Meanwhile, state assembly opposition leader Dr Mohd Khir Toyo today welcomed the state government's decision in asking Wong to return to work tomorrow, adding that it would benefit Barisan National (BN).
Elaborating further, Khir said the decision showed that Pakatan was inconsistent in their values.
He said the decision not to accept Wong's resignation would be a political issue for a long time.
"Thank you (Selangor government) for the decision... we will exploit this issue," Khir told Malaysiakini.

Really! Pictures of an anus? You could do better than that. Couldn't you find some pictures of anuses with haemorrhoids? Those are more representative, wouldn't you agree?
This shit calld Toyol has the temerity to talk about morals. He has the audacity to take the moral high ground. This shit-hole cheated the whole country. He has no moral scruples. He is worse than a criminal. He and his wife should be put behind bars for a long long time. This is the greatest shit to ever appear in Selangor. I spit on you, shit.
Bastard Toyol, I will not rest in peace until the day you and your wife are incarcerated. You are the greatest thief on earth. You make me puke. You are the worst shit-hole to ever appear in this country.
yeah he's a piece of SHIT. Already full of it, he still wants to talk loud. His umno master won't be bailing him out, I don't think so. He better enjoy his time now.
So why is the MACC taking such a long time to investigate this Toyo AHole? We all know the answer to that question don't we? The MACC is an UMNO government agency & its boss is on their payroll.
Hmm..I dare to say that Killed Toyol is the most despicable bugger ever walk on the surface of Selangor..
Master pls include zul piece of shit from kulim in the list pr must remember because of people like you ,rpk, haris these monkeys are in pr. I SAY GET RID OF THESE CANCER CAUSING VERMIN ,CUT THEM WHILE YOU CAN.
dear uncle zorro,
the above-mentioned...it's just putting it mildly...no?
but u still do not answer abt the values of pakatan, zorro.
so eli wong will becme role model for the young? pre marital sex with married men is okay?
Values, Toyo?
Guess you find that in Mickey Mouse in Orlando, LA and Japan and all at the fucking expense of the taxpayer's money. How about a trip to Melbourne for your wife to see your kids. its absolutely alrite except that its taxpayers' money again.
Where's MACC under the child-porno ok chief? no cows? No cars? therefore, no case against Toyo?
Which is more frightening to you Khinzir or Toyol?
wot? want to exploit criminal action?
go ahead, please... we'll make mince out of this man!
The Toyol is defintely a disgrace to javanese people. Talking about values when you sapa duit rakyat? hehehehhehehe thanks for making LOL early this morning Uncle Zorro. Take care!
Hi Zorro ! Save the sherreded pieces of paper. They can still be patched back, you know...! Ask any of us that has a lot of time on our hands & it will be done. They don't have the right to sherred goverment papers which belongs to the goverment, by right...!!! By doing all these shows how much of misleading information they have been hiding yah.....! Let's try to 'patch' up the papers. What say you....? Too late???
Uncle Bernard,
I am surprised that you even want to waste your time on this guy.
He is history and should best be left by the wayside to rot.
Just ignore him; even his party people have pushed him aside.
Each time he opens his mouth, he digs a deeper hole for his own grave - forget about him!
But keep watching out for PR and continue with your comments on related issues. :-)
i wish the selangor government can nail him down. it should be the topmost priority in their action plan.
Anon at 12:32,
Since when do private lives of politicians become anyone's business?
Khir Toyo paid Hilmi 500k to release those photos!
Eli Wong may be a smoker/drinker or whatever (as per UMNO's view), but that's her own personal choice of lifestyle, and does not affect her good work as the people's rep. And sleeping in the nude is not a sin!
UMNO had to try and take her out because she was blocking hillside development projects that they had stakes in.
Adoi! Somebody got up so early to post anonymously, how nice :) But of course, people who have been forced to retire, have no worries about turning up late for work. They simply have no job. Which means that they have a lot of time to sit around planning mischief. Or thinking of their past glories.
It really must be enlightening to find out that money cannot buy everything. Cannot buy votes. Cannot buy a senate seat. Cannot buy a cabinet post. Cannot even buy friends, now that those kuncus are starting to desert the rat. Kesian!
So here you are, planning on how to make the news again. Attacking Eli is the simplest way, betul tak? And why not. Tak usah pakai otak. Newspapers love sensationalism, especially those directed to spread rumours and racism.
But jaga sikit, just my word of advice. YAB PM has openly declared national unity, kan? And if you insist on going against his wishes, don't be further disappointed if you are declared a pariah and outcast totally from politics. Padan muka then :)
This is how Sarawakian hates TMahmud ( our beloved white-hairaed anal ) He's even worse than Toyo...This f..ker drive rolls royce, one unused jaguar ( literary his display car infront of his acres house )
We don't care sh*t what he says. He's not even a 'has-been'. He is a 'never-been'!
