Independents Undressed-Bkt Selambau
Dikirim pada April 2, 2009 oleh Shamsul Iskandar
While its a national history that 15 candidates are vying for the coveted Kedah state exco seat, many hypothesis had alluded to its phenomena.
Let’s look at the independent candidates and their background:
1)ANUAR B HAMID - An ex-Armed Forces major (retired), an UMNO member of Sungai Air Mendidih branch in Merbok division, frustrated with Umno after Dr. Mahathir left the party sulking. He was also responsible for closing down the Sungai Air Mendidih Umno’s Hall.
2)RADZI B LAZIM - Claimed to be ex-PKR division chief. Its nonsense, he is now an UMNO member with several ex-PKR members including former Kedah youth chief, Zamil Ibrahim & ex-Merbok PKR chief, Mochtar Mansor.
3)KHAMIS B AWANG - An UMNO member of Sungai Layar branch in Sungai Petani.
4) ABD RAHIM B ABU - An UMNO member of Bukit Selambau, under the supervision of Pakjang Badri, former assemblyman of Bukit Selambau in the 1990’s.
5)HUSAINI YAACOB - Also an UMNO member , a businessman who owns 5 quarries in Singkir, Perlis, Bukit Perak, Sik & Juru. His firm owns an UMNO associated company, Kemelong.
6)FADZIL B ABD WAHAB - An ex-Army Officer who owns a cafe & kedai nasi kandar in
7)TAN HOCH HUAT - A Gerakan member of Sungai Petani, a component of Barisan Nasional.
8)CHANDARAJAH A/L TANASEGARAN - A MIC member of Taman Ria Jaya, Sungai Petani. Also a businessman.
9) G SARALA A/P LOGNATHAN - An ex- Kedah People’s Progressive Party Wanita Chief.
10)VENASON A/L MICHELE - An ex-MIC member of Taman Ria Jaya.
13) JAYAGOPAL A/L ADAIL KALAM - An ex-PKR member who was suspended by PKR Pokok Sena Division.
So, for all too see, These candidates can lie about their so called secret association & UMNO Barisan National can parade the streets, but we will campaign hard to tell the truth against these pretenders.
Defending people’s victory, Vote For Keadilan, Vote For Pakatan Rakyat !
where is the solid proof about this allegation?? u think people just accept this writings without any proof?? like can u give their UMNO membership no??
i can accept this allegation ONLY after i see the proof.. otherwise all your writings are just nonsense & rubbish!!
YES YES YES ! viva PR !
Dear Sir,
I couldn't help but read to the end this posting. It's pretty interesting and confirms my belief that Malaysian politics will never change, no matter all that have been spouted by both sides.
Pretty telling isn't it? They are all either ex-UMNO, ex-MCA, ex-Gerakan, ex-PPP, ex-PAS, ex-PKR. Our political climate is being determined and clouded by all "exes" and those still original members or those who have come in from the "other" parties.
What does all this say to the thinking voter, the one who doesn't belong to any political party but wants to see something happen that is truly devoid of personal ambition, racist tendencies and religious hypocracy? Who does he choose or vote for? In the bigger picture, they all become one and the same.
Anwar Ibrahim (PKR) ex-UMNO, Gobalakrishnan (PKR) ex-MIC, Kamaruddin Jaafar (PAS) ex-UMNO; and the list goes on.
My decision? I choose not to cast my vote at all. They are all one and the same. Who's to say any change will be forthcoming if the mindset's all the same? The once-upon-a-time UMNO Youth thugs who railed against APCET II many years ago are now older PKR thugs utilising the same tactics of thuggery.
Same difference?
Even before taking over the new post, we already can see the tell tale sign of conspiracy and iron fist.
What to expect and what chance to be given to proof is he talking ??
Where have the nation's intelligence gone to,down the drain ??
I'll do my crying in the rain.
Thanks for revealing it. RAKyat must know the real truth.
Maybe just a bunch of attention seekers!
