And who engineered this rumour that there was to be a massive protest rally in the vicinity of Parliament. ?
And who ordered the road blocks as early as Saturday night. I was to meet RPK, Marina and the boys at Waikiki. I thought I would kinda warm up at the PJ Club and therefor left early. It normally takes me 8-10 minutes on the federal Highway. That night I went bumper to bumper for 70 minutes.
Last night, because I had lent my wheels to a friend in need Fisherman Gus Gan left Taman Desa to give me a ride to his Wharf. He avoided several road blocks and paid toll. Haris too was fishing at the wharf and cussed profanities and profusely too, about the traffic.And that was past 10pm!
Was Botak afraid or was he flexing his shriveled muscles to tell us that he was in charge. The authorities even had court orders for any rally to not come near the Parliament House. PR was not planning any rally. As a busy-body I would have known if there was going to be a rally. i heard of no rallies but only about the messy traffic jams. Good to digress here with one of Hantu's contributions:
1st Night: Botak wore a see-thru pj before jumping into bed. Wife did not notice.
2nd Night: Botak wore a vermillion-colored BOSS boxer shorts. Wife not impressed one bit!
3rd Night: Botak went naked.
Wife: What are you wearing? It is so crumpled!
Back to rumour mongering. And that is exactly what Botak was doing. Using road-blocks to tell the populace that there may be trouble. He started a rumour. In times of emergency, like the May 13 riots we were bombarded with warnings that we could be arrested for rumour mongering. Rumour mongering can cause panic and it caused panic buying on Sunday. However, the road blocks did not scare the rakyat.....they still came out on the roads.....they braved the inconvenience to show Botak and his boys that they cannot be intimidated so easily....especially by manufactured rumours about the opposition.
And I heard that the massive jams continued this morning....burning up more expensive gas, kids were late for school and Malaysians reported late for work because a paranoid Home Minister had some visions since Friday.
I hope tonight when YewTube Tony picks me up for dinner, there will be no traffic jams. You never know. Botak may try to prevent us from going to the DAP "meet the bloggers dinner" at Singasana. That could be another rumour. NO?
I drove from Melaka to KL, Sunday night. Road Blocks.
I drove Semenyih to Nilai today, Monday. Road Blocks.
From 3 or 4 lanes to one lane on a Monday morning is no joke brother. Getting late to work and school is bad. Lost time for important business meetings means lost earnings.
More important - the amount of rubber and ringgit burnt on the road especially in these hard times really hurts.
If it was the intention to get the hurt feelings of the rakyat deflected onto the 'opposition' teams, then I think that was a silly, sad mistake.
This theory of old is not working brother. In fact, the reverse may just be very true.
It was a mess out there all weekend and this morning.
In kepong, roadblock was set up right in front of the police station. three lanes were made into one lane. The jam stretched all the way up to Sg Buluh.
And that roadblock in Jalan Batu Caves, they created an island right in the middle of the road. just imagine the extra time taken just to travel to work.
You are spot on as regard to the flex of muscle by this brainless botak.
Bet he will be shitting in his pants walking on the street alone. How often do we see these bastards walking on the street alone?
That basically tells us that they don't have the balls to face people on the street. They can only make noise hiding behind the corridor of power.
Yes i am daring them!!
If you believe what is written below, than you must also believe that my mother was Virgin Mary....
KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 (Bernama) — Roadblocks put up by police along roads leading to parliament building have averted an illegal rally planned by opposition party supporters this morning.
The rally was to give moral support to the motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail.
The motion’s notice made by Wan Azizah on Thursday was rejected by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia this morning.
After failing to breach the police cordon around parliament, some 20 people led by PKR youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin gathered at Pasar Seni at 2pm.
The rally lasted only three minutes when police directed the group to disperse peacefully. There were no arrests.
—MORE POLICE-RALLY 2 (LAST) KUALA LUMPUR Police yesterday obtained a court order to prevent the public from attending a planned rally in front of parliament building this morning.
Sentul police chief ACP Ahmad Sofian Md Yassin said those attending the illegal rally would be prosecuted under the Police Act 1967.
When things like this happen, somethings cross my mind & every thot has a ***mah at the end.
#1 thot - where ARE the police to combat crime such as when little kids dissapear?
#2 - who the MF do they think are paying civil SERVANTS including our (ahem) "peace keepers" & crime busters?
