On the day RPK did not show up, a Malaysiakini newscaster asked me for updates on the Rais dinner the previous night. I told him I was not aware of any dinner where bloggers were feted. He asked me for inputs because the media was not allowed to cover the event. I thought the Minister
had thrown a dinner for errant bloggers. I was then alerted to my friend Captain Yusof's (Ancient Mariner) blog. He is not an errant blogger by any stretch of any warped imagination. He is a straight guy, ramrod straight. The good captain surmised that he was the only non-pro BN blogger. Therefore by simple deduction I too should have been invited. But never mind that. I had a fishing engagement that night. Anyway I never liked such dinners because they spoil the sumptious dinner with a dessert of BN leftovers.
This morning, I was amused that the Minister unearthed a cloak & dagger plot by foreign press to unseat our Prime Minister. I hopefully hope our Minister is not re-reading the annals of Zam I and have no ambitions to be Zam II. Please don't Sir, because you are made of better stuff, I can tell. So let's not hear anymore of this plot. We are aware that a foreign body can attack any body. But a healthy body, I repeat, a HEALTHY body can ward off foreign bodies. It is when the body is not healthy that it is susceptible to an attack and possible annihilation by that foregn body.
One good way to prevent these foreign bodies from attacking our body (PM) is to attack them. The paradox - a good defence is the best offence - holds true here. If the minister is so sure and has all the relevant proofs, lets us SUE the foreign press for demonising our PM. This is the least we can expect as onery citizens. But we expect you, our Minister of Information, to institute legal actions against these foreign media. What for lah challenge Zaid Ibrahim for debate? Your predecesssor did and he frothed in the mouth. Don't waste home resources. Sue the foreign devils and you will have my undivided loyalty. Nike them, JUST DO IT!
Another pembodek in the making, if he is not already one.
Did he ever bother to ask why would the foreign press want to topple the PM? So that they can take over Putrajaya?
Another brave Zorro wannabe will soon bite the dust ! You used to be brave and smart but today you have chickened out and bans unfavourable comments and comments you think can give you some trouble with the minister of misinformation , truthful or bullshit ! The Empire is all powerful as you have learnt in the last 2 months !
Its never easy to emulate Sparta 300 , or the real zorro ...coz you really are not , so can't blame you !
Cheerio old pal , guess you have to take care of yourself & take the easy way out ( F%@k the noble principles ), just like all those Ex Heroes like your previous buddy the ( shameful ) Bru .
truth be told
truth be told, you are a coward with no name
truth be told, is untruth with no identity
truth be told, is sniping from afar to protect its identity
truth be told is coming in here to defame others instead of doing it bravely in that person's blog
truth be told is believing Sparta 300 a greek mythology is real
truth be told is hypocrisy at its
the real truth is nobody has yet told you that you are a sychophant.
It is good to be told the truth, huh?
Cherrio old pal(our) boy...so play with the kids.
truth be told....I kicked you out first time because your mean streak stank in cyberspace.
Master these bitches ignore them back to this musuem piece rais the standard say it all if you had watched the bbc talkshow hard talk. Talk about being evasive this man could have given a award for being just that EVASIVE.
Froth in the mouth..arrrgh...That guy really put me off A&W root beer float... Does he have halitosis??? Maybe that's why he was transferred to sport and youth. No wonder the public never watch and listened to RTM last time...The minister stank the airways...sucky programme doesn't help either...Percayalah...Percayalah...Percayalah, I don't have bad breath..LOL! Well, now we can look forward to stinky Rice err...Rais...
What is wrong this guy, total gibberish. Not foreign powers but even local people's power (makkal sakthi)also dont want him.But we will wait for 13th GE, to bring him down.
This is what I posted in Mahathir's blog (chedetco.cc) on 'Demonisation'. It also applies to Rais Yatim who once wrote a thesis on why the ISA should be aboloshed. But now he's turning out to another of these bloody apologists for this much discredited regime.
Anyway, Rais, who said that Bok House had no historical or cultural value and allowed it to be torn down, and also wanted to turn Coliseum Cinema into a 'ciltutal centre' is a complete Philistine!
"By donplaypuks on April 21, 2009 6:52 PM
You speak of the Western Press as though there exists a shadowy organization based somewhere between New Yok and Israel whose sole aim is to gang up and indulge in false reporting on Malaysia's affairs with the aim of toppling Najib's Government.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
All these foreign newspapers in USA, UK, France, Australia and Europe carried the news of the Altantuya case and allegations against Najib because it has been swirling in our MSM and Cyberworld for well nigh 2 years.
Therefore it is newsworthy. Ergo, the international public have a right to know since they include businessmen and entrepreneurs who might want to bring well sought FDI to our shores and set up offices here; they will want assurances that our legal system can be relied upon to dispense Justice!
Our own NST, STAR, Utusan et al carry news of Mugabe's and Suharto's terrible regime & his children raping Indonesia's economy and of politicians involved in murders and terrorism in India and beyond. Is that demonisation and do they have a secret agenda to topple any foreign elected Governments?
Juicy scandalous news is NEWS and sells newspapers. Please do not cry foul only when you are at the receiving end!!
Ever since his statement that "we win some, we lose some" when the very much bigger Pulau Batu Putih was awarded to S'pore and M'sia got coffee table size island, he has never cease to amaze me with what he says. Now there's a plot to oust PM by foreign press pulak.