This information has not been banned yet. Quickly publicise this during ceramahs before this too is banned for being sensitive and causing public disorder.
Chotz, congratulations, you've passed your audition and have made it to the final shortlist for entry into the public services commission! Would you like a posting in Biro Tatanegara, Pekida or PDRM?
Anonymous @ 7:10AM - Go ahead and merajuk till Jesus swings by in his flying saucer and rescues you from this terrible reality where nothing is black or white and everything comes in various shades of grey and where every person is so complex and many-layered they can't seem to remain either "good" or "bad" for more than a few weeks at a time. You dumbkopf! When a tiger has his jaws around your neck and some guy runs up to help you, do you demand that he show you his identity card and the results of his latest DNA test because, y'know, these days you can't trust ANYbody?
Are some contestants after name or fame
When prepared to burn their election deposits in 'flame'
But who else but they themselves to blame
If they finally finish up all bruised up and lame
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng -030409
Fri. 3rd Apr. 2009.
Wow, so many disgruntled ex UMNO members. Wonder why? Hope the PM will clear his name, suethe French Paper, UMNO youth demonstrate in front of French Embassy etc. In fact demonstrate in front of ALL embassies. Perhaps take a lie detector test too.
Until such time, silence is acceptance of guilt.
To Chotz, do you own intelligence work and you will get the proof. Why are you behaving like UMNO, need to be spoon fed all the time?
Peace Admiral Tojo
Let's pray that voters will have the necessary wisdom
To elect those they want to lead them in this earthly kingdom
With all the God given strength and true freedom
And no longer under unwanted political fiefdom
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 030409
Fri. 3rd Apr. 2009.
How come no action taken against all these people? Something unusual.
The whole scenario has changed as of today..new PM, the old man is back, new UMNO leadership. I just hope PR is ready for all this.
Looks like the battle is now back to Anwar and the old man, one of them has to fall before this country can move forward.
Interesting times or rather uncertain times are here again.
anything could happen in bolehland. anything.
let's celebrate for our new crime minister.
For once you have to have sympathy for Tun Mahathir Mohammad. why sympathy? In fact I think we should receive him with open arms!!
Do you know he has now joined our ranks too? Like how we used to play hide and seek with the FRU and the authorities, having to run from AmCorp to Civic Centre and then to Lotus and such?
Now Mahathir has had to do just that too...Just like us too. So you got to receive him with open arms when he comes up to Bukit Gantang.
You see he was in London couple of days ago to give a talk at the ALTERNATIVE G20 AGENDA.
And guess what. It was supposed to have originally been held at the University of East London...and then they chickened out.
‘Duty of care’ cited as university scraps event amid security concerns."
Go to: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=405986&c=1
You will see there "“However, in recent days an alternative agenda has emerged, and the event has been linked to possible direct- action protests against the G20 Summit, which have been widely publicised in the media.”"
Aiyo=yo..how can out Tun be involved with a bunch that has demonstrated, caused inconvenience, been arrested, seen breaking a bank's glass panels and so on la.
Maybe u have already access to this information...
I receive this in my blog :
Hey the d'nightcaller,
Have just exited the blogging world. In my last post, I said that the installation of NTR should be delayed, and when it was not, I stuck to my word and deleted my blog.
The return of Dr Mahadey will be yet another twist to this tale. NTR now has to balance co-PM Rosmah, the MCA, UMNO, and now Tun.
And he inherits an economy based on a system that is now outdated, i.e. the export driven growth model.
Well, it does not look good, I'm afraid.
It could turn out to be another tumolotous year ahead of us
~Blogger formerly known as Wenger J Khairy
I have tried to enter the blog, and yes, the blog has been removed.
Wenger is a worthy adversary in terms of thoughts...don't u think so?
Mr Chong
New Crime Minister?
Hello, Najib has released 13 ISA detainees.
He will review the ISA.
He also revoked the ban on Harakah and PKR mouth-piece?
