Cyberspace have cleaned up some cobwebs, mopped the unclean floor and threw out the dirty politicians with the dirty water, basin and all. But there is still dirt. We cant dismiss this. If we do not do the mopping and the mowing, the dirt piles. You figure the NST, Utusan and the Star will do this?
Fat shit.....opppss.... chance. It is easier they sweep the dirt under you know where.....and praying that it biodegrades! .....or will be conveniently forgotten whilst they plan the next scene.
And since we are on the subject of dirt....I read this online after I came back this evening from Kelana Jaya Stadium:Malaysian politics was degenerating to a level of being dirty with the opposition using slander and statutory declaration to achieve their political objectives, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today
I wonder who started this backside SD? Let's continue a bit more on this:The Deputy Prime Minister said the opposition was inclined to make fools of the rule of law and politicise cases currently being tried in court to change people's perception towards government leaders.
And how swiftly P Balasubramaniam retracted his 1st SD? Where is that poor sod nobody knows. Ain't that unclean? Ain't that making fools of the rule of law? Now the poor sod's whereabout "should change people's perception towards government leaders," ahemmmmm
Some more from Najib?: "Secondly, the rule of law is very important. Don't we talk about law of the jungle and so on but we ourselves are not practising it," he told reporters here Saturday.Is a clue given here Bala is jungle trekking with his family?
Last byte;(pun purposely purported): Najib said slander was not something new in politics but the information technology era has enabled slander to spread wider and quicker. Sir, the last time I was cruelly reminded that we are on some hi-tech super highway in byteland. As for the word "slander" it all depends on who defines what as slander.
Malaysians are fed-up with so many things are enginnered, fabricated and manipulated by our annointed. Why so?
They came to an illegal gathering this morning.They came with their children and their aged parents to an illegal. rally. They brushed aside the psychological warfare staged the evening before with military trucks, police roadblocks, rumours of cancellation of Protes rally. They defied all these tactics to make a stand as Malaysians. They are fed-up.....much more fed-up than the few bloggers who are experiencing fed-up fatigue. Their (the rally participants) being fed-up is more volatile and can be explosive. I asked this young mother why she brought her kids along: To teach them now that they must protest when things are not fair.

with you:
The happiest people on this planet
are not those who live on their own terms
but are those who change their terms
for the ones whom they love…
Dear Zorro
I think all you prominent bloggers-You,Rpk,Harris,Anil,Mariner, Desi,Imtiaz,Marina,Nuraina etc should take the stick to that weasel sleaze-scumbag wcw.
In today's papers he is practically inviting Rip van Winkle to employ fascist tactics by 'wielding the stick.' It is clear he means that Rip should invoke the ISA, OSA & Sedition Acts to stifle & silence opposition.
This filthy slug, who menacingly warned us in March 'to vote wisely'only knows Hitler & Stalin tactics. He is egging the Govt towards another Ops Lallang, which will set this country back by another 100 years.
We must not sit back and overlook this in-your-face challenge by this self-appointed establishment/wolf in sheep's clothing and BN apologist!
i am fed-up of the massive corruption which enriches a few and keeps the majority poor. I am fed-up of the corrupts who gave us Port Klang Free Trade Zone. Mr Wong, werent your STAR paper supportive of this project's viability. Mr Wong, your new master Mr Lee Hwa Beng is now recommending that this corrupted whit elephant be sold back to the corrupt promoters coz the revenue cant even pay for the interest.
Mr Wong, now I am fed-up of lying papers and its editors and owners.
Fed up?? Than? Stop blogging? or stop being Malaysian? And how does a blogger go on strike?
2 fellas got fed-up and it made the Headlines!
Aiyah.. Najib was talking about himself.
Stoopid Fish
Susan also gave space on her blog about the 'fed-up' three-stooge-bloggers.
Shame on you Marina, Rocky and Wong. If you are fed up then shut up for good, and please don't blog that decision. Just keep it to yourself and disappear for good.
This is a defining moment in the 50-year hsitory of the nation. Even the global community is watching us. And you say you are fed-up?