So why are they wasting our hard-earned $$$$ on such useless exercises?
To prevent aunties, uncles waving umbrellas & punching them with plastic bags?
To prevent people from throwing water bottles at them?
Does it even cross these FLIPPIN' bird brains that THEY have the big Guns & we (at best) like Amir H would say, "only have the parangs"??
We are becoming more like zimababwe & Myammar & less like Malaysia everyday!
They can eat my smelly 1 year old shorts!!
they even had roadblocks at the Karak Highway exit point since yesterday!
why didn't the police do all this to find the missing children?
seems like botek & scaly-scrotum pin-head pm trying to provoke the people.
Botak is loosing his thinking capacity, no more hair to protect his head. His mouth moves faster than what is brain, that is the reason he has to apologize for all his wrong decisions. Fortunately, he was removed as a FM or else, we will be made a laughing stock of the world.
Malaysia deserves better!
Jeyklls and Hydes in Malaysia. Are you? (Updated 14 July 2008)
Malaysians in dilemma? So many events and news both real and unreal. Don’t know who to believe? Bombarded with too much spins. These are the quotes, we now hear.
“Give up”, “Fed up”, “Wait and See”, “Lost interest”, “Headache”, “Cannot believe anyone”, “Who to believe ah?”, “Niamah”, “Pening kepala”, “Pening otak”, “Sudah lah”, “Pi mampus”, “Insyallah (God Willing)” or raise your palm and fist and put them together on National tv or or or or other blogs.
Why? Because it depends on what you want to perceive and your bias toward your own race, color, religion, party, groups, interests, superiority or plain dumbness.
That makes you something of a Jeykll and Hyde if you can’t differentiate between facts and fictions, good and evil, right and wrong, true or false. Too many Malaysians can’t decide now whether to become Jeykll or whether to become Hyde or when to become Jeykll or when to become Hyde.
Think hard and search your conscience from deep within and “Viola” you can differenciate between Night from Day. Throw out bias towards race, creed, superiority, affiliations, religion and beliefs, greed, power, cronyism etc and then see whether some of the things happening around is right or wrong , true or false, evil or good, facts or fiction.
1. Altantuya was killed and blown to bits. (Fact or Fiction).
2. Sodomy is as evil as murder. (True or False).
3. Anyone accused are innocent until proven guilty. (True or False).
4. Statutory Declarations and Police reports can be made to fool people. (True/False).
5. Anyman or woman will swear on his religion or beliefs to save his own skin. (True/False).
6. Race superiority is needed to rule Malaysians. (Fact or Fiction).
7. Religious superiority is needed to rule Malaysians. (Fact or Fiction).
8. All poor people need to be helped by Government. (True or False).
9. Corruption is a fact of life and should be tolerated. (Fact or Fiction).
10. ISA is needed because prevention is better than cure. (Fact or Fiction).
11. Free education is a right for all Malaysian children. (True or False).
12. Free healthcare is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
13. Free speech is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
14. Freedom of religions and beliefs is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
15. Liberty is a right of all Malaysians. (True/False).
16. All Malaysians and the world can be converted to a single culture, religion, race in future. (Fact or Fiction).
17. The next PM of Malaysia will follow R.A.H.M.A.N theory. (Fact or Fiction).
18. All Malaysian Malays are poor and lazy. (Fact or Fiction).
19. All Malaysian Chinese are rich and gamblers. (Fact or Fiction).
20. All Malaysian Indians are drinkers and liars. (Fact or Fiction).
21. All East Malaysians are inferior to West Malaysians. (Fact or Fiction).
22. Only Barisan Nasional (BN) can govern Malaysia. (Fact or Fiction).
23. Only UMNO can take care of Malaysian Malay’s and other Bumiputeras interest. (Fact or Fiction).
24. Only MCA can take care of Malaysian Chinese’s interest. (Fact or Fiction).
25. Only MIC can take care of Malaysian Indian’s interest. (Fact or Fiction).
26. Only Gerakan can take care of Malaysian’s interest. (Fact or Fiction).
27. Only PKR can take care of Malaysian’s interest. (Fact or Fiction).
28. Only PAS can take care of Moslem’s interest. (Fact or Fiction).
29. Only Hindraf can take care of Hindu’s interest. (Fact or Fiction).
30. Only PBDS can take care of Sarawakian’s Bumi interest. (Fact or Fiction).
31. Only UMNO Sabah can take care of Sabahan’s Bumi interest. (Fact or Fiction).
32. All Jews are intelligent and corrupted. (True/False).
33. All Africans are corrupted and murderers. (True or False).
34. All Westerners are corrupted and evil. (True or False).
35. All Chinese are communists. (True or False).
36. All Indians are Hindus. (True or False).
37. All Malays are Moslems. (True or False).
To be continued……
Otak Botak @ Shit Humid the Duck has been trying very hard to raise his prick..err dick..I mean stick above the crowd so that he can be seen worthy of elite membership.
