You throw one SD at me I will get someone to throw one at you.
You have a press conference yesterday
I am also having one today
If you can have one today I too will have one pc today.
Is it Ping Pong
or is it
Flip Flop
and we are the damn ball.
Somebody get rid of the ball or get rid of the players.
......shortly....I am going over to Merchant Square ....maybe for the last ping-pong......might try to steal the ball or the table.
Do hear about red herring?
Running wild into the forest
Group of reporters run
Nothing is found
Is it true?
The music playing
Jamming the radio stations
Many want to know
The truth of the story
One got into tiny pieces
Spreading far into the quiet forest
The clues buried it in the grounds
Of the soul dust to dust………..
The shadow play
The positive ID of the dead
Police found it hard to prove the case
So the red herring claimed
One got buried in tiny flow of fire
Splintered into the air and earth
Forever crying in the quiet forest
Of the wind and jamming roots and branches
Waiting to crawl out for the light of the day
About red herring
The fox runs fooling the hounds
Into the deep forest and disappear
Fanning quietly in the elegant mansion
Hello Uncle Zorro. We could be getting double crossed by somebody, or somebody's plan foiled when Mr B here realized the danger of going ahead and hasn't the guts to do so and hence, what we have today. Em the players must go.
Just don't get caught stealing those things. They can get away with murder but not ordinary folks like us.
no wonder najib was smiling like a cheshire cat last night when he gave his press conference, wonder did they bring in the A team of interrogattors with special equiptment of clamp-pliers and testicular electrical motor with anal anode, READ ABOUT INTEROGATION cia style in a french magazine, nobody resists. this has now made me believe the first SD 100%, as i still had a few doubts yesterday, today no more doubts, this is malaysia, the powerfull will do anything to stay in power, even blowing up people with c4.
Something to share with your readers here:-
Do something: Lead, follow or get out of the way
The Statutory Report after reports and the retractions, denials, and sordid allegations riding along is tearing this nation apart.
For the love of this nation, its crown and the citizens can someone please stop all this and help us get on with nation building seriously?
It is crystal clear that someone has got to tell it: Do something - lead, follow or get out of the way.
Today, every Malaysian is deeply injured by the saga after saga spewing out from within the corridors of power. Our image, reputation and dignity in the eyes of the world is damaged.
How do we explain matters to our children folks? Do the politicians and those at the helm of power not see this sordid and festering limbo that they have allowed this nation to sink into?
Mind you we are not having differences of opinions over economics or how to manage a country. We are fighting over who rammed whose butt and who is protecting who. By god, is this what Malaysian politics and governance has come to?
So, please Mr Honorable Prime Minister can you please do something. Get your people to lead, follow or get out of the way. The nation cannot be held at ransom with all this rubbishing, corruption, scandals, denials, allegations and what have you these past months.
J. D. Lovrenciear
Few observations though:
Since we are talking about two SD, let’s examine certain points.
1. Yesterday, he was all happy and chatted with every journalist, local and foreign.
Today, he refused to talk or take a single question from anyone.
2. Yesterday, his meeting was announced 24 hrs before it was scheduled.
Today’s meeting was in obscure hotel where few journalists were called in.
3. Yesterday, he was a happy man, vety jovial and chattery.
Today, BN newspaper the Star wrote that he “was visibly perturbed”
4. Yesterday, he has informed the people and the journalists who were the people who have jailed him, harassed him, omitted his evidence and maltreated him.
Today, he didn’t say who has forced him. Who has given instructions. Who has mistreated him. He simply refused to talk but run out of the hall visibly disturbed with deep eyes.
5. Yesterday, he didn’t meet the police before he released his SD in front of world media and local as well,
Today (yesterday’s night) he has spent in BrickFields where he was immediately summoned after he has released his SD and was taken to the station by his former lawyer.
6. Yesterday, he has released a comprehensive SD touching on Najib, Musa Safri, Baginda, Police, Prosecution, Witnesses (etc),
Today, he has released the same SD but the parts that referred to Najib removed. All other people were retained. (Ha ha! I wonder who advises these people.)
7. Yesterday, he was a well combed man, with office shirt- and well prepared
Today, he was wearing a dirty T-Shirt with a cap and a was acrrying a plastic bag (black). As his new lawyer talked, he didn’t talk, chat, look up, greet or handshake anyone unlike yesterday.
……..These are simple observations that any intelligent being can pick and realise what’s going on. Furthermore, it is not Bala or Anwar who is in charge of the Defence, Security, Intelligence, Criminal and Justice system of this country but the 3 men accused of conspiracy and evidence manipulation. (Najib, Musa and Patail). You don’t need a child to know who uses force. It is not Anwar who seeks shelter at Embassies fearing for himself but the men who exercise that power over the said institutions.
PS: The Deputy PM doesn’t need Bala to retract any statement which is a perjury now and a criminal act in the penal code. He only needs to file a defamtion suit. Can’t he? If yo are innocent, why trouble yourself with Bala? Just go to the court and said you were defamed and there you go and get your due. When he was asked yesterday, he refused to file a suit, just like he and Rosmah refused to file a defamation suit against Raja Petra. If people are mudslinging you, insulting, incriminating you, and you are innocent, why not seek justice? It is because he knows in courts evidence will be produced and knowing that the Altantuya case has been pre-arranged (we have followed it as a nation), he hopes that by simply denying SDs and refusing to file suits, things will get cooled and he will move on. Heavenly no. Malaysia’s name is at stake. It is not about him, about Anwar or Badawi. It is about this nation and its people.