Do you know something - losers only replicate history; it takes 'never say die' to make winners.
I think all other bloggers should shut the three out. There is more business to be done. No time for nice words.
Rock on Zorro! Cheers ;-)
Hi Uncle Zorro,
Good to see you @ Blog House & also @ PROTES today. Keep fighting, you command, I will strike :)
Surind...rocking with you
Michael, it warms this old bones when I see young people like you sharing and believing in a righteous cause to stand for others besides yours.
I am compiling all the blogs/letters/etc in the web to make a book for my next generation to know the wrong doings of UMNO. And let them decide who to vote for after i die. All will be kept in a softcopy. My name is Aziz Dahalan.
i didnt go too....
aziz....super decision...what an idea.....however some comments may be too partisan. There are still some good men in UMNO....i know them.
That Wong Chun Wai is a dog la. He is nothing but a eunuch for UMNO-BN.
Marina Mahathir?? Of course la she will defend to the death what her daddy did to this country.
what is this boycott? Are you gone crazy?
Boycott means what?
Yes, I know that Mr. Zorro. You are 68 and I am 51. You've seen more than me. What I see today is that, the political scenario in Malaysia today is going from bad to worst. What is the PM doing right now you think? The people are running here and there, just like we are running for shelter when suddenly heavy rain is falling. I hope you understand. What is the PM doing right now you think? I'm fed-up of this "aci-aco" already.
Uncle Zorro
Thanks for your updates and hope you enjoyed the Protes! Why didnt you wear a red baju? :-)
I must say, it will be a sad, sad day if all bloggers declare that they are meluat and stop blogging. I realise that it is a sacrifice to be sharing your time and thoughts with all of us, and I greatly appreciate the work of many Malaysian political (and food, for that matter) bloggers, especially now that I am abroad.
Although I do understand that the current sandiwara is getting quite frustrating - if Pakatan Rakyat or Anwar really have what it takes to topple the BN govt, then they should do so now, rather than building up the political what climax, I don't know...! I would rather it happens sooner and not later.
Then we can get on with our lives, and get on with governing this wonderful country and let it fulfil all it's potential as a nation.
Its been over 25 yrs since you were the Discipline Master at LA-SALLE; but you still keep amazing us 'students' what all the education we had gained really means...
Dylan once said 'When you think you have lost everything; you find out you can lose a little but more'
MARGEEMAR THE SCRIBE IS NOT ON STRIKE! I am appalled with certain Bloggers who say they are going on strike. Why? Supposedly they are fed up with the Najib-Altantuya and Anwar-Saiful saga. I can understand ass wipers like Wong Chun Wai and Marina Mahathir but what surprised me most was certain prominent Bloggers who I thought were going to fight the good fight till the tyrannical regime of BN/Umno is defeated and cast into the abyss.
I’m together with the likes of Sloone, RPK, Haris Ibrahim Nathaniel Tan etc in fighting this evil in Blogosphere until this Evil entity called Barisan Nasional is cast into eternal damnation. Truth must prevail over falsehood. Even now, we hear how the BN/Umno evil regime is using God’s Holy Name to cover their evil deeds and claim innocence while cursing those who are standing up and speaking the Truth.
The BN/Umno regime certainly wants to break the will of the Bloggers by getting Bloggers to be at odds with each other. I appeal to everyone to boycott those Bloggers who are behind this stupid strike. They are as Sloone put it, nothing but hypocrites. We must strive to ensure that no one gets away from the crimes they have committed. We are not going to forget anything. We’ll keep the fire burning! We want Pakatan Rakyat to reveal the crimes the BN/Umno regime had committed in the states they used to rule. The Truth must prevail. No more cover ups.
Hey Zorro,
I did turn up at the Protes rally after all! I decided that all that I need to make a stand against the government's attempt to intimidate us.
It will NOT work!!
And neither will all this politicking. I am still here with guns blazing, not because I WANT to, but because I HAVE to.
