During half-time I threw a bet with a friend who kept me company watching the same game. "For a bottle of Macallan, I say that the Sultan will confer a Datukship on the dropped-in Menteri Besar Zambry."
Before we shook on it, my friend countered: " A bottle if BN gives PR a walk-over in Penanti." I hate this guy....he never likes to lose, but I rather lose a bottle than to lose this friend.
Cheers then and thank you Dato Seri Zambri.....sorry you cannot have a sip of this tani.
Will I win this bet. Check out the previous posting.
Nizar still my MB Perak!
a voice from a anak perakian...
马来西亚人为先 上
Low down CHEAP! Two months into the job and what has this rogue contributed to Perak except to further mess the on-going political impasse to no end and that's a reward for him? It takes an idiot not to realise it!
My labrador shoud be a better choice; at least she's deligently on the job of keeping peace, guarding the home and family.
never mind the 12 yrs
triple cask matured!
superb tani. slurp.
Sorry master chivas only in Perak if you catch my drift.
Anon 10:12pm....sure I get your drift....at a club function of which he was then guest of honor I was in charge of the VVIP table. Only Chivas.
Malt has the after-taste of royalty.
Cheers Perakians.
Thank god you have changed for the finer malt as the stock of chivas in Perak these days smell of cockroaches LOL.CHEERS.
Getting all worked up over what PM Najib said about not wanting to contest in Penanti by-election to vent your frustration is a waste of time.
Please remember that PM Najib is one who thinks through his strategies; just look at how he executed his tactics to overthrow the PR gomen in Perak . Do not be fooled again over his latest announcement of not wanting BN to contest the Penanti by-election.
Is it possible that PM Najib is now laying down his basis of NOT WANTING TO HOLD a SNAP ELECTION in PERAK with the new excuse that it is a waste of tax-payer's monie$ and to focus on the economy?. There might be something up his sleeve here which might catch the PR team off-guard.
To all opposition strategists out there , please put on your thinking caps to analyse PM's Najib strategy and think of what tactics, contingent actions or counter-measures that needs to be put in place in case this is a smoke screen to cover up another hatchet job!!
Good Luck guys,
orang kampung
Zorro Sir, I won my bet. Chelsea won and Benny, the best dressed bachelor in town, duly settled. Zorro, the FC has been trampled on by UMNO and its judicial goons. The Sultan was also dragged into this mess by UMNO.
Let us bet that UMNO will only be a minority party in the opposition soon.
Peace Admiral Tojo
Najib is fed up of losing. Semi Value is still bent on trying his luck this time around without realizing Penanti is not for the MIC to grab.
Mamakthir the idiotic firaun whose crooked mind came up with the crooked bridge wants UMNO/BN to contest Penanti even when he knows the UMNO/BN does not have a ghost of chance of winning.
Mamakthir still wants his crooked bridge. Would Najib oblige? Mamakthir wants UMNO/BN to contest even when Najis, the great strategist, has indicated it would be a futile exercise. At least he knows UMNO/BN would be at the receiving end until the 13GE.
But knowing Mamakthir and his streak for vengeance, Najib might still oblige to build the crooked bridge and contest the Penanti buy-election. He would not want to face AAB's fate.
In fact it is better for Najib to do what the mamak wants because that old goat has his henchmen, Muhyiddin Yasin and Mukhriz the kiddy goat to do the necessary to topple Najib.
Najib may think that he is a great strategist in bringing down the PR government in Perak but he should never underestimate the crafty goat who is known for his skulduggery and gerrymandering.
When Najib least expects it, he might find himself at the centre of another sodomy charge. Mamak is an authority in this game.
Najib should also be aware of the shenanigans of Rais Yatim who has decided to go against the
1Malaysia concept by curtailing freedom of information whereas Najib has declared that there would be no stifling of information, be it through the MSM or the alternate media. Who is trying to backstab whom?
For the sake of solidarity among the component parties in the BN, Najib should let Semi Value stand as the BN candidate in Penanti. That would be killing two birds with one stone: good riddance of Semi Value from the political scene and getting a scapegoat for the losing Penanti to PR.
Having sold out his own people, this Sentul thug wants to sell out the BN as well. What a fine strategist? Kill the BN from within.
Pakatan Rakyat rulez!
' crooked bridge' again !!??
I was watching "The Boxer Rebellion" on History Channel.... Just visualise the Emperor's Auntie (Dowager)behind the young emperor separated by a thin veil giving instructions on what to do next...Would be lovely if our great illustrators can draw Najib sitting with Mahathir behind him separated by a Veil Telling Najib to go for battle at Penanti.....
We know what happened after that in China...and what will happen at Penanti...
So how now? You mean we have to respect him more with his new title, even though there is a big question mark over the way he has been appointed the MB.
Respect has to be earned, not forced upon. It also encourages other question mark deals cos it shows you can be rewarded for doing it.
What do you think?
tansiree lim
You may wish to add....?
Once there was a Crooked Bridge Planned by a Crooked Man
Who used to live in a Crooked House.
The Crooked Man chased out his Not-so-Crooked Butler who sat on his Crooked Seat.
He said "Begone you Crooked One" for the Crooked Seat is actually meant for his Crooked Pal.
The Crooked Man made sure that his Crooked Pal kept his Crooked Son for his Crooked Seat.
Hi bernard,
Didnt realise you dropped at my blog to ask for Transformers 2 revenge of the fallen premiere tix. At the moment the booking for the premiere has been closed until further notice. if our organiser is willing to open up extra seats, i will let you know. as for now there's no guarantees.
its gonna be an honour to have a Barisan rakyat blogger to watch the premiere with us! i too frequent your blog and RPK's and occasionally leave comments using another nom de plumme in MT. Thanks for the good report from you and your team in all recent by-elections.
Hidup rakyat!
The Zamri looks like a teh tarik seller uneducated bunch of moron.
He must have graduated from Edison College.
Talk also like idiot.
BN - Basterds Negara
by-election is good!
by-election is fun!
by-election is the best time to tell the fat boy & all babi negara... up yours!
Orang PR syok sendiri,,baru menang sikit dah berangan nak memerintah malaysia,,kalau anuar aljuburi and the gang tu tak payah la kau orang sokong, diaorang lebih korup dan hina daripada sehina2 orang.berlagak bersih, tapi tuhan je yang tau kebusukan mereka.semua nyae kaya dan mewah semasa dengan UMNO,,bukan dia aje tapi anak beranak dia pun kaya raya gak,,yang Khalid tu lagi lah teruk,,berapa kali bertanding untuk jadi ketua bahagian,,langsung tak terpilih,,tanya masa dia pencen guthrie dia dapat berapa,,azmin pulak tanya dia mana dia dapat AP untuk Wald tu,,bukan ke masa anuar aljuburi jadi menteri kewangan ke,,jangan dengan dia2 anuar dan main belakang,,sebab tu setia semacam...
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