Dear Zorro
Wld appreciate if you could forward this meaasge and publicise it. Tq.
Please get your legal eagles moving on it PRONTO!
If the notice was dated 23rd April 2009 (last Thursday) the it clearly does not comply with the requirement of 14 clear days notice.
If you exclude week-ends and public holidays (e.g. 1st May - labour day) when the State Assembly does not sit, then there's no way that 2nd hand car salesman Camry can comply with the legal requirements of the State Assembly for notice of any motion.
If Camry next resorts to an emergency motion, this can easily be thrown out by YB Sivakumar as 'not being urgent or in the interest of the public!'
So, please investigate and act swiftly especially since every M'sian knows the UMNO MB's appointment is illegal has not been resolved by the Ipoh High Court.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
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How could the Perak DUN convene on 07th May when the legal issues on the legitimate appointment of the MB are still pending in the Court? And there are avenues for appeals which would drag the matter additionally longer. In fact, is not the central issue really 'sub judice'? Perak BN may be pre-empting their supposed legality on shaky grounds even if an immediate ruling is handed down from the non-appellate Court in time to meet the dateline. Looks like the sequence of events in Perak are departing more amd more away from established Constitutional and legal norms from Day 1 in this debacle.
Many must have notice the date and I am quite sure PR knows about it. I guess they are working on it. Just like umno/bn rushing to hold the sitting before it expire on May 13 which PR had stated that the last sitting under the tree allows the expiry to extend till Sept. Should umno/bn accept that reasoning, then they will be caught and have to agree that the sitting under the tree is legitimate. Both are now putting on their thinking cap to outsmart each other especially umno/bn who will go to the extend of tearing the law and constitution apart and no one can do anything about it.
Maybe it's payback time for the BN to convene their DUN Assembly under the rainbow tree on the compound? I'll love to bid much higher for their commemorative plate(s) they may erect than what Pakatan got during their last public auction. And I bet there would not be any lack of anxious eager bidders. The funds raised may go to BN's coffers 'cos they may need it to source their next GE in Perak.
you must understand how an usurper mindset. he knows he is illegimate but he wants a slice of the wealth of power. He will ignore the mandate of heaven and resort to unethical means to attain his objective.
gosh, going back to the people when the people doesnt want such characters. Thick face aint it?
lockdown of state secretariat again?
bloody mamak has no respect for the laws. in the dastard tradition of his master, Mahatir.
for 20 years, we have been hoodwink by shaman economics from Mahatir.Now this mamak wants to take a leaf out of the poison bag of Mahatir to hoodwink us again.
Since this black monkey has no respect for the State Constitutions, and the respect for Perakians to allow them to choose their own govt, it is time to confront this illegal group of law breakers. When dealing with Celaka UMNO mongrels...only open disobedience and confrontation is the answer. Time for gentlemanly behavior is over, no longer appreciated by mafia gangsters!
Only playing the same game with their dirty tactics will work!
Thanks Zorro. Owe you 1 more!
Some commenters think all the Barisan Rakyat Aduns and Nizar should boycott the State Assembly meeting on 7th April.
I beg to differ. They should turn out in full force, especially since that 2nd hand car saleman Camry has inadvertantly acknowledged that the Assembly under the Democracy Tree was valid.
More than that, if UMNO/BN has screwed up on the date and notice period for the motion to dismiss YB Sivakumar as Speaker, than Sivakumar will control the agenda for all floor and emergency motions on the 7th, in accordance with the law, reinforced by precedents set in Parliament (a la Gobind Singh) and in the Melaka State Assembly recently.
Thus he can block any motion to dismiss Nizar by saying it is precipitate and sub-judice the pending case in Ipoh High Court.
At the same time, we should stop any more attacks on HRH ans son, since the die is cast and it will be a gross strategic error insulting them and having them as permanent enemies. He has interpreted the Constitution to the best of his knowledge and we should leave it at that.
Let the games begin!!
ps Tried posting it at Kit Siang and Anwar's blogs. Although I'm a registered member, there is some problem that I can't get it posted there. Could someone kind soul do the needful please?
Dear uncle bernard..
I think this link below would be of interest to your viewers..
The bad ten percent stinking mamaks have taken over control of Ketuanan Melayu and giving it a new twist. I am praying that all legitimate majority Malays / muslim bumiputeras with no mamak connection think seriously about this ugly deviant mamak attack on their culture. Sedar sebelum earti tulin dan intipati Melayu tulin hancur dengan rebakan meluas wabak mamak ini.
Assalamualaikum and Hi,
Please do not degrade any keturunan,no matter what, we all are of the human species. The world is trying to get rid of apartheid and caste system, here in Malaysia we hear of malaysians degrading the mamak. Next you will degrade jawa, banjar, bugis, cina , india dan benggali. What then , bangsa apa yang mulia?
If you are against someone for what she or he has done, just say so, but do not make a general statement involving keturunan.
If you do, it does not show how small the other guy is, it only shows what a worm you are.
Anon10:46. You have lost me. What are you rambling about....or was this meant for another blog?
Big Trouble In Rocky-land
Pardon the sidetrack, zorro...
Well boys n girls, we have another Blog War on. This time, between Team M and Team KJ.
One by the name of Sakmongkol has outed blogger AVoice, in retaliation for shitting in somebody’s ricecooker. He is revealed to be a man of girth by the name Salahuddin… wore a red shirt, and also blogs by the name of Husin Lempoyang.
In planned counter-outing, the trio are threatening to out a blogger from the opposing team by the name of Hard-T.
If you remember, Hard-T was the one who kept n released those picture of Eli & threatened her with more.
According to Rocky, the consequence can be big... this man may lose his hi paying job, his whole face shown to the world, and of course... police might want to pay him a visit.
So far we know...
- HardT is very close with Rashid Yusof
- He is an ex-journo, & a few famous bloggers know his true name
- He is now in 'cacing kepanasan' of becoming another casualty in this Blog War.
Karma is a bitch, isn’t it.
Don’t change the channel...
zorro said...
Anon10:46. You have lost me. What are you rambling about....
Zorro, I believe Anon10.46 was referring to the barbs
or generalization or specific insults below:
Anonymous said.......
bloody mamak has no respect for the laws....
April 30, 2009 10:50 PM
Anonymous wandererAUS said...
Since this black monkey has no respect for the State Constitutions...
May 1, 2009 1:19 AM
Anonymous said...
The bad ten percent stinking mamaks have taken over control of Ketuanan Melayu .....
May 1, 2009 7:21 AM
To each their own I guess.
in transit
who cares about the cuntstitution : we r ALL slaves of the sultan !!
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