I second your motion, Mr. J.D. Lovrenciear!
Rocky may want to take a break but as long as things have not changed and as long as we are being sodomised by this government I am not taking one and I am sure you aren't too.
"Secondly, the rule of law is very important. Don't we talk about law of the jungle and so on but we ourselves are not practising it," he told reporters here Saturday." Najib ( God, I hate them all) Razak
Uncle Zorro...Najib got thing abt jungle eh...wink, of the jungle is where defenceless women get shot in the brains and then C4ed to bits...Bala and family? yes, Lost while on impromptu jungle trekking trip kot...
I time use ACID...can dispose of bodies, I got this from a website, C4 still leave bone fragments...this one sounds better (hypothetical of courselah):
Disposing of a Body
by untrue_thoughts
NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.
Disclaimer: this file is purely hypothetical and has been written for informational purposes ONLY. The author takes no responsibility for the actions of readers of this textfile. If you ever discover a body you should immediately report it to the police.
OK, so you have a body for whatever reason and you want to get rid of it, with no chance that it can be identified or traced back to you. Here are 16 steps that should ensure that this happens. Be aware that transporting a body is VERY OBVIOUS and should be done with discretion; this file discuses how to dispose of the body, not on how to do it without being seen, so be aware that you MUST be subtle or you will be seen and caught - dragging a body through the streets is kinda obvious so please, for you own sakes, be cautious and use you discretion.
1. Wear gloves + hat + disposable clothing
2. Get the body to a safe location
3. Burn the body
4. Cut off: hands + feet + head
5. Cut off: Legs + Arms
6. File off: pads of fingers
7. Knock in: teeth
8. Leave all parts in an acid bath
9. Burn parts again
10. Put each part in a separate bag: hands (separately); feet (separately); legs (separately); arms (separately); head; torso.
11. Put acid and bleach into each bag
12. Put 5 bricks into each bag
13. Seal the bags
14. Bury hands + feet + head at least 6 feet under the earth in an unpopulated area off + away from all paths at least 5 miles apart.
15. Sink torso + arms + legs into lakes in an unpopulated area off + away from all paths at least 5 miles apart.
16. Burn gloves + clothes + hat + dispose of the ashes (bury them or throw them into a lake ? away from the body parts)
Note that these steps are for ideal situations: they take time and can be shortened if time is a problem: burning the body once is probably enough and the acid bath is not truly necessary. However, if you do want to do a thorough job, I'd recommend that you do them all - just to be sure.
Hopefully this will be helpful in your attempts to dispose of any hypothetical bodies in the future :) Have fun and don't get caught.
by untrue_thoughts
Do they want a link? Google inept our Najib's UTK, sorry...
(Rockyboy jangan marah ok?...nanti lagi demam...)
ps: MM baru tau how we have been living for years as REGULAR RAKYAT ...listening to politicians and leaders crap for years..and so what if everyone got their own analysis...everyone want to be ANALLISTS is the in thing what!
Regular Rakyat meaning: (who do not have a cook or cleaner or driver or billions in the family - billions earned by true grit and pure hard work is not a bone of contention for people, but when daddy is PM and Petronas can bail you out, then there is definitely something wrong- no one bailed us out when we were in deep shit and that is REAL LIFE and REAL hard earned money)...bah...senang cakap lah kalau tak pernah susah!!!!
TDM was a visionary leader, but not GOD and mistakes/inaction along the way, breeding the cronyism and nepotism and corruption that is out of control cakap jgn blame TDM for the nation's is it fair to blame Pak Lah alone too (no matter what I feel abt his impotent leadership)...this shit is the result of years of "loving cultivation", and we couldn't even speak out then against many we only have potential leaders who pop out of the same lower intestine, part of the same festering shit backed all the way up...speaking of which..I am really constipated...any suggestions for relief?
And I leave you with that gross thought....
Ta, Uncle..nice meeting you the other nite!
Tehsin Begum
oh ya...Wong Chun Wai...don't speak for all the bloggers lah!!! Menyampah la aku...kissing the nearest ass in sight as always...
