NO, I am not fed-up with what is going on during the past three weeks. I am seething and on the verge of striking back at you know who and you know what. The past few days have been very disturbing. Short of calling out the whole contingent of the PDRM, the army too got involved in this needless intimidation of the people. Atavistic instincts aside, have our government turned barbaric and bent on "cannibalism"? I will just stop here for today. I promised myself that for the hours that's left of today I will think positive thoughts, now that DSAI and RPK are both back with their families. Thank you, you people who kept vigil with DSAI yesterday thru this morning and those who were at the IPK and Jalan Duta courthouse 10am thru 4.40pm. for RPK. But tomorrow I will resume my sour self and seething. That I promise.
For the two hours remaining of 17 July, I produce here some thoughts of a Malaysian abroad, a Malaysian very proud to be a Malaysian, but who fees that those who govern us can do much better and not be the laughing stock and object of ridicule, Here is GOBLOKING a regular reader and commentator in this blog. She resides in Madagascar, lemur land, but comes back every few months. Incidentally, she was the one who initiated, with a generous cheque, the event 100 days. Her posting:

Man oh Man!
And I thought I was 1 of the rare ones who can lay claim to the hahaha fact that I live in a place called Mad (as Madagascar is affectionately known) but seems like another country is also laying claim to being Mad 2
Yeah. I was getting a tad tired of the pitiful looks I get whenever anyone finds out I live in Africa. It is definitely NOT the same look I would get if I tell them I live in, say...Paris or New York.
But now? Hey! I guess you guys who live in Mad 2 is having it worst than ME!
OK...Yes, yes...
The Mad land I live in have many really poor people
Yes, yes...
The Mad land I live in has very high petrol prices
Yes, yes...
The Mad land I live in has low salaries & high cost of living
Yes, yes...
The Mad land I live in also has quite a bit of corruption
But !!
Read here about "Your MadLand"
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