I have a clean record except on the two occasions when I was guest of the police - during the National Union of Teachers strike (7 hours in the Campbell Street lockup for picketing in Batu Road) and the other occasion an overdose of the amber juice....that resulted in an overnight stay because I refused to pay the elicited RM400 bribe.....dang, can you imagine how many crates of Tiger I could stock with that amount? So what's with this clean record? When I was little in Taiping and later not so little in Penang, I remember my Pa telling me every time I went out of the house: "You carry my name, so behave yourself!" That kept me on the straight and narrow. That was good advice from a lowly meter-reader.My Pa only whacked me once, a slap because I lied. I lied that I did not go swimming in the mining pool when I did. Yes, that was the last time I lied big time.....little white one's okay what? Yes?....as long as it does not hurt anyone. Period.
As such I hate being lied to and today we are swamped with lies, lies, and more lies.....and from whom? People entrusted to take care of us......the government people. Top liar today is the Director General of the Ministry of Health. I used to respect him when he gave us daily updates over some years ago some-elephant-sounding epidemic. How he has changed! Too long in bad company?

He's got the face of a monkey.
How can he sleep at night? Does he pray? Is he sincere in his prayers? While praying, what does he talk to Allah about?
Hey, if I say otherwise I lose my job, my salary and later my pension. Hey I'm even promised THIS, THAT later. So why not. I take care of my self mah.
The 1st and 2nd post mortems were performed on Kugan's body by qualified doctors.
The first PM concluded death was due to water in the lungs.
The second PM, that beating on the body caused blockage of the kidneys leading to water in the lungs and death. The 2nd PM was much more detailed than the 1st, although it's difficult to understand how the 1st PM missed all those body injuries!
Digi Prepaid Health and 9 other 'eminent doctors' carried out an in-depth probe on Kugan's death from the comfort of armchairs and files from PM 1& 2.
Besides concluding that the injuries on the body could not have led to death, Digi also surmised that the heart had expanded, but qualified it further by opining that 'in 30% of males, a gross examination of the heart will not indicate that it had expanded.' i.e. there is actally no evidence the heart expanded, but it is a new 'theory' proposed by Digi Prepaid Health since anything is possible!
In other words, if you are shot, the shooter and the bullet are not culpable of death, but it is something like 'severed blood vessels, 'internal bleeding' or 'heart stopped beating'.
Digi Prepaid Health's statements were calculated to cause general confusion, neutralise the AG's earlier statement that it was MURDER and to absolve the police of any complicity by using semantics (art of Spin doctoring) and CVA (Cover Your Ass) tactics.
This is the same Digi Prepaid Health who said the Burmese doctor of 20 year's experience could not give an opinion of 'no sodo mee' re Sighfool, even though he had examined him very, very thoroughly!
Digi Prepaid Health is a danger to Public Health and must be quarantined at once! This doctor is a hypoctite.
You r rite uncle zorro.This clown needs to see a shrink.Sumthing is wrong with him.he has gone nuts .otherwise he wont be lying.how on earth did they come out with a finding without conducting a post mortem? Heck it even differs with the first finding aka post mortem.I am stumped and dumbfounded.Or was the 2nd post morterm result a farce and the pathologist lied? who is lying uncle? Wa im chai aka pu chi tau! shed some light will ya uncle zorro!
Should one day the PR govt comes to power, apart from the top dogs, these running dogs should not be left out from investigations. There are plenty running around the nation.
he is just in the foot steps of the mamak of all mamaks.
lie for UMNO or be damned.
this mamak has kids? imagine it happnes to his family and the man at the mike gleefully lies.
what would be his feelings?
This is a cat with 9 lives; retired, given contract, then renewed and promoted to DG!! He's involved in some bio nexus co, with grants from govt but no performance... our bio valley is a big scam to siphon money for 'medical' cronies.. what a shame, becoz we have many good drs and a few good scientist...
dig deeper, some say a squeeze on the pay for 50k a month in a biotech firm ....
