As blogged by Jeff Ooi, MP for Jelutong, this is what was announced:
Yesterday, Defence Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi announced that a battalion of Tentera Wataniah will be filling up each of the 222 parliamentary constituencies in due time.
He was quoted as saying in Mingguan Malaysia that each platoon will comprise 300 members made up of various races, and the battalion is expected to consist of 600,000 recruits in five years' time.
Early this morning, before meeting Hasnu for tosai, I despatched HANTU to go collect some pictorial feedback from some his wasabe kakis. Here are their reactions to this Tentera Wataniah.

Time to join the military..
.free food, transportation, hospitalization, medical, trip to six-under...
Scum like this who shat bricks when Mahathir cornered him and said 'DSAI charmed me' are now Ministers of the Realm?
You can bet this poncy UMNO house-trained poodle will do exactly what Paulson did in USA with Taxpayers money. You can bet there will be more land acquisition to build this unnecessary mini sub and naval base and billions of $ of Crony directly-negotiated sub-standard works contracts.
The ultimate aim of this 600,000 strong Force Wataniah will be to increase postal vote rigging and intimidate and trample on our human and constitutional rights.
We must all stop this cowardly renegade now or the scorpene/
sukhoi $9 billion fiasco and $500 million fee paid to Razak Baginda/ Perimekar will look like a storm in a tea cup!!
Master don't play play this fellow is saudara to the guy with the mansion in the middle of a low cost scheme in klang.Sorry the late owner i meant.
Shank said:
The ultimate aim of this 600,000 strong Force Wataniah will be to increase postal vote rigging and intimidate and trample on our human and constitutional rights.
SHANK, I salute your foresight!
Satu lagi projek BN. Menteri mahu bikin duit jual uniform dan Kasut askar and all the military equipment to defend all UNMO/BN MPs.
As a Phd holder, is that all he can think of for the Defense of the nation?
Apa punya menteri pertahanan. No brain and no vision.I think it is about time to close the Defense Ministry after all it is only a waste of money or at least reduce the number and reduce the budget which can be allocated for the benefit of the rakyat.
The new DM is a clown that only think of making money. Don't trust this guy, just watch his poker face.
My understanding is, this team will comprise civilains who volunteer to serve as reserves.
This means they still go to normal voting booths to cast their votes in elections.
They still decide, without any interference, on whom they want to vote.
What is the problem here?
I would think that it gives the Pakatan folks just another challenge to win these guys over with showcasing of how better the rakyat are under the PR style of governments in the four states they are in command.
Is this asking too much?
all intelligent people, once in umno & become a minster start to...
think stupid, talk stupid and act stupid.
at least he better than the rest of the cabinets like najib & muhyddin... be stupid than full of shit.
first we are in a police this week-old bozo wants to make this a military state ! Shit....damn !...where do these mofos come from !
And who's paying for all these? Me and you, yes ? And the millions spent on maintaining camps and arms and uniforms and cronies and contracts et cetera !!!~
Are we being threatened by our neighbours ? Hell I say we're being threatened by our fellow men !And that's a bigger danger come election time....postal votes !
I vote to scrap this half-baked moronic idea right NOW !
It's just 'window dressing', Inside all 'kosong'. But window dressers get paid a bomb.. get robbed again!
Let us think positive. What real good will this move do for the rakyat?
For me, there is so much potential benefits from having this men posted in all constituencies. here are a few;
1) They can act like our now missing "rukuntetangga". This people have no public holidays, weekends, or festive holidays. they are there 24/7
2) helping out the community - in times of natural disasters such as floods, landslide etc. this people can be the extra hands that will come in useful. Also in other social activities such as weddings, this guys can also come and help look after traffic or help put up the kenduri tents
3) Publi safety . With the high rate of crime and police being understaffed in many places. This wataniah are a breath of relief for many high crime areas.
4) Healthy and positive activities for local youths - the wataniah can organise gotong royang, marching activities (berkawat) , camping or hiking etc . This can give local youths of the area a chance to be part of a positive lifestyle, instead of being rempits
5) a career path for youths who are unemployed.
6) assisting law enforcement activities such as nabbing undocumented immigrants, raiding vice dens and unlicensed gambling dens.
I can think of the above for now. But i think it can be put to good use if we all do our part and fully support them. We need to think of the positivity and gv the man some benefit of the doubt. After all, we really dont know his "niat" in his heart. Only Allah knows.
are we going the burma way???
i foresee the army will take in-charge in the next election.
1st question, why "Parliamentary Constituencies" and NOT strategic defense locations?
2nd, since WHEN the hell has Malaysia been under threat of attack from another country?
Zahid, you may think the people are stupid, but only imbeciles will think that others are imbeciles like them!
strange lah : mahatiu allows him to be appointed while disallowing that sial sil !
" hehehe ! my time to masuk ....hehehe !"
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