Eli Wong is a MALAYSIAN POLITICIAN just like this Toyol shit, Hee Yit Foong shit, and Koh Tsu Koon shit. They talked one thing but do another thing. Take Eli Wong's cries, "I resign" but never submitted anything. And now after enjoyed two-months paid holiday, she decided better cling on to position, salary, and perks for dear life, saying MALAYSIAN POLITICIAN's shit talk, "My toughest decision." She fools only those fools who think she so damn good lah. She is just like Koh Tsu Koon, "I will never use backdoor." All SHIT.
Disgusted Rakyat Joe.
There is no corruption in BN. If there was, surely there would have been arrests by now. MACC is impartial. Wait! Do they know the meaning of the word?
WARNING!!!Mr Toyol...you better keep your bloody 'shit' mouth shut.You are liability to UMNO,BN and ALL Selangorians..get lost,back to your JAWA homeland.You bloodly idiot.
Zen said:If you like to talk all these'shit' things..you will reborn as SHIT.
anon 9.23am,
sleeping in the nude is not a sin. BUT SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER WOMAN'S MAN IS!
duh... if she was my daughter, i'd smack her back to her senses. there are a lot of single men out there yet she is sleeping around with married one.
again, what kind of moral values are pakatan upholding?
Khir Toyo's time to be hanged is very near indeed.
Peace Admiral Tojo
slumber....he is umno man. slumber what do you expect? slumber thats their fav motto mah. slumber.....
aiya...no fat chance botox and wife to charge them la. they umno slumber gang.
Another Buy-election for you to enjoy zorro, it looks like by the end of the year, you would have covered every state in malaysia...
Former Penang Deputy Chief Minister 1 Mohd Fairus Khairuddin resigned as Penanti assemblyman effective Thursday. In a press statement, he said that he would now focus on his post-graduate studies and in clearing his name from the allegations hurled against him.
Come on lah! How many virgins still maintain their virginity until the marriage night nowadays? It just comes natural. Aren't you tired of pretending to be a high moral person? What a damn hypocrite ever! Or you just want try to sobotage democracy over here.
He can be a hero too, if he resign now and force a by-election like what happen in Penanti, Penang?
Will you do that Toyo? I bet you will not and not gut to do so.
Since you have a perfect issue to exploit, resign lah!
Shiok Guy
Talking of this shit botox-face Toyo really leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Anyway what can one expect from a corrupt shit-hole who was plucked from an anonymous existence by the greatest of all UMNO corrupt, the maha Firaun, and made the Selangor MB?
That mad mamakthir wanted a docile shithole to play his tune and create more corrupted ones such as ZD of the 4 1/2 million mansion in the midst of the poor in Port Klang.
If a mere ADUN can make a multi-million mansion, botox Toyo thought he should be able to make at least a 100 times that amount while enjoying holidays and other perks at the taxpayers' expense.
This shithole wants to talk about inconsistancy in Pakatan. What consistancy is there in the UMNO Displinary Council rulings? A proven corrupt guy can still be the MB of Melaka; another corrupt guy can stand for and become the UMNO Youth president.
Losers can be made full ministers by the back door. If this practise is alright, why have elections in the first place.
What constistancy do we have when courts that have no jurisdiction over Parliament and the State DUNS can come up with slanted verdicts to please the UMNO goons?
So, Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor as well as the other states should EXPOSE all the Toyos and their misdeeds and these despicable imbeciles to oblivion in the next elections.
Anyway the more these shitholes open their mouth, the faster UMNO/BN would die a miserable death.
the piece of shit is salivating.
she thinks she is gonna be the Speaker. A traitor taking over the place of Sivakumar? God forbids!
Perakians, do you want such type of shit running the assembly?
I am completely speechless.
As the photo of " The Annals of Syed Anal " is too funny for me to comment anything.
Credits to whoever created it.
How to comment when it is so funny lah.
Anon, April 16, 2009 9:23 AM
"Since when do private lives of politicians become anyone's business?"
Since politicians hold the PUBLIC OFFICE and becomes a public figure.
Otherwise, we can have pornstar, thugs, criminals, paedophile, sodomite, murderer as politician, and we can't complain what they do in private?
so we all know Pakatan is no better than BN
Toyo and Hamid Albar is gone. History. Kapish, Zilch. Out of cabinet , MB and UMNO post.
Surprise you still meddle with these characters. Its pointless now.
Why need to attack them still. Old story, bernard. find new ones
Anon11:49....are you reading or are you just looking at pictures. This post is about new stories on old ones. GOTCHA!
he shuts his mulut while bininya gutturals = hamil !?
There's no way PR is the same as BN!
PR will win the next GE not because they are perfect, but because they will suck less of the people's money than BN. BN will act as a good watchdog for the people.
Therefore, PR cannot afford to be like BN.
if u see both 'a khinzir & a toyol'
= dun kill the khinzir, ok !!
yeah, uncle Bernard, the anal pic was so hilarious!! Haha, he's such an asshole!! Shame on him
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