Revealing anything swept under the carpet and unmasking the sweepers.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
This morning I received a call from a mutual friend to do two things: congratulate Rocky on his 10million hits and to look at what his commenter Blogger patut dipantausaid.
I did just that. I congratulated Rocky (but not published yet as this goes to post) and moved over to the comment box. Let me be forward here. I have had many queries as to what has happened to Rocky and me. I usually replied to these. But I have had guys come in to badmouth Rocky. I rejected these. You want to pick a fight with Rocky, you go over to his blog, I will not allow anyone to do it in my blog, my domain. Anyway this is what
Inilah blogger yang patut dipantau kerana hasad dengki, saling menghasut, penyebaran fitnah, ciri derhaka bila keputusan dibuat oleh Sultan/Raja tidak memihak Pakatan Rakyat dan niat menghalang rakyat hidup berharmoni.
Tindakan undang-undang patut diambil untuk memberantaskan fenomena sikap berfitnah yang telah menjangkiti blogsphere !!!
I would be happy if this rat dropped his droppings in my blog instead of purging and vomiting in Rocky's. A gentlemanly thing to do would be.....come in here and throw whatever you want at me.....including SEDITION, TREASON, TREACHERY or whatever.
But I am a very forgiving person.........
As long as he has no name, I will refer to him as RAT. You see rat, you have to come out of hiding and I promise you a ride to IPOH and you can make your police report against me at the Police HQ. I will pick you up. You name the pick-up point....all free, the R&R stops and the ride I mean and I promise to be my usual friendly, amiable self.To make identification easy, that's me below. You just come forward and jump into my wheels. My jalopy can make Ipoh in less than two hours and in the world's safest car. I will be leaning and waiting around BDP 74. Thats easy to remember....and do let me know the pick-up time and place when you comment in my comment box. Waiting anxiously and in great anticipation.
pic by top pixman Knight Templar at Kuala Sepatang
zorro, you are a honest and good man. God always bless you but do be wary of the dirty BN morons and dont you ever let your guard down. The Mamak in Perka is just waiting for an opportunity to strike you like a "four-eyed" snake. Once again, do take care.
Ha! these rats are jaguh kampung only. I get some brickbats from them in other blogs too, but none of them dare to engage intelligently on my little space. Best they can do is drop a few anonymous insults and run!
This rat you refer to is the same species as the ones who who posted unsigned letters with letter head of state govt to prevent PR assemblymen from entering assembly building on 3 Mar. Hence the Democracy Tree incident. You are too kind to refer to them as rats. I would call them wild pigs whose sty headquarters is the PWTC.
Zorro, patut di pantau display the classic cronic UMNO arselicker syndrom. They usually are in such deep hypnosis that they are unable to reason, implore, reflect and analyse issues anymore. They rant and rave and bodek membodek all the time.
Their hero is Mahathir, the biggest PENDERHAKA Institusi Raja Raja, as what he did in 1993.
Does he not know that there is no more undang undang in Malaysia?
Keep up the good work at educating the masses Bro!
zorro, be very vary of rodents, especially the ones living in the alleys and sewers.
Another thing it is not very prudent to give away the id of your wheels. You can never say what with matrempits aka the bullyboys of the Umnoputras.
Please be extra careful. They might do anything to salvage whatever little 'marwah' they have by making sure you are not there to campaign for PR at Penanti.
Uncle Zorro, come in here and throw whatever you want at me.....including SEDITION, TREASON, TREACHERY or whatever.You mean I could do all the above? OK here it is, YOU RACIST MUDDERFUCKER, FARKING BASITARD OF THE RAT KIND DON'T HIDE UNDER A PSEUDONYM-to attack Bernard aka Zorro understand?
Uncle, when meet this rat...use your sabre and put a "Z" on his ass.. Say that it's the courtesy of the makkal superhero and cos the rakyat want to see it. ....swoosh..swoosh...swoosh..there you go, a big 'Z' on the rat's ass...
