BRING DOWN MY INVERTED FLAG (or wear my underwear on my head.....me I never wear underwears, very constricting and less ballroom, unlike Sudin Aman who tortures his family jewels by sitting on the fence and constricting his scrotum bags....tak uncomfy kah brother?)
Of course this post is making reference to the impending hanging of Azila and Sirul, two officers of the law who followed orders and now have to pay for it whilst the Executive, the Chief Justice, the Attorney General, (especially) THE PROSECUTION TEAM, the Police Inspector General and (especially) the investigator GAN have left many questions UNANSWERED. We Malaysians (maybe excluding "On the Fence") will not laugh with the whole world.
State sanctioned murder (call it a sentence but thats what it is...even if in the end it won't be) of two obedient, mindless, scapegoats with no motive for the one maybe 2 gruesome murders .
Just from this case alone, anyone would be excused to think that Malaysia high officials in the police, judiciary, political leaders especially do not believe in God. In fact one would believe it if told that they are devil worshippers by the evil things they did.
If you want to get the real murderer, should have done it now. Once he got his Tunship while in office or out of office (by any means), there is nothing you can do about it.
That felon Tun Masjid Hamsup who played chief prosecutor ought to be tarred & feathered and chased out of town for bad acting and even worse prosecuting. As for the judge, Zaki Yasin... another NEP judge, half-baked & double-promoted to fill a racial quota!
Folks, do you all seriously think these 2 police officers will be hang to death? Don't be fool! This is BolehLand and what others can't, we can! When the verdict was read, these 2 chaps were so cool and calm. If they were the scape-goat carrying out the killing and now have to die for the top guns, why not cried out loud and clear! If I were them, I will disclose everything!! So now they chose to be silent! I bet you --- they will die only on paper ---- for they will disappear into somewhere else with millions of dollars for them to enjoy the rest of their life! Furthermore, not many people had seen them as they never exposed their outlook all this while. So, at the end, everybody happy, including the main killer!! Our judiciary sucks! All the court sessions were only for show because the answer has already been known --- that the Najis has no link to the case! Damn bloody! Let's watch, Altantuya will come back to haunt those who need to pay for her blood and flesh!!
We have only seen the first episode of Altantayu murder...the professional murderers now sentenced to death. The case is not finished and on going...WHO MASTERMINDED THE KILLING?
Episode TUA akan datang!
Ya, who is the owner of these 2 "kambing hitam" ?
i agree that you should bring down the inverted flag. fly the umno, mic or mca flags inverted and call them names for all i care. but the national flag belongs to all the people of malaysia. it is not barisan flag
I agree with Anonymous, that it is very strange that the two convicts charged of murder were calm and composed when sentenced to hang for murder that they were ordered. No witness for defence, very strange too.This is not a normal reaction of man who have been sentence to hang. may be they got a deal for a new life in a new country, as none of us know their idendity.
Anon 12.34
I agree with u .They think malaysian are stupid as like the Amino scumbags.We dont even know how this two gallow going fellow looks like.If they hang around here with new identity also we dont know.Johorian can also settle down in perlis or sarawak.
Well, not Malaysians... only certain people in position aka u know who.
It's a shame to be Malaysian these days.
Perhaps from on, anybody can go to court with his/her face cover up like these two morons. If they are not allowed to do so, their lawyers can cry foul and double-standard would again surface. Only in Bolehland!
I wonder who are the identities of the many remains other than Altantuya that were discovered at the bomb site.. justice for them? or silenced for forever...
..and Justice for All
Aiyaa you people, this is Malaysia lah we are talking about... furthermore this is not the first time a vip murderer gets away with nothing...
Remember a Tan Sri Megat (arwah already-god have mercy on him) who was then the Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs who was linked to the murder of a lady in KL who was his mistress...??
And how about The Black Moses who called for the attack on Alsyahid Almarhum Ust Ibrahim Libya in Memali...?? His still around, kicking and very much alive isn't he....?
Just remember la.... we are living in M A L A Y S I A lah..... Anything also can lah...
Do you people seriously think that the 2 scapegoats are the ones being hanged...??
How many of us has seen their faces..??
By the time those 2 are being hanged, they probably are already spending their hard earned Millions of RM in some beautiful islands of the pacific....
The 2 bodies hanged are just 2 drug addicts caught and sent to the gallows.... and not the real Sirul and Azilah.... makes sense what..??
correct, correct, correct.
both of them may not enjoying their lavish life in london. or as the course mate of razak in oxford.
Did Najis Rasuah deserve as leader?
where is bala ah? case over already what.judgement also passed.come home lah bala.line clear mah.
Should one day PR comes to power, not only the top dogs should be investigated, the running dogs should also be.
Hi Zorror
So now we know why we never are allowed to see their faces while other murderers have their face frontpaged countless times. Not surprising if they get some other two dead bodies while these fellos get a free passage to PI Bala in some foreign land after all noone know what they look like. change country, live in freedom...think this won't happen... it's BolehLand remember? see more 'an ode and the urns' www.jonathan66-my.blogspot.com
: the 2 have hanged themselves
& their faces cant be 'recognized' because of .......!!??
Aiyah Uncle Zorro, you still overestimate UMNO's cyber-troopers' brain.
You have to remember why they are in UMNO in the first place. It is mainly because they are not very clever. So when their boss says problem is solved, then, to them, problem is solved. Cases in point:
- ISA. 13 detainees freed with no charge. No more ISA problem.
- Recession. Give 5 billions of our retirement money to a nontransparent unsuccessful and technically bankrupt outfit by the name of ValueCap. No more recession.
- Press freedom. New PM said he wants freer press, though he is not going to change the PPPA and the annual licensing. Now the press is free.
Do not forget they also struggle with figures:
- 60 billion stimulus package. Actually only 10 billions.
- 400 million new Istana Negara. Actually over 1.3 billion now.
This is why they always cut the ribbons of a new uni, court or hospital 3 or 4 times, but they are not responsible when its pipes suddenly burst or the building crumbles by itself a few months later.
Uncle Zorro, please keep the inverted flag on as long as there is not even a remote semblance of sensible governance in this country. So far the new PM has talked a lot and done very little to show for it.
So Anwar and RPK is not going to help these fellows to catch the real culprit?
Bring out the real evidence, please!!!!
Anwar/RPK will be responsible for letting two more lives taken.
Bring back Mahathir then we shall have peace.
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