....this piece of chicken-shit thinks that she can fool us.
At the recent Press Conference she said (showing her tongue...see pic):
" that she supported the formation of a BN government in Perak so that her Jelapang constituency could benefit from development funds." She is the breed of politician who want John the Baptist head on a platter, without doing the dance of the 7 veils. Dang, I just forgot that anything is boleh with the BN.
GET ANGRY, PEOPLE OF PERAK.....it was just unfortunate that this piece of sHEEt has broguht disgrace and ignominy to our state of Perak. Thanks Vincent.
This BN-acquired 'cheap asset' is now made to do monkey tricks.
No up-skirt shots, puhhlleeeezzz coz we're Malaysians.
Guys, follow carefully.
1. Remember the venue where she held the press meet.
2. Flashback - how many special draws were held by a gaming company in February/March 2009? Check the website.
3. How is the gaming company and the venue connected?
4. It can be true that BN did not fund anything.
5. But do not discount the fact that the gaming company is connected to the funding - and recovering it through special draws.
Why should the funding be in this way?
Simply because - that has been the way from the time Tg Razaleigh lost narrowly to be a party president. Remember how the voting was done that time. Staggered basis - over a period of time.
The talk that time was, it gave the incumbent, enough time to alert a business 'kaki' who used his charm to swing votes from a power centre in the party - who incidentally has risen to great heights recently.
This time around, the same approach was used?
Hee said that she will even support the opposition if there were merits.
Thats rubbish. Will the BN allow such situation?
After getting her to switch sides?
She is still valuable.
When the Perak assembly sitting is to be held, she can still play an important role - if Sivakumar is made to go missing like Bala.
That time she will take over as assistant speaker and can wreck all efforts of PR.
Do not take her for granted.
She has been well trained and well funded.
Pakatan gav this bitch the honor of bein the 1st female deputy speaker in history of the Perak Assembly n instead of repayin them wit thanx,she shits on them
DAP better improve their screenin 4 suitable candidates b4 the next general election bcuz the rakyat definitely does not need another whore like this Hee women
Bernard I've been to many countries and it is not stamped on my pasport, with the new microchip pasports there is no necicity to stamp the pasport, so the question I ask is simple, did any of the reporters carry a pasport reader with them?, I arrived in this European country without any trace of having left Malaysia on my pasport- no exit stamp nor entry stamp to this european country, WHY? because the pasport was just sloted into the pasport reader, thats why!
The press conference of Hee is at the perfert timing for MB Nizar!
Hee will help to recall the Malaysian(especially the voters in Bukit Gantang) who tends to be forgetful on the Coup De tat.
"... i asked for a 'new camry, piece of tanah, datukship, ....,....,....&
....,....,....etc' BUT not only they refused & i was killed out !! "
It is amazing that heehaw has so quickly learnt the art of lying and denial. I guess it is easy for people without morals and principles. So the press conference was a coincidence, not politics, yes, the people still sokong you, your constituency is very happy with you, cos you can bring in development... crapsheet!
Putting up her photo in Bukit Gantang will cost BN another 1000 votes.
What has going overseas to do with being a running bitch?
A running bitch can run all over the country or go overses but will still be a running bitch.
if we have a first lady, the HEE is the first bitch of this nation.she would even sleep with another man is paid a good sum.of course her husband to wont say anything coz that guy lost his balls when he marry her.
The things she said in that press conference is just mind-boggling. No remorse whatsoever. I can see why DAP rejected this person, she's utterly rubbish.
She alone couldn't topple the Great Wall, She said. Well, Perak was not Great Wall. It so happens the numbers were close. She played a major part in the change. Who is she kidding?
The political frogs
It never ends its ways
Personal conveniences
fighting hard isn't in it
The short cut to glory
Then the gravy train
Wagon on the hard working campaigners
Ride on the waves so get recognition
The political frogs
Sometimes good many times bad
Know what it is for
It shouldn't be for personal grandeur
We hear it so often
On major election and buy elections
Scoring points getting the good vibes
The campaigners slotting hard for another try
The story will be said
The digging holes come to stay
The burial ground prepared
Praying and waiting for the day
When 13 arrives, Freddy comes a calling
The nightmares for Bee Anne
“Darling I am coming home”
She said she would like to serve the people ( or money ??)of Jelapang. Don't forget she was elected under the DAP. To proof her innocentand uphold her dignity, suggest she better immediately quit the post and have a fresh election be hold. She can stand as the independent, to see whether the Jelapang PEOPLE want her to serve or not ? Or, to see whether BN will appooint her as the candidate ? Or too testify she is CLEAN, that is what BN sloganed, right? Or .......For the sake of GOD and also her FAMILY, She should acid test herself, not to sHEET anyway now, will only disgrace herself. The fresh election will be the acid test and issue will then be cleared enough, she can earn the honour ( ?? may be also money?? )by then, she does not need to leak out her ugly tounge to public, it is so ug.......!