Anyone who has seen him on BBC 'HardTalk' will swear that Alzheimer is creeping up on him.
no traffic jam tonite? good luck zorro and keep cool. No curses. let me do iy.
The idiots put up a roadblock during rush hour home in of all places, Salak South. it was bumper to bumper for kms. What were the cops doing? Except for two, the group were chatting among themselves by the roadside. and frustrated motorists have to bear the brunt of the joke.
Hamid, may you wake up tom with the mother of all constipations. Take a hike, Hamid.
I still remember the Bruce Lee's movie titled" THE WAY OF THE DRAGON" where the American boss who was so upset with his men who were flatly beaten up by Bruce Lee, he screamed:" One man? Only one man?"
Yeah that's right only one man in the name of Anwar Ibrahim is enough to put shits in their pants, and they have to deploy more than 1600 men in uniforms and submachine gun all over town just because there were rumours that he may drop by Parlimen to listen to the debate .
The fact is that the police ended up looking more like the chaos maker causing massive traffic jams all over, on the slightess movement of one man. Only one man!
In the future, whenever the gomen says that they will be a rally, when none is planned, we all shall stage a mogok by staying at home.
DPM vs Ex-DPM through the rakyat's lens
The Deputy Prime Minister has finally spoken with regards to the the various moves coming from the corner of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The DPM's has sworn on the Holy Book and in the Name of The Almighty. He has no link to the late Alyantunya's brutal, gruesome and merciless murder not even witnessed in Nazi camps of yester-years.
Now, Datuk Serif Anwar Ibrahim cannot play dead. The ball is in his court. After all that he or his associates have alleged, his silence or non-rebuttal will conclusively show that the DPM was indeed not a party to the heinous crime of the century never seen in any country in the world.
Meanwhile, now that the DPM has done what many a sinner would not dare do, what is Datuk Seri Najib going to do next as the problem is now even more compounded?
If your opponent has sinned against you and in the process also misled the entire nation, are you just going to dismiss the entire episode like a sympathetic saint with loads of forgiveness or are you going to sue his butt off in the revered court of justice?
Meanwhile who within the corridors of power will rise to take the full brunt of accountability for the following mysteries that has conveniently escaped the eyes and ears of many in power:
Firstly, how can entry-egress records just disappear from the immigration records? Is this inquiry not a top priority for the administrators of the government and the department in question? Surely this investigation and haul-up can move independently from the current court battle.
Secondly, who should take the rap for allowing the removal and use of a strictly guarded explosive? Should the authorities independently expedite the investigation of how such C4 material can be removed and used without permission? Is this not significant at least for the head of department?
Thirdly, we all know that those person / people (or whoever it may be) involved in carrying out that senseless act of blowing up a woman to bits and pieces are obviously highly trained individuals. And as we understand these uniformed individual/s is/are also regimented and conditioned to only take orders. So who gave the order to act?
So the DPM's recent act of absolving himself is not the most important issue here. The rakyat want to know how the heinous act was allowed vis-a-vis the three issues highlighted above.
And as long as heads do not roll with hasten speed now, any remark, swearing or proclamation is not going to change public opinion.
Hope this letter draws the attention of both the gentlemen - Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
J. D. Lovrenciear
Uncle Zorro,
The two botak and most of the umno MPs especially the kinabatang monkey speaks from their arse-hole cos their brains are located at the buttocks. Normally we named this type as pariahs.
Ray Chin
That's why i smsed the person who knows these things! Can always count on you Bernard.
I was so annoyed when i got a phone call from a person this morning bitching about the traffic (and hinting that its the barisan rakyat who's responsible).
Next I get another person calling me and asking me what good do i get in going for rallies. I told them that I only go when it's about something i really believe in. I'm standing up and being counted for something that matters a lot to me.