Rocky? Alah...he looks too hot to be angry at him lah....hahaha..I also biased meh!
There are still some good men in UMNO....i know them.- Zorro
True but that`s a rara avis going extinct and one swallow not making a summer.
They are in a polluted environment and I fear they`ll eventually follow the way of the dodo.
it is clear wong chun wai is super vested in his comments and opinions.
Just bear this in mind, if without the blogging community, i believe until today, the majority of us would not have a single inkling of what had happened in Bala's SD press conference last week. The MSM would have conducted a TOTAL blackout!!!!
So, we are supposed to be fed-up. And how should that impact on me?
Stop reading and contributing to blogs maybe?
Let the politicians be and the BN and UMNO do whats necesssary so that we can all live in peace as we have the last 50 years when we all saw and experienced progress?
Can you see how MSM is trying to invoke and impress on us a certain attitude so that this attitude becomes fashionable? So that talking politics becomes lame and a bore? Hey, how nice if that happens and UMNO can go on its ways as before?
So lets talk sports maybe! What a wonderful Wimbledon Finals. Hey, if only there was the World Cup now, how much of a relief that would be for UMNO? The Olympics couldn't come soon enough if only so that the headlines will be screaming sports sports and sports and while all our attention is turned to that, they can go on into their wiley ways again. Too many eyes focusing on UMNO just now and that is no good. Not good at all.
Oh if only we could have another Tsunami of the 2006 proportions or worse, closer to home, that might change the headlines a bit as well and Malaysia-Today, will for at least that short period have low if not no traffic. That iwll be good for UMNO wouldn't it?
So Zorro, I am with you. No strike!!
uncle Bernard,
words of wisdom, let us all learn from it...
deepest respect .....always...
keep well uncle...
come again, did he said dirty politics?
just wondering who hijacked the premiership from tengku.
and so who say lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
@nerdy pete
Keep up the good work and the stamina. I noticed some bloggers like Marina reserve the right to moderate any comments posted and she only posts those supporting her and her madman daddy. Typical ostrich with head in the sand.
I tried leaving a comment saying the state of the country now is a result of her dad's work and it never saw the light of day.
Hats off! Am so proud of you - Luqman and his mommy
What to get fed up in cyber-space?
It is you alone to decide
Writing it and let it flies
It’s just like a diary
Keeping taps of things happening
Protests in cyber-space
For whom the bell ringing
The Dark Alley wins
So one must light up streets
Shining bright for all to see
I want to tickle my brain
So I write my stuff every day
When I don’t do it
It seems I have lost something
Let the writings magnet the people
Let them decide the country future
For the Bodohians have fooled many
Throwing stones to the unwary
Read what these Bodohians say
One can get puke with it
Telling others what to do
Yet they don’t practice
Which is the road?
The people stand at the cross road
Eyes darting left and right
Signs say here and there
But which is the one?
Hi Zorro,
You as usual are right on with your incisive comments. We should not bother about the likes of WCW. He was born a WC and no wonder he acts like one!
He has become a latuk for the dirty work he has been doing for his masters, BN and his employers, MCA.
He is trying very hard to become a Tan Silly. He can go on with his arse wiping. That is his call for his present avatar. Hope at least in the next he becomes a pedigree, not a paraiah that he is now.
Pak Zorro,
Keep it up, Bapak. Reading what you have to say as opposed to Rantings by MM as posted in People's Parliament, I think that freedom of speech should be upheld at all times. If one chooses to boycott, so be it! it's their choice. It doesn't matter who started this boycott 'thingy', everyone has the right to choose.
On a more cynical note, perhaps Rantings MM's boycotting is due to the legacy of her father, a domino effect of policies and decisions taken long ago. You know lah, 'blood is always thicker than water"
Thanks for allowing me to air my view.
Food for thought
You are too kind to Rocky and Marina. If you really read their blogs and some of the comments you will perhaps understand that they are areally hypocrites of the first order esp. the Rocky whose headings of his blog entries show him off and his views.
