God must have rewarded me for going to church yester- evening. I normally do not go to church on Sunday because it is mandatory, I go because I NEED to. Yesterday was one of those NEED days.....I needed to talk to him about a few things like taking care of my country and my friends Pete and Marina.
What's God's reward? After I posted about Jac Surin, this morning I am blessed with this piece from Datuk Sak aka Sakmongkol AK47. Datuk trained his AK47 at a journalist he merely refered to as JT. I have nicked her as Jostling Tan although in a posting of 13 August 2007: "The Scratching And The Stabbing Have Begun", I have been forward and identified her openly as Joceline Tan, Star columnist, UMNO media mistress. This was the period of the Khairy Ascendancy. Her writings and praise of KJ was in AK47 orgasmic rapidity.
Now she has changed sweethearts and sneers at DPM choice of Rashid Yusof as his press secretary. Why? Just because Rashid master-stratigised KJ's coveted seat as Pemuda Chieftan. And Rashid did not spin anything when he came outright to say that he was going to mend fences between the DPM and the Pemuda Head. That I like, very much, take aim and shoot straight. That is honesty.....and if they play the cards right these two might be the next PM and DPM. That is, if they play by the rules and not be smothered by their own people....then they will just remain President and Deputy President of UMNO and in the opposition.
Meantime, although it is none of my business, UMNO should be looking for some other media-concubine, but I know that the likes of Aniza has lost her ten foot pole.
Go read Datuk Sak before he pulls the trigger.
Congrats DS on your latest assignment. Like I told MamaSita, it is more effective to be on the fringe of the periphery than being in the INNER circle.
Congrats DS on your latest assignment. Like I told MamaSita, it is more effective to be on the fringe of the periphery than being in the INNER circle.
Mr Zorro,
what a sweet gesture. Thank you very much. regretted didn't cross path with each other at One Utama yesterday. maybe next time, will call you up.
thanks and best regards.
I distinctly remember Jocelyn had the 'hots' for Khairy when he was in the ascendancy. It was bordering on a semi-sexual kind of admiration...kakakakak..
So now KJ is not in her political master's favour....and her tone has totally changed....
What a media W**re.
Jocelyn is too old for my son.
If Maya Karin I can accept her.
Khairy' mum....you cheeky naughty mum....you wouldn't. Nori is gutsy and feisty, if she is the same little girl I knew at Hari Raya open house years and years ago.
Jossie T? What do you expect Bernard? She's just like the head honcho of "Duh Star", they know how to change their song according to who or what is in power.
That's why that guy in 'Duh Star' is still enjoying the editor's seat after 3 Prime Ministers. Guess being a political "lalang" has its benefits.
Joceline is ugly, crude and a Khairy arse-licker. She professes to know every Umno insider when her only Umno contact is Juhaidi yean Abdullah, a former NST man who is now a businessman. She makes me puke. She sexes up her stories to attract readers. Her stories are all hearsay, in fact third of fourth hand hearsay. She is a fake.
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