Let me know Zorro, if the worm decides to accept your kind invitation. I will prepare some dung mixture for the worm (dung will be gladly sponsored by my 2 feline pets). Or on second thoughts, should we just feed the worms to the birds? Maybe that's the best way to deal with pests like this.
I remember hearing your ‘discipline’ voice through the halls of La- Salle Sentul, and I hear it now.
I think the commenter needs to understand the opposition. We believe DSAI is a better leader for Malaysia, politically and economically. In fact more Malays and others would be helped in a more democratically electoral process. I think the reaction by PKR to ‘ask’ the deputy CM of Penang is a good policy. Unlike BN, never mind, its ok, close one eye samy. Even when DSAI gets the PM, he has to perform. If not elect BN again, what the fuck, even MIC.
The bad for harmoni statment is incorrect as I think ppl around the world are fascinated with Malaysia, despite all the crap, because a strong 2 party system is finally emerging (with zorro, rocky, rpk, etc help), along with the possibility of being the most forward looking muslim multi racial nation.
True, saudara temenggong. But my mission per my post declaration is to ferret them out, reveal the sweepers. Once that done, we will focus on the better things to do. Cheers!
Aside: when tiny weeny rats threaten we need to smoke them out.
Kesian kau ni, laggak besar tapi perangai cam budak kecik pulak, nak cabar orang pun kurang kehalusan. Tapi tu dah agak ... samseng cam kau ni kurang pakai otak, karat hingga tak dapat bezakan antara yang adil dan yang korup.
Begitulah minda yang mudah dipengaruhi oleh wang haram.
"...and I promise to be my usual friendly, amiable self."You don't look at all like that in the pic. You're more like spoiling for a fight!
Cool pic btw!
Jason, read my lips, not my face lah!
U expect the rat to come out from its sewer to take a free ride on BDP 74?
This is no Stuart Little u are talking about. This is alleyrat! Don't wait too long or u might find urself fully bearded ala Bin Laden :)
Till then...G'nite Zorro...wherever u are...
Dear zorro....Salute you for the steel spirit and honestly Almighty has made very few like you...
Can you please say few words about present day Rocky and contents of his present day Bru....
When he started was one of my favourite but just scan and skip it..
Hope thou will not say as unethical for you to merely express views......neither am asking for any bad mouthing here please...
21 April 2009
Becareful bro...
the rat know how to use C4...
rat populates fast in the sewers.
zorro, you are a honest and good man. God always bless you but do be wary of the dirty BN morons and dont you ever let your guard down. The Mamak in Perka is just waiting for an opportunity to strike you like a "four-eyed" snake.
Once again, do take care.
Ha! these rats are jaguh kampung only. I get some brickbats from them in other blogs too, but none of them dare to engage intelligently on my little space. Best they can do is drop a few anonymous insults and run!
I've taken to calling such comments POOPINIONS
Wide Eyes....I luv your POOPINIONS!
This rat you refer to is the same species as the ones who who posted unsigned letters with letter head of state govt to prevent PR assemblymen from entering assembly building on 3 Mar. Hence the Democracy Tree incident. You are too kind to refer to them as rats. I would call them wild pigs whose sty headquarters is the PWTC.
Zorro, patut di pantau display the classic cronic UMNO arselicker syndrom. They usually are in such deep hypnosis that they are unable to reason, implore, reflect and analyse issues anymore. They rant and rave and bodek membodek all the time.
Their hero is Mahathir, the biggest PENDERHAKA Institusi Raja Raja, as what he did in 1993.
Does he not know that there is no more undang undang in Malaysia?
Keep up the good work at educating the masses Bro!
Peace Admiral Tojo
zorro, be very vary of rodents, especially the ones living in the alleys and sewers.
Another thing it is not very prudent to give away the id of your wheels. You can never say what with matrempits aka the bullyboys of the Umnoputras.
Please be extra careful. They might do anything to salvage whatever little 'marwah' they have by making sure you are not there to campaign for PR at Penanti.
