pic donated by Knight Templar
I am giving myself several pats on the shoulders because I am getting the feel of this lip-reading that I am currently immersing myself into. It is such a fascinating science. I have tried it on some of the guys and gals that I have been with since the eve of Bukit Gantang Nomination Day.....I have asked them to say something from a distance......I have so successfully verbalised what I did not hear them say. Here are some examples and I am documenting it here because they have been verified CORRECT, very CORRECT, perfectly CORRECT by my test-participants, the SPECIAL BUNCH:
Rodi: Rodi lah not Jodi
The Duke: Any more fresh veggies?
Old Blue Eyes: Berapa jauh bandar Taiping?
Lillian: #@*%^!^ hell.
Boom: You are speaking like an UMNO member.
Danny: Where is my fish-eye lens.
Gus: Want to eat?
Haris: I am going up to do two postings....
Ariff: Where can sleep well? (Shangai & I shared room with him and snored Taiping-style)
Virgin: Jia Wei....time to go home....turn off Ariff's computer.
Vic: My man, where did you learn how to drink Macallan? Sip man!
Ms More: Vic, Sara's MILO pee again.....
Choon Yee: Stupid independents.....wasting our time.
Kelly: What veggies....I see you all eating meat!
and this one got me the blue-ribbon award.....
Nanda: My father was a monomaniacal nimrod with piscatorial propensities.
Wanna know what YB Nizar is saying?
In that easy people-pleasant style he is saying:
Nagib, you can prove that you did not play dirty. This is how. Engineer a state elections if you dare.....double your UMNO machinery....I only have the people of Perak. They will show you that you played dirty. Bring in again Tun for another try. Bring along Botak Blurrrrr......that would add some comic effects. Bring along your whole new cabinet. My people in Perak will show you and yours that Perakians are not ordinary. I await your reply.

The man of the hour
The triumph in Bukit Gantang
It sent a shivering signal
The number 6 didn't want to hear
The bad nights
The haunting dreams
On Cheng Beng black knight took office
The day the ghosts walk free
The days ahead
The shadow feeling afraid
Of the unfinished businesses
Ringing up in his brain
The man of the hour
Nizar triumphed against all odds
Only the people of Perak
They decide the politician's fate
The democracy under the tree
The black knight couldn't smile any more
The light is glowing majestically
He knows he can't escape
A short lived escape
The ghosts dancing in his dream
Nizar waving smiling at his easy pace
“Come to Perak
PR will bury you with votes”
The black knight stops
Eyes glaring fear in his soul
So you should celebrate:) Go easy on the Macallan ok? Thanks again to all you guys and gals out there doing what you do for our collective good. Many, many thanks Zorro and the Special Bunch - u are a special bunch of people!
I can't wait to write more thank you messages.
Thank you (x1000) to you and all the guys also in Selambau and B.Ai. Thanks also to all party workers, volunteers and supporters. Thanks to the rakyat and all. Thanks to all Perakians. I simply just like to say Thank you.
Sweeeeeeet victory, miss the fun & games, even though I was only there one night! Loveya, Uncle Zorro! :-)
Untuk Mawarku Berduri,
Mana boleh Ayahanda bersara, berdosa.
Tuuu Razak tuu, anak dia dalam kerajaan, tuu anak Hussein tuu anak dia dalam kerajaan, menantu Dolah tuu yang saya tak bekenan tuu, walau bukan anak, hanya menantu je pun dalam kerajaan.
Tengku Rahman je yang tak sempat letak anak dia dalam kerajaan sebab dia tak ada anak.
Tak cukup lagi tuuu Kit tuuu, anak dia pun dalam kerajaan, Si Sing Utara tuuu pun anak dia dalam kerajaan.
Anak Ayahanda je yang belum tentu arah lagi. Mana boleh Ayahanda bersara, berdosa....
Interesting science, lips reading. Here's what I wish you have read, Zerro;
"My son, my son", Mahathir.
"Serve the bastard right. I hope the ghost of Altantuya will follow him and his wife to Petra Jaya", Abdullah.
"Aiyo, habis lah me", Syed Hamid.
"Shit lah, where am I going to get free trips to Disneyland some more", The Toyol.
"I oso speaka inglish", MM Taib.
"Hee hee", Anwar.
thanks so much to Abang Zorro and team.
From G n Family
-anak bangsa malaysia-
Dear Uncle Zorro
You read lips?? LOL
No end to your talents!
Read mine - U.R.O.C.K. !!!!
Amidst all these elation, lets not forget that if it had not been for the Perak royalty, Nizar would not have been what he is today.
It was the wisdom of the Perak royalty to rightfully intervene and choose him as MB of Perak.
Now they have propelled him further as a worthy candidate to lead the country in the near future.
Instead of thanking the royalty, we seem to be saying things otherwise!
Sometimes, the path to greater heights is not easy. One has to go through trials and tribulations to prove that the drive and determination using righteous methods will never fade half-way, when there is so much goodwill and support.
Nizar was and still is the chosen one - by the monarchy, which could see his potential, not just as a state MB, but as a national leader to take the baton from the UMNO led team.
So what if he is from PAS?
Thats what happended to a Jew who was born to a virgin. Even the Jews did not liek him. He too was put to trial many times. In the end, he triumphed.
The subsequent generations of the very mighty government that put HIM to death, now has provided for a special place in its capital city for the thoughts of that JEW to radiate from to the world.
In Nizar's case, the Perak royalty have acknowledged his potential within 10 months and have rightly decided that he should be going places and do Perak proud by being in the Federal administration.
Imagine, after more than 50 years of Merdeka, and having produced so many illustrious leaders, a Perakian has not had the opportunity to be PM of this country?
Thats what the Perak royalty is trying to correct.
And look at the timing?
Non-Bumiputras have come out of their apprehensions about a guy who is from a party that they once feared.
They have broken the chains of the BN that kept warning them about the 'dangers' of associating with the party that Nizar represents.
You think they will turn back?
Why should they, when the Perak royalty have rightly identified Nizar as the one who is capable of looking after the interests of the rakyat - irrespective of creed and origins?
This is the Malaysia Boleh that we all want.
Its not far.
We can soon experience it, if we continue the momentum and remain committed to walk all the way with Nizar.
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