It has to be a prerequisite because most of these corrupt ones are so blatant about their misdeeds and so straight-faced in defending themselves. Most abhorant of course is the Toyo (HERE in Niamah). Hasn't he got a conscience. How will his children handle this?
In retrospect the richest State aka Selangor has successfully produced Menteri Besars who have been indicted at home and abroad. One was jailed, one smuggled money and topped that by "abducting" a princess; the nexr one was told to get lost for corruption and the last one may take his wife to jail for companionship or complicity. Negri Isa lost his position and the CM south of Negri may be MACCed soon; the former Perlis and TerengganuMBs were told they were not wanted by their Royals. Dang! Did I name all the BN controlled states....coincidence? Oppssss I missed Sarawak and Sabah. Need I elaborate? I forgot Johore....because his hands are not soiled unlike his predecessor whom another UMNO bigwig colleague jokingly or cynically said that this character owned every plot of land except the cemeteries in Johor and the Istana.
I watch patiently the Royally-installed MB of Perak! Maybe time may not be on his side. When you have no shame, that would be step 1 towards shamelessly taking. We'll see.....
Of course to be fair, we need to carefully watch some of the PR guys too.....already 4 have been alleged to have collected what was offered. We are keeping watch on the PR coalition too, you bet. Corruption, like an octopus has many tentacles!
With bloggers not minding their own business the carpets are transparently thin these days.............
Now i understand the real meaning of "1Malaysia"
"1Malaysia Corrupted"/ Malaysia Korupsi Nombor Satu .
See? Even the national language is corrupted.
neither trend nor tradition lah. it's in da gene ... if u ain't got da corrupt gene in u, then u not qualified for da job. lier-gene is oso a must have. murderer-gene is optional.
yes it is. and if they wanna reach a higher level, they gotta learn how to kill or bomb people especially from mongolia.
Corrupts breed corrupts.
From Ministers to MBs and from the MBs to the Little Napoleons.
On a separate issue,Zorro,I am more concern on the problems brewing in PR.
With the new PM trying to do good, I am afraid PR may become irrelevant in the near future.
Corruption goes hand in hand with the job being a UMNO nominated MB. Take the Indon pendatang Toyo.This shameless, thick skinned and botox faced Indon pariah has the cheek to claim to be innocent of all his foul and base deeds.
Who was the mad man who selected this yo-yo as the MB? None other than the father of all corrupted crooks in the land, the great recalcitrant old goat, Mamakthir.
Only the mamak can uncannily, unerringly select another of guy who has corruption running through his veins along with his low pedigree blood.
Well, if the MACC doesn't want to lift a finger against this Toyo, it is a matter of time when another government would not hesitate to send all these corrupted goons, the MACC and other pigs to jail.
Such shameless bastards who call themselves as leaders and guardians of law and order.
Can can.....what is that saying about new brooms.....recap Badawi after sweeping thru 2004 elections and all those promises!
Mauriyall....I recall Mahathir publicly telling Toyo not to follow previous Selangor MBs corrupt traditions, when nominating him
Very true.
Less than a year of being Deputy CM, you are caught stealing sand.
How low can you go?
P.S.Zorro, I challenged you to release this.
You thrashed all my comments. At least put comment is deleted by the moderator.
You dont allow dissent.
Only people who praise you.
Just like the party you support.
Is this the democracy you are fighting for?.
Allow your flock to condemn the nay sayers.
wat's happening in PR is a healthy devt. wat's happening in BN is no new broom lah. juz an ultra-thin layer of sugar coating by najis over that da same old stinking pile of shit. no matter how much najis try to cover he can't do away with the smell ya.
UMNO itself wanted to get rid of those greedy mb & mp...
Unfortunate, can't seem to agree as to just which bums need to be thrown out.
Corruption is intoxicating. It is inflicted onto those in position of authority. Sing them praises and send them flowers (like a certain advert or two posted resently on the Star??), then send in the dough, or as the Malays say it, kirim salam berisi!! Those who are more bold will ask the boss-in-charge to 'gau tim' and pass in a very think envelopes. $ometime$, cartoon$ of goodie$$ are $ent directly to the hou$e$. At the end of the day, there is no paper trail, as they trade in cold, hard greenback$. HOw to bring them to court and charge them? Only Toyol is arrogant and stupid enough to leave evidence lying at the state agency! Bodoh sombong, kena tangkap masih nak tempias!! I hope he goes to jail.
"mauriyaII said...
Corruption goes hand in hand with the job being a UMNO nominated MB. Take the Indon pendatang Toyo..."
Blame Dr Khir for the wrongs he did. Why do you have to write 'the Indon pendatang'. Look around you mauriyaII. Around your neighbourhood, in your office if you are working in one and everywhere in Malaysia.
How many people can you see, at any one point, who are not 'pendatang'? Maybe you could even look at your own family tree and see for yourself. Can you confirm that you are not one yourself?
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