I curse this sell out bitch! May she unable to shit for 2 months.
Just ignore this sheet and she deserves only sheet. Let's get on with forging unity among races to beat BN. Don't be distracted by traiters.She dose not deserve our sympathy as she destroyed Democracy in our state.
Malaysians can go into Israel without getting their passport stamped. Malaysians can also go into many Thai border towns with just their MyKad and some coffee monies.
She thinks she is holier than Mother Teresa? What the shit is she!
For every body's info, she just bought a brand new Toyota Vios for her son in March after she received the payment from Barisan Najis.
She is now hiding at the Regency Condo at Jalan Raja Dilir Ipoh. Before that she was staying in a low cost terrace house in Bercham.
No money involve?
Wat Anonymous post 2 was right. Thats what I hear from other sources too.
Anyway..good for her since she opted cash (for her debted hubby) + Mercs rather then her moral.
Go & have fun...but do surrender your post for by election if u intend to serve the RAKyat since you are always missing & dissapear.
This piece of sHEEt is a real piece of shit and Malaysians will forever despise such woman. She is so despicable that "spitting on her grave" doesn't sound so despicable!
Hee! you are just an everlasting shame for Jelapang and Malaysian! you thought everyone is an idioit?!
Does it matter to us this farking whore, whether she has left the country or not. If she has the guts, go back to her Jelapan constituents and make her stand there. There is no point to justify herself with all the cheap talk...no one is buying.
The fact is nothing will cleanse her soul...she dug the hole, she be buried in it!
this sheet already wear MCA shirt!!!!! her shirt looks very familiar with d mca wear de......
Hee juz added kerosene to Perakians' fire of anger! the earth will open up and swallow her to deep deep down below!
where did this piece of s$#t held the press conference? which gaming company?
Hee, could you please just shut up!!!!!!.
She talked on 'development fund' from the Barisan? Shit, is she not aware that this fund is actually taxpayers' money? It's not fund for the Barisan to decide who should get what. It's the rakyat's entitlement and our money in the very first place. Her Barisan fund had since been spent by Khir Toyo on his Disneyland trips.
Answer to Anonymous 12.25 PM
Press conference was held at TIMES SQUARE
owned by Berjaya Group/V. Tan. Involved in the Lingam case. Sports TOTO is the company.
Hee hee,go and fly a kite lah!
You naive sheet think that the people in jelapang want to be served by you.
She should do herself a favor to quit and have a by-election and see jelapang folks want her to be their rep.
I beg to my last ringgit if she dares.
Bloody traitor to the people of Perak! BLOODY SHEET!!
Hee said that she left DAP to be an independent because of she was not given certain benefits dued to her. What kind of politician is she? To her whose interest is more important? The voter or her self interest? She is capable of betraying the voters just because she is not given certain benefits. We don't need self serving politcian like her. This type of character is most suited to UMNO but she cannot join UMNO can she?
Manure has value than her!!!!
BITCH, WHORE, TRAITOR, SHIT, RUBBISH are some of the terms used. Every word and their meaning rightly describe this woman. She is now the most hated woman in our country. This Jelapang Bitch, worse than a Whore, serving only BN dogs and is the number one Traitor has come out yesterday to serve more Shit and is now eternally termed as our backyard Rubbish!!!
PROSTITUTE at work again...just look at the timing for her to make the press statement...just before the bye election. I think she is being paid by instalments.
Everytime she opens her leg.. er..sorry her mouth, she will be paid.
Prostitute Hee, we like you so much we have organise for voluteers to clean your grave for Ching Beng. Just relax and enjoy your Hell money.
Eh yeah lah. Anonymous #1 might be right. The fact that it's in BERJAYA times square has to be something. That Hee definitely is on with something, involving much more sinister schmucks. I shudder at the thought.
i) yes, be careful, she's still deputy speaker.***
ii) if sivakumar goes missing, this fcuking bitch is in charge.
iv) may she rot in hell for eternity (and her husband too, if the 'debt thingy' is true).
but spare the rest of her family.
v) i am burning a paper camry for this fcuking bitch (it's ching ming now...).
It is Cheng Beng now and the Hell gates are opened for this Lame Toad DEvil to make an appearance. After that her passport will be revoked and she will rot in hell.
tq bro zorro, haris and gang for their relentless efforts in creating a better malaysia.
you guys have no monetary rewards whatsoever, yet you guys are at it nomatterwhat.
pls accept my salute and thanks.
nomatterwhat the outcome is, you guys are already heroes in the eyes of decent malaysians of all creeds, class and race.
again, i/we cant tq all enough.
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