The assault on democracy by unelected institutions has just been completed with this latest federal court ruling.
The notion of separation of powers between the judiciary and the legislature has all but gone into the bin. Democracy is dying and we are heading in the direction of dictatorial rule.
There is another trickery and that is this ruling was made by the apex court, meaning that no other court is able to overturn the federal court's ruling.
There is no recourse available for Pakatan Rakyat to challenge this ruling.
HANTU too is incensed and he donated this special orthopedic bed for future kangaroo court jesters...opppssss.....judges.

Article 72 of the Federal Constitution reads:
(1) The validity of any proceedings in the Legislative Assembly of any State shall not be questioned in any court.
(2) No person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything said or any vote given by him when taking part in proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of any State or of any committee thereof.
(3) No person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything published by or under the authority of the Legislative Assembly of any State.
May a thousand semut selangor bite the guilty ones.
Read about semut selangor HERE
and don't miss KIM QUEK at CPI
and the MIGHTY PEN is darted at U-NO-WHO
and make sure it bites at the right place to give full effect. i think the scrotum will be just fine and hope they never breed again so as to prevent the country from over-populated by such pollutes.
What happens when you cross a pig with a some federal court judges?
Nothing. There are some things a pig just won’t do.
Only laughter can alleviate this unholy alliance of bought Judges:-
1. What do you call a man with an IQ of 70? Your Honour!
2. What do you have when 3 crooked judges are buried up to their necks? Not enough cement!
3. How many kinds of Judges are there? 2 kinds. Those who know the law and those who know the Prime Minister!
4. If a crooked Judge and an Tax Officer were both drowning, and you could save only 1, would you go for lunch or read the papers?
5. Looking sternly at the 2 laywers in his chambers, Judge Corleone says," I have received two cheques as bribes from you both, one for $20,000 from Lingam and $10,000 from Chin. Now I am returning the $10,000 cheque and warn you that I will decide this case solely on its merits!"
Does anyone have the written judgement of the judges ? I would really like to see why they considered Article 72 of the Federal Constitution as not applicable in this case.
Zorro, you have vowed not to let things be swept under the carpet. This is one of those that must not kena the penyapu.
If the fact is that the constitution has been discarded by the Federal court, where are those who are supposed to defend it? Take a leaf from Pakistan where lawyers abd judges themselves gone to the street to protest. I guess the Bar Council and our judges are too busy chasing ambulances or are sucking up to Umno. Malaysia is now officially a basket case.
Let us all rakyat Malaysia remember the names of these judges and also the prostitutes civil service staff accomplices...God willing one day will come when we take back our nation from these whores and then let us punish them so that future generation of whore judges and civil servant will remember it and be prevented from doing the same. The court of appeal judges...I know you and in front of the All Mighty I will ask HIM to punish you for your crime and may you rot in hell with satan for eternity ( no pardon or parole!!!!)
This is a dangerous precedent.
Dracula flies
Into the moonlit night
Breathing the cool crisp air
He feels good
The little devils do his homework
The Silver state
The mess it creates
Guarding principle of law
It has conveniently forgot
The Federal Constitution
Section 72(1) the white hair devils diverted
Into a dark corner let it stays a while
Giving the judgement to suit the power play
Forgetting about people and principles
The foundation of the nation
It is now cracked open
The white hair devils delivered contrary of FC
It is now threading on dangerous ground
The Silver state Speaker
He still holds court to the final end
The little devils can be caged
By order of the Speaker
In the assembly......
The Federal white hair devils
They are in contempt of State Assembly
The Speaker should rule it
Before any proceeding shall begin
The final battle is just begun
Dracula sniffs it knowing it will not last
It is only a breathing space
When the House sits
This is where the battle will be fought
He knows he will lose
When the Speaker will blast it through
Dracula flies away
When dawn begins to appear
The battle ahead is hard to fight
Yet he doesn't care
He wants his power red or white
He yells it loud as he disappears
Purple Haze....the latest published was in April:
Federal Court
Date of Judgments Name Of Cases
Case No
27/03/2009 AHMAD NAJIB BIN ARIS v PENDAKWA RAYA NO. 05-25-2007 (B)
I am trying more intimate sources...just be patient, but a gentle reminder from you could help. Cheers.
EC boss wants to meet both gangs & advise them NOT to simply create
by-elections unless someone MATI !!
my humble advice to PR : fcuk him ...
..@#$%^&*&^%$#@ ....., ok !?
Spinning ala UMNO!!!
Anwar not around?
Time is running out on Anwar and Raja Petra. Anwar is due to stand for trial for his sodomy case on July 1-24th. In the meanshile, Raja Petra is due for the courts on April 23-24th for sedition charges and May 26-28th for criminal defamation (related to his SD).
It is widely believed that Anwar is "sign, sealed and delivered" to return to Sungai Buloh prison. His case is an open and shut case, if not for Tan Sri Gani Patail foolish attempt to transfer the case from Session to High Court. One source claim that the evidence is so conclusive that the prosecutor could conclude their case by the third day of trial.
Totally off topic here, but do u have any idea what's up with Haris?
He has been quiet for some time.
Hope he is well.
Tks for your concern. A few have come in here asking about Haris. He is perfectly AOK....spoke to him a few hours ago because I could not meet him at a meeting this morning.
He is too caught up with his work which needs his urgent attention. He has to put bread on the table and the loaves dont multiply from blogging. Again thanks for asking. I will bring his attention to this.
Thanks. Very glad to know.
"May a thousand semut selangor bite the guilty ones. "
And I wish to add a thousand hearty amen to that just and upright curse upon that brazen liars and hypocrites.
They are LLB - Liar Lagi Buruk - of the worst kind.
Their license and academic qualification should be revoked.
Someone find out their academic background, and lodge an official complaint with the academic institutions they hailed from...
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