Somemore got relevant proof, then reveal it. Maybe by reading it, it might make my day, just waiting fot another laugh.
This pathetic anjing got his reward for barking out loudest. He was allowed into the master's house thru the backdoor this afternoon. Well done doggie. now sit, roll over and tug in your tail in between your hinds.
The BBC's Zeinab Badawi chewed Rais up and spat him out on "Hardtalk". He was evasive and crude and the dinosaur only survives as he is a wily, attention seeker who speaks a style of English that he is envied for by most of his less well spoken kitchen cabinet colleagues. He hogs the media most....anyone notice yet?
Why are the foreign countries trying to dispose Najib? It's obvious they view him as a regional if not a global threat security and stability. Just like Saddam......
A legal scholar, in his thesis for his PhD, “Freedom Under Executive Power in Malaysia” remarked in page 290-291:
“It is common practice that the Minister of Home Affairs signs detention papers purely basing his findings on the briefs supplied by the police. There have been instances in the past when detention orders were signed by the Minister or his deputy just within hours before the expiration of the respective detention period. In its practical sense and in such a case, the Minister cannot be said to have used his subjective faculties to satisfy himself that the detention ought to have been made because he has not read the police reports in their entirety. It could therefore be said that when a man is sent to a detention camp the Minister is making a political decision about the rights and liberties of the subject solely upon the recommendation of the police.”The legal scholar was also then a leader of the opposition Semangat 46 party. Later, the party was dissolved and he, Rais Yatim, rejoined UMNO, and became a cabinet minister, was in charge of law, and ironically, defended the ISA – something which he heavily criticised in his doctoral thesis.
For someone who does an about turn to his own thesis, can we take him seriously ? He is just an opportunist.
close down all karaoke and places selling beer and liquor immediately.
top chinese executives from all companies (in KL) under the pretext of entertaining customer after work
are wasting their time and increasing the companys expenses.
on top of this nonsense hanky panky
are aplenty.
the govt should ban all this nonsense immediately and urged all
executives and above to go back to their respective families after work.
i am chinese and i support PAS 100%
on banning of alcohol.
alcohol is nothing but trouble.
i am very sure all the chinese housewives and whatever will
support 100% PAS good intention.
Master can you do us a favour to promote rpk's call to boycott mamak shops as i feel this is one way to teach this mamaks a lesson. Hit them where it hurts most their pockets.
NO mamak stalls nation-wide !?????
why NOT ...ok lah !!
alcohol, gamblings = troubles !!
guess he hit a first. anyone who holds a PHD and dont believe his/her own thesis of the underlying PHD,pls RAISE his/her hands. guess, there's only one without the "e".
Information Minister? More like Propaganda Minister fjust returned from North Korea.
Blogger Bangsa Cina Malaysia said...
"close down all karaoke and places selling beer ... "
Since we are on the Zzz word here, perhaps there are similarities with Zuma of South Africa.......
Accusations of foreign media interference. Charges dropped after coming into power!
Looks like this year will be the year of the Zumas who will be controlling the Zombies.
Wonder what Razak Baginda's Thesis will be? How to get away with Murder?
Oxford U.....Relegated to Third World U....
This is a true blue pembodek, not just one in the making!
Bodek, bodek, bodek. That's his KPI.
Whenever this Menteri's name crops up in the news, all Malaysians better recollect how he handled the Pulau Putih case in the ICJ with Singapore. And no prize for guessing who won the case hands down. Syabas.
Zaid to debate?
Can't even speak coherently.
Failure as a minister.
Can't even convince Andullah to implement his high falutin ideas.
In a nutshell, he's a pseudo-intellectual.
Let's all sing the Song I Am A Great Pretender.
P.S. Just name the time and place, your idol will treat you and Sloone.
the new ZAM ZAM challenge Zaid for a debate. the latter has responded "anytime any place with subject matter fixed upfront"
hello, silence from the other end. Lost his marbles just like he lost an island to our neigbour? I guess only BN in Boelhland promotes losers and incompetents.
Bangsa Cina Malaysia wants to close down karaoke outlets and ban alcohol. He feels that would stop vice and muster all Chinese housewives and 'whatever' to support PAS 100%.
Hey BCM, you forgot to mention gambling in the form of 3 ekor, 4 ekor, mega draw, prostitution, abduction, rape, murder and other types of vice that the government condones in favour of the revenue generated by these activities.
Are you sure that only the Chinese drink alcohol and not the other races? What about the rich and influential UMNOputras who indulge in alcohol and all the other vices mentioned above?
Do you honestly believe that all Chinese housewives and 'whatever' support PAS just because of the above. Don't you think it could be because PAS wants to introduce hudud laws like those practised by the Talibans?
Then public flogging, amputation of limbs for minor thefts, stoning to death for adultry/infidelty, and public execution by the sword after Friday noon prayers, etc, etc. could bring about the influx of tourists to the county and generate a trillion ringgit economy?
Be more comprehensive when you articulate your (Chinese housewives and 'whatever') support for PAS.
Please realize that without the Chinese and others indulging in the above, what or who could contribute to a big chunk of our GNP.
Such contribution to our economy allows the UMNOputras to hijack the oil revenues to oil their political hagemony.
Rice want to debate..hahahaahaahhh....cockhead moron.
Zaid will be wasting time to entertain this junk from Semangat 46. Even if he lose, he will say it is win-win.
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