Keep it up, brah! It seems now the rakyat have been left with only YOU and brah Haris Ibrahim to represent us in the blogsphere! I know it can be fun at the the same time tiring to maintain a blog and keep track with the current on-goings. That's why i dont have a blog, because i know i will not be able to maintain it.
Keep it up, brah, and let your favourite music energize your fight! And may the thoughts of your loved ones give you strength. And, may all good Malaysians are in your loved ones list!
As to Rocky's Bru, recently i feel he's been losing it. Sad.
HG: appreciate your sentiments. No Rocky is not losing it....the flu bug has got to will pass, believe me.
Anon12.51: No my two friends are not hypocrites. Confused by all the bickering maybe. Let them be. Time will tell.
Anon 12.32pm:You are always welcome to visit. It can be tough for Marina as a daughter! We need empathy here.
Elviza....when I held that little boy, I was thinking of my three grandsons, Luc, my condo kids - Izz, his sister the mafia queen Zara and his youngest bro. Raiz; also Jeff & Norli's Nimi and her twin brothers; Pauline's Matthew and Marcus; Sheila's two kids; Pooi Leng's Ethan and Erin; Priya's Mikel; Harrinda & Pat's Halin and Manesha; and KC's Ryan. THEIR FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT WE ADULTS STAND FOR.
Anon10.32am: Spot on!
Daniel: thanks for the feature in your blog.
Caravanserai: Poetically correct!
Anon10.42: that is Marina's prerogative in moderating.
Old Fart: as always striking where it hurts. Missed you on Saturday nite.
Anon9.34: thanks for the encouragement. WCW has to butter his bread, even if the bread is mouldy and stale.
Hi have been missing for a while....missed you. About the swallows...they could migrate to the other side during these summer months. No?
Tehsin....damn raised the hackles. Great to have met you on saturday night.
Chegu Nazir...if we continue to throw rocks in the lake the ripples will be enormous...will stay the course with you.
Crankshaft: such a thrill to have met you in person....brave like the biblical Ruth....bernie and I chatted on the net till 3am and he was determined to revive his blog this summer. He set it up immediately when I excused myself for some shuteye. I told him that you were one of those who commented on his blog. crank him up will ya?
Margeemar: thanks for staying by our side. is because old students like you and JD inspire me and energize me.
Blueskyes: no red tshirt lah...but I was raging red inside. are recharging my batteries as always. Continue please.
Aziz, hold my hands and we wait and hope PATIENTLY.....until we oldies lose our patience.
I totally agree with you. During times like this, we are increasingly turning to the blogs for news (n Malaysiakini) instead of the papers. So for a few bloggers to say strike, we are left thinking .. What? (Datuk) Marina ... understandable, (Datuk) Wong ... no need to say more, but Rocky ... huh? Especially when he is supposed to be a journalist, very strange behaviour for one. Reporters are normally hungry for news and scoops. Report saja lah, no need to tire himself out with analysis and opinions if he feels so tired.
It was also so touching to see all those people at the Protes yesterday. I'm sorry to say much as I wanted to but I was afraid after hearing about the military in the streets the day before. I'm sure there would have been more people if not for the blogs (like Nat Tan) about the military. Anyways, I'm sure there are millions of Malaysians who support the protest in spirit! It's easy to say 'fed-up lah' for those people who are sitting in their cosy air-conditioned homes in front of their expensive lap-tops, but let us as Malaysians not forget about the underprivileged and deprived Malaysians out there who need us to help fight (in each little way) for our right to education, health care, freedom of speech, for a nation that our children will inherit ... and so, so, so much more.
Strike One, +for Rocky and Marina.
Marina also wrote that petrol and food price hike is hard on her pocket. HA! HA! HA!....
Marina, just ask daddy for a few million bucks lah, I am sure he has the amount in his shirt's top pocket.
A few years back I heard Marina being interviewed on radio. She went on and on about her charity and Aids work.
In the end, the radio DJ asked: "So, you are immensed in charity most of the time. What do you do for bread and butter?