He asks again, "Ya. But what do you get out of it? Nothing right? So why bother? Why make everybody's life harder with the traffic? Why can't you just go on with life and not concern yourself about these stupid behavior?"
I give up.
Worst is being blamed for something that didn't even happen.
That's just bulls$#%t.
All i can say is, if you don't want to stand up and fight for what you believe in, then don't. But everyone has a right to express themselves.
And most importantly, please put blame where it's really due and don't just assume. Because that makes you a fool and so easily manipulated by some parties.
So to all you haters, get smart.
I went back to my home town on Friday in Johor to attend my niece wedding.
On Saturday after lunch,I encountered 3 road blocks on the journey back to KL.
The 1st block is at Gemas, the 2nd at Tampin. The 3rd after the toll at Sungai Long.
That means the police intimidation is not only confined to KL and the road blocks are nation wide.
This morning all my meetings was cancelled due to people being caught in the traffic which upsetted all their schedule. So i called afriend for lunch and he had taken the day off and stayed at home from frustrations. Its bad enough at this times trying to make a few bucks and our brilliant ministers concocted a brilliant plan to scare the rakyat.
All this is part of a bigger Plan read here
Greetings Bernard
These fellas have really gotten us riled with this tactic of frustrating the rakyat by setting up their infernal roadblocks. I suggest we turn this around the next time by urging each other to not go out to work on the day put up such unwarranted roadblocks. Civil servants, private sector workers, bussinessmen and even students...just stay at home. You are not going anywhere on time anyway. On top of that you end up spending more in wasted petrol and wear and tear on your than you are going to be paid for that day anyway. Non jangled nerves and skyrocketin blood pressure. So relax at home and cause a strike or hartal of sorts. Shut the city down by avoiding traffic jams caused by this most insensitive governmant.
Hey , Zorro, just like old saying
" The Damn Botak " from Balik Neraka can easily torch a fire as he like but Rakyat not even allow to light up a candle .
What they have done wrongly just a simple excuse.
Is it the way of life we want in Malaysia ?
No !
No ! No !
No ! No ! No !
Methinks you are too kind with Botak.
I have christened him Magoo - short-sighted and bumblingly jingoistic!
Now, if only the police was this efficient in organising roadblocks to look for missing children ....
DPM vs Ex-DPM through the rakyat's lens
The Deputy Prime Minister has finally spoken with regards to the the various moves coming from the corner of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The DPM's has sworn on the Holy Book and in the Name of The Almighty. He has no link to the late Alyantunya's brutal, gruesome and merciless murder not even witnessed in Nazi camps of yester-years.
Now, Datuk Serif Anwar Ibrahim cannot play dead. The ball is in his court. After all that he or his associates have alleged, his silence or non-rebuttal will conclusively show that the DPM was indeed not a party to the heinous crime of the century never seen in any country in the world.
Meanwhile, now that the DPM has done what many a sinner would not dare do, what is Datuk Seri Najib going to do next as the problem is now even more compounded?
If your opponent has sinned against you and in the process also misled the entire nation, are you just going to dismiss the entire episode like a sympathetic saint with loads of forgiveness or are you going to sue his butt off in the revered court of justice?
Meanwhile who within the corridors of power will rise to take the full brunt of accountability for the following mysteries that has conveniently escaped the eyes and ears of many in power:
Firstly, how can entry-egress records just disappear from the immigration records? Is this inquiry not a top priority for the administrators of the government and the department in question? Surely this investigation and haul-up can move independently from the current court battle.
Secondly, who should take the rap for allowing the removal and use of a strictly guarded explosive? Should the authorities independently expedite the investigation of how such C4 material can be removed and used without permission? Is this not significant at least for the head of department?
Thirdly, we all know that those person / people (or whoever it may be) involved in carrying out that senseless act of blowing up a woman to bits and pieces are obviously highly trained individuals. And as we understand these uniformed individual/s is/are also regimented and conditioned to only take orders. So who gave the order to act?
So the DPM's recent act of absolving himself is not the most important issue here. The rakyat want to know how the heinous act was allowed vis-a-vis the three issues highlighted above.
And as long as heads do not roll with hasten speed now, any remark, swearing or proclamation is not going to change public opinion.
Hope this letter draws the attention of both the gentlemen - Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
J. D. Lovrenciear
The difference between FIFA Botak and our BN Botak are:
The FIFA Botak 'commands' respect in and off the field even now when he is already retired.