Isn't that what you guys want?
Where is the return to dictatorship, the autocratic and the Mahatriism that y'all are fond of accusing?
Vote for Najib and BN.
Nightcaller, no I am not privy to Wenger K J's exit from blogosphere. It will be sad if he doesn't make a return. I have always enjoyed parrying with him....like you say....such a worthy opponent. Hordes of people (including you, Datuk Sak of SakmongkolAK47 and I) will miss him.
Herr General, I would not allow the turn of events to distract from what we set out to do.Never! But you deserve a respite....you fought a good fight for KJ.Take consolation from that victory and get ready to join us for the next foray.
For our common enlightenment. If another world war does occur, at least we do have precedence.
Only Obama can save Iran from Israeli bombs
Richard Beeston – Times Online April 3, 2009
An Israeli colleague was sent on an assignment so secret and sensitive that it was years before he would share the full story with friends.
He was dispatched by Menachem Begin, then the Prime Minister, to European capitals with orders to meet editors, politicians and opinion makers to spread the word that Israel was increasingly concerned about Iraq's nuclear programme and would do anything to stop Saddam Hussein building the bomb. The warnings, intended to prepare Western public opinion, were largely dismissed as sabre-rattling (one editor insisted on discussing a new lavatory system designed on a kibbutz) - until June 1981, when Israeli Air Force F16s bombed the plant to rubble.
A few days ago a chill went down my spine when an articulate and intelligent senior Israeli official made exactly the same argument about Iran's nuclear programme at a briefing in London. He described an Iranian nuclear weapon as an existential threat to the Jewish state, which would defend itself whatever the consequences. These warnings are not new but the political and military circumstances are conspiring to make an Israeli attack on Iran a probability, unless the Middle East experiences dramatic changes in the coming weeks and months.
It is a widely held conclusion among nuclear experts that Iran now possesses enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb. It would still have to be enriched to weapons grade at the centre in Natanz before being made into a warhead. But Iran has mastered the technology and has the raw materials. Building a nuclear bomb is now only a matter of time.
Iran's presidential elections are in June. President Ahmadinejad is expected to be re-elected. Indeed, a Western diplomat in Tehran said that he had not met a single Iranian - even opponents of the Government - who did not believe that he would be returned with a healthy majority. He has vowed repeatedly to press ahead with Iran's nuclear programme and appears to have the full support of Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader.
The combination of the two events is seen in Israel as crossing a red line. Mr Ahmadinejad has threatened to wipe Israel off the map, has hosted a Holocaust-denying conference, and has stepped up arming and funding Hezbollah and Hamas, the two militant groups responsible for rocket attacks against Israel. If he is re-elected for another term with the prospect of building a bomb, Israel would do anything to stop him.
This bleak outlook is made even more sombre by the formation this week of a new Israeli Government under the leadership of Binyamin Netanyahu with Ehud Barak, the Labour leader and junior coalition partner, as the Defence Minister. What is significant is not their political affiliations but their military background. Mr Barak, the most decorated soldier in the Israeli army, once headed Sayeret Matkal, Israel's equivalent of the SAS before becoming the army chief. One soldier serving under him was Mr Netanyahu. Another veteran of this elite unit was Moshe Yaalon, also in the Cabinet. These men have taken part in assassination operations against Palestinian leaders and commanded daring raids deep inside enemy territory. In short, they have the experience and the confidence to plan and execute an attack on Iran. (Emphasis added)
Indeed, Mr Barak was Defence Minister in the previous Government when Israel carried out its latest secret raid in January - on a weapons convoy in Sudan. According to details released this week, Israeli F16 bombers, protected by F15 fighters, attacked targets in Sudan. Pilotless drones then filmed the wreckage, relaying back images which revealed that some vehicles were undamaged. The jets then flew a second sortie. The aircraft, which were refuelled in mid-air, flew 1,750 miles from Israel to Sudan and back. The distance from Israel to Natanz, the uranium enrichment centre in Iran, is 900 miles one way.