Uncle Zorro,
come in here and throw whatever you want at me.....including SEDITION, TREASON, TREACHERY or whatever.You mean I could do all the above? OK here it is, YOU RACIST MUDDERFUCKER, FARKING BASITARD OF THE RAT KIND DON'T HIDE UNDER A PSEUDONYM-to attack Bernard aka Zorro
hidup uncle zorro!
go to hell with these rats..
Hey Zorro,
You sure or not or just talking cock only?
Come la 1 to 1. I take you on man to man. Dont hide behind your keyboard. got no face and name to one to one, man to rat....cannot lah....even rats have a face.
Sounds a stinking rodent, sure you'll allow in your jalopy to Ipoh? I wouldn't if I were you. You'll need to fumigate it after the trip!
Hey Anon April 22, 2009 1:26 AM,
What talking cock!?
At least we all know how zorro looks like. He aint hiding behind any keyboard. I am.
And the same as you are, you son of a bitch!
But i promise you i'll come out from wherever i am if you love 1 to 1 soo much.. as much as i fucking do.. tell me where you wanna do it.
I promise you 1 to 1. But you gotta promise you'll sign an agreement that it's gonna be a 1 to 1 to the death!! I'll prepare it.
And i promise i'll split your fucking face into 2. Son of a bitch! You're a fucking moron who aint got no brains!
And it is stupid fuckheads like you that are bringing the country down.
So i dont really mind doing MY country a favour, asshole!
Preetam Singh
Anon April 22, 2009 1:26 AM,
Are you born dumb or born stupid?
Zorro here has given you all his details and you are still asking for clarification?
You are the fvcking moron who is scared to take on Zorro and is hiding behind his keyboard.
Hint do.
Dear Uncle Zorro
That UMNO Goon has no balls - thats why.
And Uncle Zorro, rats chase the cheese - lets come up with some cheesy idea to lure him out...
Take care and God bless us all!
Uncle, when meet this rat...use your sabre and put a "Z" on his ass.. Say that it's the courtesy of the makkal superhero and cos the rakyat want to see it. ....swoosh..swoosh...swoosh..there you go, a big 'Z' on the rat's ass...
Let me know Zorro, if the worm decides to accept your kind invitation. I will prepare some dung mixture for the worm (dung will be gladly sponsored by my 2 feline pets).
Or on second thoughts, should we just feed the worms to the birds? Maybe that's the best way to deal with pests like this.
Hello Sir,
I remember hearing your ‘discipline’ voice through the halls of La- Salle Sentul, and I hear it now.
I think the commenter needs to understand the opposition. We believe DSAI is a better leader for Malaysia, politically and economically. In fact more Malays and others would be helped in a more democratically electoral process. I think the reaction by PKR to ‘ask’ the deputy CM of Penang is a good policy. Unlike BN, never mind, its ok, close one eye samy. Even when DSAI gets the PM, he has to perform. If not elect BN again, what the fuck, even MIC.
The bad for harmoni statment is incorrect as I think ppl around the world are fascinated with Malaysia, despite all the crap, because a strong 2 party system is finally emerging (with zorro, rocky, rpk, etc help), along with the possibility of being the most forward looking muslim multi racial nation.
Why bother with every little rat? We've better things to do.
True, saudara temenggong. But my mission per my post declaration is to ferret them out, reveal the sweepers. Once that done, we will focus on the better things to do. Cheers!
Aside: when tiny weeny rats threaten we need to smoke them out.
The 'rat' took the bait, eh Z.
Anonymous April 22, 2009 1:26 AM ...
Kesian kau ni, laggak besar tapi perangai cam budak kecik pulak, nak cabar orang pun kurang kehalusan. Tapi tu dah agak ... samseng cam kau ni kurang pakai otak, karat hingga tak dapat bezakan antara yang adil dan yang korup.
Begitulah minda yang mudah dipengaruhi oleh wang haram.
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