Our BN Botak 'demands' respect and everyone wants him to retire for good.
bamboo river.
all these damn zhee bai flers, nothing better to do ke?
get them to manage the country, but keep screwing the rakyat backside.
comes next election, we the "rakyat pantang dicabar" must send these blockheads ar too, ar kow back to the kampong to jaga kambing-lembu, bela ayam-itik, tanam jangung-ubi.
Just wondering about a suggestion going round the blogs.
The next time the BN government put up roadblocks and you're stuck in the ensuing jam, get out from the vehicle, lock it and have a 30 minute teh tarik break or whatever one fancies.
For even more dramatic effect, pull up the hood to indicate 'engine failure' as a sign for others to follow suit.
Not quite certain whether it will be feasible on highways but just imagine if it's done in or near the city center. If BN can pretend there's a security risk, so can we mah!
Perhaps, there are other options if we put on our thinking caps though I rather prefer a chilled one whilst pondering on other possibilities.
Don't get mad, just get even.
aiyah, you all dun know meh !? they are looking for bala lah !!
nah uncle zorro..i lazy to retype new comment i copy and paste my comment from that rockyfella's blog on Pak Lah overreacting...
The govt didn't overreact, they were merely ABUSING the courts again by getting an unnecessary court order, MISUSING the already stretched police force for their own ends and WASTING the pricey fuel of already stressed KL people by putting up roadblocks all over the city on a Monday, and causing motorists to be stuck in jams and miss hospital appointments, important meetings and etc (all the things we the REAL people have to do)
They were merely using it as political ploy to make the rakyat turn against Anwar and direct their anger at HIM instead of THEM.
Of Pak Lah and his entire government for their incompetence and absence of foresight in dealing with the coming worldwide ECONOMIC calamity and local issues that are still outstanding after poverty, corruption, pollution of our rivers and environment, inadequate transportation system, racial and economic divides, bla bla bla...we all know the deal, except for the ruling buggers who are too detached from the reality of the life by their stolen billions.
We are also tired of Anwar and his continued premature ejaculation problem due to his unbridled keghairahan for power which leave the people believing in him wanting and disappointed
each time.
Many are willing to give him a chance given the lack of choice; him or the obsolete ruling party; but he and PR have only managed to brag and offer empty promises while offering us NO CONCRETE SOLUTIONS AND PLANS except for that bloody oft repeated TURUN HARGA MINYAK.
We are not stupid. We are not easily bought. We want to know exactly how the PR proposes to deal with all the pressing issues instead of simply TURUNKAN HARGA MINYAK as a one stop solution!!!
Meanwhile...back to the roadblocks...Pak Lah/Khairy weren't overreacting...they know exactly what they are doing...that is GANYANG MALAYSIA!!!
shah101....there you go again, a class 1, Division 1 positively SINISTER proposition that deserves a posting. When do we knock cups again. Isn't there a short-cut from your hole to the Wharf?...tonite maybe. Go get hold of the Bentong Farmer.
Dear Zorro,
Is it difficult for people like you, Haris, RPK and Malaysiakini to come up with firm and potent suggestions to all bloggers and people who get caught in these indiscriminate PRDM roadblocks what they should and shouldn't do in order to give these sleazeball politicians something that would knock some sense into their numbskulls. For example if motorists blocked at arterial roads into KL could put up their car bonnets to show their cars have stalled or overheated. If every motorist were to do that the traffic jam would be so monstrous that the lazy police chaps who put up the roadblocks would have to do their damn bit to untangle the gridlock that would have ensued. If these incidences are well orchestrated like the police roadblocks,then the Botak the Batak and his puppet masters would have to think umpteen times before coming up with roadblocks. You people might even come with some brain waves. Let us know. We are fed up with these idiots. I was caught in a massive jam along the Federal Highway for about 3 hours, going on my way to Ampang.
idiot of the SUPER degrees :
the deputy finance menteri said, "
proton beli the motobike co. at 70m
euros & sold for ONE euro is profitable one !!"
hahaha ! without a botak in the ministry, where got FUN one ...hahaha...! ( actually, aab wants people to relax & destress so that less anger & frust at him
lah, smart sil, not the zzzz !)
AAB very pandai lah ( sil's idea), gave his home ministry to the botak
because the police got 'problems & complaints a lot one ' so that people will screw up this stupid botak who must have thought the PM has promoted him to this post....
now you see more hair dropping & soon completely kosong on that numb
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