Revealing anything swept under the carpet and unmasking the sweepers.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Some time ago, I took a course in lip-reading, hoping that someday it will come in useful. Today seems to be the day. In the advanced-level, one is taught how to read even a photo, paying particular to formation of lips and facial contortions/changes. This series of photos uploaded by Sophie covers the attempt of the Deputy PM to save his skin, in case of loss at Bukit Gantang, they can pin the blame on you know who. I dont think that is a nice way to exploit the Bapa of Modern Malaysia. Sheessssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh....UMNO will never reform.
By the way, my application of lip-reading may be scowled upon I ask for your indulgence....practice is what I am deprived of.
He can fool all the Malaysian rakyat some 20 plus years of his time. But he can no longer fool the new generation of Malaysian rakyat now in this present time. Let him be a deadwood if he so wishes. The new rakyat can now feel the pulse and vibrancy for a long-deserving change. Change we need. Change we must malsia1206
Mahathir, Che Det or whatever, majority Malaysians hate him and only morons in UBN still want him. He think he is the smartest in this country - boleh blah..... Be very angry people and vote for PAKATAN RAKYAT.
Nizar's elder brother is campaigning against him. He is asking Bukit Gantang fplks to vote for BN. If your brother don't believe in you, who will. In Kedah, 5 leaders of Keadilan divisions resign enbloc with their supporters. Very bleak indeed for PKR. We dont have to lip synch to know they will lose tomorrow.
Forgive my amateurism in lips reading. From my observation, I thought old fart was suffering from indigestion, having difficulty doing his job (refer your last photo). Bapa Modern Shithouse is more appropriate, lah.
If Nizar's brother is campaigning against him, thats good for you. Congratulations! Viva BN-UMNO! Next time when you contribute zakat, please do remember that you are happy for UMNO to use your money whichever way they please.
He's expired. I would have respected him if he had kept his mouth shut and retired quietly. He must realize it's over, yes politics is over for him. He's had his days and his say, leave it to the NOW! Don't try to bring back the YESTERDAY!
Uncle Zorro, Seems like the celaka Umno is out of bullets. Even hv to bring out the recycled...apa nama...bapa bypass. VOTE FOR PAKATAN RAKYAT FOR A BETTER TOMORROW.
kugan died because of of god only knows what. OKT, better pray harder cause your freaking MCA fellas has given an unbelievable decision just as you lie about Prot Klang Fleece Trade Zone. No, you are no different from Ling. May I curse you and your family on behalf of Kugan. Zorro, I dont apologise here for such big-time LIARS. KUgan, I hope you dont die in vain. Your spirits rise and curse these MCA liars.
how about a trip to all the disneylands at my expense. no worries, everything paid for. you have a maid? or a mistress? get them to hop in. no worries. If i am Mahatir's bro, I will vote BN.
Ever since he stepped down, he has always been afraid to live the life of a neglected headstone had he took a backseat and retired from politics all together. The morbid fear of being cast like ashes to the wind is worst than death itself. His inconsiderate involvement has only assisted in further weakening the fabric of ethnicity in this nation. His sole purpose in life is to be remembered by all and sundry, and at all cost even if it relegate everyone and everything to the lowest rung of woefulness. In short, he must forever be commemorated by name and never by unretentive query like 'apanama PM itu...'
Lip reading is a science in itself. Bernard, if you would not be too harsh with my guess here, I would say that the last picture clearly show the tailend of the utterance of the last syllable of the word 'shit'. Huh..salah ke apanama perkataan itu?
Sila pesan pengundi-pengundi di Bukit Gantang/Bukit Selambau/Batang Ai yang kamu kenal keluar mengundi seawal-awalnya untuk mengelakkan 'Pengundi Hantu' mengambil alih undi mereka.
Dan ramalan cuaca meramalkan hujan akan turun di Bukit Gantang/Bukit Selambau dari pukul 12tengahari hingga petang.
Polis Trafik juga akan membuat RoadBlock di banyak tempat dan ini akan menyebabkan jalanraya sesak dan pengundi mungkin terkurung dalam traffic jam dan tak dapat sampai ke tempat mengundi dalam masa.
Jadi, sila pesan pengundi-pengundi supaya keluar mengundi di sessi pagi.
Terima Kasih.
Dear All Pakatan Rakyat Supporters,
Pls request all the voters in Bukit Gantang/Bukit Selambau/Batang Ai that you know to go to cast their vote earlier to avoid 'Pengundi Hantu' taken their place.
Besides, the wheather forecast show there will be rainy day in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau from afternoon onwards.
Furthermore, the Police will imposed Roadblock on many main roads and this may cause voters caught in the traffic jam and unable to reach the polling station on time. Therefore, pls tell the voters to cast their vote in the morning session.
He can fool all the Malaysian rakyat some 20 plus years of his time. But he can no longer fool the new generation of Malaysian rakyat now in this present time. Let him be a deadwood if he so wishes. The new rakyat can now feel the pulse and vibrancy for a long-deserving change.
Change we need.