A factor in any Israeli calculation will be Iran's air defences, which are far more daunting than Sudan's. Here too there is good reason to believe that Israel may act sooner rather than later. Russia has sold Iran the sophisticated S300 surface-to-air system. Israel would want to launch an attack before these missiles are in place.
These military imperatives might make sense to soldiers, but surely the political cost of a pre-emptive raid - not to mention the risk of plunging the Middle East into another big war - would rule out an attack.
This argument might make sense from Europe but in the Middle East quite another logic is at work. Many Arab states, particularly in the Gulf, are more afraid of a nuclear-armed Iran than Israel is. A military strike that delayed that threat would be welcomed in some Arab capitals. The Israelis know that they would face a huge international outcry. But that happened after the raid on Iraq and many countries later thanked them privately. More recently they were widely attacked after the offensive against Gaza in January, but over time that criticism has died down.
Today the only serious obstacle to this battle is Barack Obama. He has launched a diplomatic offensive aimed at repairing ties with Iran and re-engaging with the regime after 30 years of hostility. There are some signs that Tehran is interested. An Iranian envoy attended a recent meeting on Afghanistan alongside a US delegation. Similar talks have also taken place on Iraq.
But these gestures are largely futile unless Washington can persuade Tehran that it is in its own best interests to shelve its nuclear programme, rejoin the community of nations and co-operate with America. That is a big step for a regime that came to power promising an Islamic revolution and continual struggle with America and Israel.
When Mr Netanyahu travels to Washington next month, Iran is expected to dominate talks. Israel will not attack Iran without tacit approval from America. But time is running out. This could become Mr Obama's biggest challenge.
The above is disinformation of the most insidious sort with its own hidden subtext. For it sets Obama up to take the blame should war erupt between Israel and Iran.
It sets him up in another way too. For by being seen as the “one man” who could prevent war and it would only take a single assassin’s bullet to turn America’s first "Black" president into another Archduke Ferdinand. Ed.
kalau kita nak sokong PKR atau BN tapi janganlah merosakkan komuniti dan hak asasi orang lain. cuba tengok kat link sini:
Belum lagi mamat ni jadi pemimpin dah tunjuk belang. mcm ni ke bakal pemimpin PKR. harapkan pembela... rupanya pembelot juga. pikir2 kan lah.
"Hello, Najib has released 13 ISA detainees.
He will review the ISA.
He also revoked the ban on Harakah and PKR mouth-piece?
Isn't that what you guys want?
Where is the return to dictatorship, the autocratic and the Mahatriism that y'all are fond of accusing?"
Written like a true UMNO patriot, and I must say without looking further into the crux of the matter apart from the 'fawning' aspect.
Consider four groundbreaking BN government decision reversals in recent months i.e. Saying 'NO' to a) IJN b) Labu Lcct c) Toll hike and d) 'Allah' in a christian newsletter which made AAB look extremely bad in the public eye. So much so that even if AAB have had any intention to prolong his premiership, the negative perception on himself would be insurmountable. Certainly, NTR had tacit help from personalities in the blogging fraternity to set up AAB as the fall-guy.
It's an easy call for NTR to release 13 ISA detainees to 'commemorate his ascension to the throne' to garner the 'feel good' factor. Just as it's that easy to put people behind bars without legal recourse, isn't it. If NTR had granted amnesty to ALL detainees and/or provided access to justice via the courts on the serious cases, it would put more substance towards reviewing the ISA and reforming the judiciary as well.
Banning/unbanning Harakah and Suara Keadilan is similarly an all too familiar executive decision not based on natural justice.
Meanwhile, an unresolved murder case, a missing person and the UMNO disciplinary board contentious decisions on money politics are the 'harder' issues NTR must address.
And we'll be watching closely to ensure a higher benchmark for better governance is on the cards with the new administration.
Sooo... Idzan, any more stuff you wanna throw our way?
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