Our enemies are all those in league with imperialism - the warlords, the bureaucrats, the comprador class, the big Landlord class and the reactionary section of the intelligentsia attached to them. The leading force in our revolution is the industrial proletariat. Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie. As for the vacillating middle bourgeoisie, their right-wing may become our enemy and their left-wing may become our friend - but we must be constantly on our guard and not let them create confusion within our ranks. -Mao Tse Tung
Cikgu Zorro
This mamak bashing is getting old.
Insinuating they are worse when they entered Umno is simply nauseating.
You are a racist of the highest order.
So unbecoming of a former teacher who should retire gracefully.
Tecahers are like former PMs always revered too by all and sundry.
Did you ever hear people call teachers Uncle, Pak Cik, Abang but Cikgu or Sir right.
Do you deserve to be so hooured?
hey, why so...SO many mamaks one ?
historians pls enlighten, tq !
I write this with sadness,to see the dark powers are at work again.The pillar of our constitution,the judiciary has been trampled upon and corrupted and now the medical fraternity too is not spared.
Ismail Merican has gone against the tenet of the Hippocratic oath. This doctrine stresses the importance of not only a good medical practise but also gives utmost importance to morals and honesty.
First of all Ismail's press conference was full of medical terminology,how can a layperson understand them?Was he trying to confuse the public?In doing so,is he trying to protect the perpetrators and the govt?
Secondly he dismisses Dr.Prashant who has more than 11years of experience as lacking experience and that he worked only in India and Fiji.What is he trying to imply here?Does he mean that the the 2nd expert,Dr Tajuddin from Indonesia is better than Prashant?How can he come to a conclusion without even giving an opportunity to DrPrashant to explain his findings,which are obviously more comprehensive and carried all details as to the cause of Pulmonary edema(water in the lungs)?Furthermore he went on to say that,there was a lack of communication between the 2 experts.This is preposterous,to say the least.The 2nd post mortem report was sought by the victim's family because they felt the 1st report was not detailed enough.
The 1st report mentioned only the cause of the death,which is 'pulmonary edema'(water in the lungs)which is true,but Dr Tajuddin did not elaborate,how a healthy young man can get 'water in the lungs'?He failed to corroborate his finding with the various injury marks on the victim's body.This itself shows that the 1st report is highly suspicious.Therefore the 2nd report suppose to be an independent one,there is no need for Dr.Prashant to communicate with Dr.Tajuddin.
Why is Dr Merican trying to confuse the public?And who are those 9 experts who sat in the ad-hoc committee?What are their credentials?How much can an adhoc committee find in one month,without even seeing the body or the tissues?Why are they preventing Dr.Prashant from carrying out the toxicology test?How on earth can the police raid a dr's office and snatch tissues samples etc,before the Dr could even complete his report?What is the motive behind such a despicable act by Merican,the police and the DG? Merican's excuses were rather disingenuous.I urge Merican to come clean on this matter,as this is not an isolated case.
I hope the MMC will take a serious view of this matter.This issue concerns the life of a person,immaterial wether that person is a criminal or not.Furthermore Kugan is not alive to defend himself.I urge the govt to be fair to his family and stop traumatizing them further.
Dont deprive the poor and the marginalized of their right to seek justice.
Dr Suresh,
This mamak has no self respect and integrity and hence has to succumb to scambags. Anyone will know that the poor guy was whacked with so much truama, that this bullshit is lying thro his nose and mouth.People like in in Health Ministry is dangerous, he can lie tomarrow even pandemic happens, he will cheerfully say nothing happened and let people die.
donplaypuks said
"Digi also surmised that the heart had expanded, but qualified it further by opining that 'in 30% of males, a gross examination of the heart will not indicate that it had expanded.' i.e. there is actally no evidence the heart expanded, but it is a new 'theory' proposed by Digi Prepaid Health since anything is possible!"
What he meant was that on looking at the heart with the naked eye (gross examination) you cant tell that the heart had swollen, therefore it can be missed. But subsequent microscopic examination
showed swelling or expansion of the heart muscle cells.
Not a 'new theory' proposed by the DG.
Post-mortem results take time to be completed because of the microscopic and blood exams etc. Probably that 'water in the lungs' thing was an off-the-cuff remark made by the police or mortuary staff when pressed by the Press. The actual PM results would not have been known at the time.