The talk show ended abrutly, as music was put on immediately. Pity Marina never answered.
For the rest of us Rakyat, enjoy the joke below.
Nasty Bob climbs to the top of Mount Kinabalu to get close enough to talk to God. Looking up, he asks the Lord... "God, what does a million years mean to you?" The Lord replies, "A minute."
Bob asks, "And what does a million dollars mean to you?" The Lord replies, "A penny."
Bob asks, "Can I have a penny?" The Lord replies, "In a minute."
To anon 10.42,
why want to hentam someone's dad on their blog? Anyone in their right mind will censor lah. If you want to ketuk, go straight to Tun's blog lah. I'm sure he will appreciate your criticism. Heck, he might admire your honesty so much, he may invite you over for tea.
You forgot to include the pictures of the riot during the concert at the protest....
Arnaz....what sounding just like your spinning masters. I was there...where were you? For your personal gratification google "daily niner"....that should keep you hands busy off the keyboard. I will send you for rehabilitation under Nasty Bob if you are not careful.
As long as you keep me away from "Mr.Lo", I'll be okay. Bodily harm can be cured, unlike overheated brains.
i wasnt on strike at all. i was away since friday for my father in law wake. he forgot to wake up friday morning.
got back from ipoh few hours ago and update myself with news from this blog.
thanks uncle for updating me..
Dear Zorro,
You are spot on & the same with Susan's comment !
Well, as they say “When the going gets tough…..the tough gets going !”
Bloggers & commenters are concerned citizens who do it with passion & they are all affected by what is happening & voicing the “Downtrodden” rayaat’s plight without fear or favour !
We are the “Law abiding, tax paying, peace loving, responsible citizens” of this great nation called Malaysia for Malaysians, networking wth our investigative journo-bloggers, lawyer bloggers, professional bloggers, etc trying to identify, inform, discuss, rectify all the 3 decades of Political, judiciary, national security, economic, transparency, racial, etc DOWNSLIDE to this present state of “Craziness & Lunacy” !
Would those you mentioned have the guts like all of us who were there to witness the event !
So, please keep on blogging & commenting cos you are the most cost-effective “Alternative True Media” - the last bastion for the Downtrodden rayaat !
Cheers Zorro, Susan & all your fellow bloggers & commenters. Keep up the good effort !
Hehe, it was great to meet you too, Zorro! :)
I did see Bernie's new post. That young fella's going places, mark my words.
Am pissed of with Wong Chun Wai. And to think that I felt sympathatic to him then when he blogged about this. The next day, the Star come out with the same mantra. And then AAB come out with his criticism as if Chun wai's mantra is gold. Yep, our PM called bloggers liars but he forgot about his statements on his marriage to Jean, etc.
Aye, Zorro - I find Zrro and Marina's statement on the MSM truly nauseating.
Strike my axe, man .....
After all the things that have happened, they have suddenly turned softies and cannot stomach the dirt? No wonder the dirt sticks so tough!
BS, if you ask me - sounds a lot like the SD v. 2.0!
Did the recent Bloggers meet have anything to do with it?
Keep mowing, Zorro!
"Clean" Politics, "Blog-Strikes" & "Carburettor Du...
Way to go Uncle Zorro!!! My feelings exactly!!If bloggers go on strike people might turn to MSM for news!!! Thats MORE disaster!!!
Come on!!! A fight must be to the end!!!The End must be victory!! Giving up is just not the way!!!
Thumbs up to Uncle Zorro for not joining the League!!!
Maybe if we keep highlighting the same thing coz they keep doing the same mistake, we can get fed up. lol
Your assertion against the comment by the journalist WCW reflects the most important ethic in journalism found most wanting today: the map is not the territory, is it, WCW?
why i skip all the latest box office like hulks iron and such? because we have the biggest box office ever right infront of us. Universal should consider making a movie out of all this.
Sorry mate - I just saw to typo ....
I meant "Rocky & Marina ...."
Your mowing got my fingers moving on its owns .... :-)
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