Change we must
Eventually shit floats to the surface!
Mahathir, Che Det or whatever, majority Malaysians hate him and only morons in UBN still want him. He think he is the smartest in this country - boleh blah.....
Be very angry people and vote for PAKATAN RAKYAT.
Dear Zorro
Nizar's elder brother is campaigning against him.
He is asking Bukit Gantang fplks to vote for BN.
If your brother don't believe in you, who will.
In Kedah, 5 leaders of Keadilan divisions resign enbloc with their supporters.
Very bleak indeed for PKR.
We dont have to lip synch to know they will lose tomorrow.
Forgive my amateurism in lips reading. From my observation, I thought old fart was suffering from indigestion, having difficulty doing his job (refer your last photo).
Bapa Modern Shithouse is more appropriate, lah.
Uncle Zorro, you deserve an A+ for Lip Reading. Absolutely inspired captions :-)
P.S. Miss you Special Bunch already :-( Will be tracking you from the comfort of home! Finally got my BN ceramah post up...
Idzan Ismail,
If Nizar's brother is campaigning against him, thats good for you. Congratulations! Viva BN-UMNO! Next time when you contribute zakat, please do remember that you are happy for UMNO to use your money whichever way they please.
He's expired. I would have respected him if he had kept his mouth shut and retired quietly. He must realize it's over, yes politics is over for him. He's had his days and his say, leave it to the NOW! Don't try to bring back the YESTERDAY!
Uncle Zorro,
Seems like the celaka Umno is out of bullets. Even hv to bring out the recycled...apa nama...bapa bypass.
Don't let this tyrant get the impression that majority of the voters still support him, please vote for Pakatan Rakyat!
lump the lying OKT together with these liars.
kugan died because of of god only knows what. OKT, better pray harder cause your freaking MCA fellas has given an unbelievable decision just as you lie about Prot Klang Fleece Trade Zone.
No, you are no different from Ling.
May I curse you and your family on behalf of Kugan.
Zorro, I dont apologise here for such big-time LIARS.
KUgan, I hope you dont die in vain. Your spirits rise and curse these MCA liars.
how about a trip to all the disneylands at my expense. no worries, everything paid for. you have a maid? or a mistress? get them to hop in. no worries.
If i am Mahatir's bro, I will vote BN.
He's the biggest bigot of this century! And leading the other bigots to oblivion...
Beend is so desperate that they still need an old hat to run.
It's only to show that the rest are just limping goons.So what to expect ?
Die die also vote for Pakatan.
Shitzan Ismail,
But Nizar has thousands of other brothers supporting him.
Woi Idzan Ismail,
Make sure u come back tomoro after the result of the elections are known okay?
I wanna rip your over-sized balls.
Ever since he stepped down, he has always been afraid to live the life of a neglected headstone had he took a backseat and retired from politics all together. The morbid fear of being cast like ashes to the wind is worst than death itself. His inconsiderate involvement has only assisted in further weakening the fabric of ethnicity in this nation. His sole purpose in life is to be remembered by all and sundry, and at all cost even if it relegate everyone and everything to the lowest rung of woefulness. In short, he must forever be commemorated by name and never by unretentive query like 'apanama PM itu...'
Lip reading is a science in itself. Bernard, if you would not be too harsh with my guess here, I would say that the last picture clearly show the tailend of the utterance of the last syllable of the word 'shit'. Huh..salah ke apanama perkataan itu?
Kepada Penyokong Pakatan Rakyat,
Sila pesan pengundi-pengundi di Bukit Gantang/Bukit Selambau/Batang Ai yang kamu kenal keluar mengundi seawal-awalnya untuk mengelakkan 'Pengundi Hantu' mengambil alih undi mereka.
Dan ramalan cuaca meramalkan hujan akan turun di Bukit Gantang/Bukit Selambau dari pukul 12tengahari hingga petang.
Polis Trafik juga akan membuat RoadBlock di banyak tempat dan ini akan menyebabkan jalanraya sesak dan pengundi mungkin terkurung dalam traffic jam dan tak dapat sampai ke tempat mengundi dalam masa.
Jadi, sila pesan pengundi-pengundi supaya keluar mengundi di sessi pagi.
Terima Kasih.
Dear All Pakatan Rakyat Supporters,
Pls request all the voters in Bukit Gantang/Bukit Selambau/Batang Ai that you know to go to cast their vote earlier to avoid 'Pengundi Hantu' taken their place.
Besides, the wheather forecast show there will be rainy day in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau from afternoon onwards.
Furthermore, the Police will imposed Roadblock on many main roads and this may cause voters caught in the traffic jam and unable to reach the polling station on time.
Therefore, pls tell the voters to cast their vote in the morning session.
Thank You.
"apanama... apanama.."
I hated it everytime that asshole says "apanama.."
Namanya KUTTY, idiot!
The Corrupter of Malaysian Political Institutions is at it again.
Say no to the corrupt, old politics.
Say yes to change!
Phua Kai Lit
TIME'S UP, old fart! Goodbye!
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