I personally dont think the DG would sell his integrity like that, his credibility is at stake in the medical community. Very few doctors would.
As for his comment on the Saiful examination, I think it was fair comment, as the emergency doctor would not have performed a forensic examination on Saiful.
I am no BN goon but I believe in being fair to all parties, whichever side they are on.
A medical doctor.
This moron is one incompetent guy aka "Digi Prepaid Health" who has already sold his soul to the devil, Mamakthir, for giving his kind an exalted post in the Health Ministry.
This scum has no scruples, ethics or shame and would even bargain to get a good price for the womenfolk in his household. So is it surprising when he stoops low as the disparage the findings of the second post mortem report of an expatriate doctor?
There was not a whimper from him when the ever efficient police farce raided the good doctor's office and carted away important documents. Was it to make sure the doctor would not have any evidence to furnish if he were to call for a press release?
This scumbag and his elk would do anything and everything to show they are the ever loyal dogs to UMNO for having given them the Malay/Bumiputera status. That is the actual Malay Dilemma. Having given to a mamak that status, they dare not run the risk of being outsmarted by a mamak.
UMNO is turning out to be the United Mamak National Organization. When mamaks run the country by proxy, what transparency and accountablity can we expect. Everything is nothing but rojak mamak of the P.Pinang type.
Sorry, the Mamak bashing will never go away. Tun Ali held a leash and lord over the Sultan and people in Malacca, (until Tun Perak, a Malay, took over as bendahara) and since those days the Indian Muslims, who we fondly call Mamak, are still doing the same. They rule over the nice, kind, local Malays. They are manipulative and greedy. Being Muslims, the Malays just accept them as brothers, but the Mamaks only use the Malays. Sorry, this is what I learned in history.
missing person soon : a dr. !!
umno = united mamaks national organasasi !!??
Idzan Ismail, please remember that most of us have lived with the divisive racial policies and slogans of UMNO for many many years. Bernard's reaction to this Merican fellow by calling him a mamak is simply symptomatic of the UMNO state sponsored racism which is like a systemic poison inside all of us. It will take a generation if not more to shed this toxin. I and probably many ordinary Malaysians would be most happy if someone like yourgoodself can effect change in UMNO - real change, not cosmetic. Change UMNO into United Malaysian National Organization. When that happens, we'll see a peaceful, wealthy, united and stronger country. Otherwise, please keep your own counsel.
Hippocratic Oath?
No, no, no. He took the Hypocrites' Oath. That's what he did.
dr suresh,
you are lucky that you are in Melbourne.
This is Bolehland country. All the heads of vital institutions are beholden to UMNO, an rganisation above the law. If UMNO thinks its in the best interest to protect the policemen, then the DG has no choice but to conform even if it means to make himself a fool in the eyes of other doctors in the world. Afterall, the DG position pays well. He also has to take care of his rice bowl. Integrity doesnt count as much here than in Melbourne.
Oh by the way, police brutality happens everywhere. Malaysia is just no different though the country aspires to be a developed country in 11 years time.
Come do visit this country and experience for yourself firsthand of the marvellous policies at work here. You will love it though I pray you better behave and dont infringe the law here coz the laws apply to all and sundry unless you are from BN.
When a person suffers from myocarditis (as claimed by the 10 armchair experts)he essentially develops heart failure where the heart cannot pump blood efficiently. One does not die from heart failure quickly in the detention lokap without showing signs of the evolving heart failure, viz fast breathing, shortness of breath, sweating, swollen ankles. It takes several days (weeks in some cases) because the body can compensate in the initial stages. Given that kind of scenario, he ought to be treated very quickly and he will survive. The poor guy apparently died very quickly while still in custody. If ever he did died from myocarditis, he must have been denied access to quick and proper medical care. It is negligent. Period.
The other unanawered question is "Why did a seemingly fit young man develop myocarditis out of the blue". Normally myocarditis develops in some cases following an upper respiratory infection by viruses that can cause myocarditis, eg coxsackie virus. Did he show any signs of this infection days prior to his demise ?
anon 1058, you ...YOU sound like my fren dr. D.Quek lah !!
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