of two felons to run his state. Hey, dingbag, the Sultan was the Lord President if you forgot? And wasn't he also the Agong. And how dare you oppose what my new NPC club president's assertion that the battle in Perak is between Anwar and the Sultan. You don't want the PM2B to wring your neck, before snapping it like how we immobilise a chicken? You are blur all right. This is PERAKIANS reaction to your edict:

Only way to deal with the Potatohead Gestapoman... mash da bugger and serve with English pork sausages!
Is there a Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by election fund we can contribute to ?
Master where will haris and u be on the weekend taiping or bkt. selambau.
Uncle Bernard,
You're too kind to show him the middle finger.
Matt, in Taiping, Cherry Inn
Anon2:58pm....thanks for the thought but it is best at this point in time to contribute by sending pout those sms we posted last night.
Looks like you are quite a surgeon - good transplant of a pair of balls on dickhead.
And btw you were rather fussy with details, making sure that the balls is almost bald, just like him! Hahahaha!
I must say he looks better with the "ball" head than the original bald head. I think he should do a transplant interchanging his head with his testicles. After all, this guy thinks with his balls anyway.
No NO NO.....we must NOT FORGET ALTANTUYA......let her not die in vain because it represents all that is SICK, & VOMITTING about the ways politicians in power GET REALLY REALLY RICH.
Razak Baginda is right now sipping champagne in his multi million home all paid for in ALTANTUYA's blood !!!
Malaysia our hearts bleed for you !
Do remember to held a big party when this disgrace was kicked out from the new cabinet. we must celebrate this though we are getting a cruel murderer as PM.
This bloody dickhead is TRYING VERY, VERY HARD to show PM2B that he is still relevant and necessary as a minister. What this slimeball does not understand is that he is the cause for the rakyat's hatred of UMNO/BN apart from the PM2B who is the most hated politician in the country.
The banning of Harakah and the PKR newsletters and now the ban that Altantuya's murder must not be mentioned at opposition Ceramahs and not issuing police permits to the DAP to hold ceramahs show this dickheads disgraceful mentality.
Where is the freedom of speech? Is this how PM2B and the UMNO/BN show their people friendly attitude. This alone shows UMNO/BN CAN NEVER CHANGE and it is destined to die a natural death.
Thanks to this idiot Botak for driving the final nails on the UMNO/BN coffin.
Dear Uncle Bern,
Is that a new type of brain tumor/cancer? it looks damn scary though the shape seems very familiar. How do people get such cancer? Thank you.
-Curious Dom Wat, Nanga Meringang, Sarawak-
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