NB: If he has no confidence in the judiciary of this country by refusing to seek justice at the courts by filing defamation suits against his accusers, who else will trust the regime? The dead? Oh, I’m sorry…we are alive. Thanks to God!
uncle bernard,
i read from haris blog that you will be attending the 1 juta protest turnkan minyak which will now be in the MPPJ stadium!
Please take a lot of pictures, as far as i know, there will be at least 20,000 people coming for this, so it will be a big crowd.
I for one am glad you will attend and since they changed the venue to a stadium, law and order can be maintained. i hope the PAS brigadiers will be all prepared to control the crowd as well as they did on the 10/11/07
YNWA! from a liverpool fan to a man utd fan?
Since we are talking about two SD, let’s examine certain points.
1. Yesterday, he was all happy and chatted with every journalist, local and foreign.
Today, he refused to talk or take a single question from anyone.
2. Yesterday, his meeting was announced 24 hrs before it was scheduled.
Today’s meeting was in obscure hotel where few journalists were called in.
3. Yesterday, he was a happy man, vety jovial and chattery.
Today, BN newspaper the Star wrote that he “was visibly perturbed”
4. Yesterday, he has informed the people and the journalists who were the people who have jailed him, harassed him, omitted his evidence and maltreated him.
Today, he didn’t say who has forced him. Who has given instructions. Who has mistreated him. He simply refused to talk but run out of the hall visibly disturbed with deep eyes.
5. Yesterday, he didn’t meet the police before he released his SD in front of world media and local as well,
Today (yesterday’s night) he has spent in BrickFields where he was immediately summoned after he has released his SD and was taken to the station by his former lawyer.
6. Yesterday, he has released a comprehensive SD touching on Najib, Musa Safri, Baginda, Police, Prosecution, Witnesses (etc),
Today, he has released the same SD but the parts that referred to Najib removed. All other people were retained. (Ha ha! I wonder who advises these people.)
7. Yesterday, he was a well combed man, with office shirt- and well prepared
Today, he was wearing a dirty T-Shirt with a cap and a was acrrying a plastic bag (black). As his new lawyer talked, he didn’t talk, chat, look up, greet or handshake anyone unlike yesterday.
……..These are simple observations that any intelligent being can pick and realise what’s going on. Furthermore, it is not Bala or Anwar who is in charge of the Defence, Security, Intelligence, Criminal and Justice system of this country but the 3 men accused of conspiracy and evidence manipulation. (Najib, Musa and Patail). You don’t need a child to know who uses force. It is not Anwar who seeks shelter at Embassies fearing for himself but the men who exercise that power over the said institutions.
PS: The Deputy PM doesn’t need Bala to retract any statement which is a perjury now and a criminal act in the penal code. He only needs to file a defamtion suit. Can’t he? If yo are innocent, why trouble yourself with Bala? Just go to the court and said you were defamed and there you go and get your due. When he was asked yesterday, he refused to file a suit, just like he and Rosmah refused to file a defamation suit against Raja Petra. If people are mudslinging you, insulting, incriminating you, and you are innocent, why not seek justice? It is because he knows in courts evidence will be produced and knowing that the Altantuya case has been pre-arranged (we have followed it as a nation), he hopes that by simply denying SDs and refusing to file suits, things will get cooled and he will move on. Heavenly no. Malaysia’s name is at stake. It is not about him, about Anwar or Badawi. It is about this nation and its people.
NB: If he has no confidence in the judiciary of this country by refusing to seek justice at the courts by filing defamation suits against his accusers, who else will trust the regime? The dead? Oh, I’m sorry…we are alive. Thanks to God!
Good luck to you Zorro, if you can catch any balls with so many flying around these days among so many susceptible anal intruders too.
I am neither a fan of both and I have critised and I firmly believe Najib is involved , however the latest chain of events have led me to be pissed off and I feel I ought to express my distaste and feelings.
These are a bunch of jokers plainly there are two persons involved ,one a Jackass and another a Sodomass with their only intention of becoming the Prime Minister of Malaysia without due consideration to Malaysians in general and the image of the country in general . Today Malaysians are already bracing for hard times with or without these Wong Sa and Yeh Fong soap operas . Today instead of trying to solve our economic problems with oil and petrol price increases affecting all daily usage comodities , transportation , bus fares , electricity tariff increases , super inflation of around 12 percent , we have these two Morons fighting to see who delivers the knockout punch . What a joke , this is the greatest joke of the century in Malaysia .
All these sandiwara's are done for the purpose of only one thing . I want to be the PM of Malaysia . I don't care what happens to Malaysians , you die by the roadside , cry ,curse , go on rampage , no food to eat, no place to stay , kill out of frustrations , I don't care and I don't want to know as long as my opponent gets kick out and I become the PM .
What is the point of everyday trying to get the rakyat to protests , making use of the rakyat for that purpose ? or to hold a one million rally ?? for whose benefit ?? for the jackass own benefit!!!
If you have the PROOF , bring it out and settle it once and for all .
Coming back to the issue on the PI
His lawyer has this to say when he made the SD;
Americk said: “We’re not saying what he heard is absolute gospel, this must be distinguished. Balasubramaniam is not in the position to determine what is true or not.”
So does this imply the PI is either lying today or yesterday. Basically he is paid to do the wayang for the benefit and to sway public opinion to the Jackass .
How can you make a SD based on HERESAY ???
A SD is a document recording accurate chain of events that happened NOT on heresay .
Today's SD is to do away with all the heresay .
So whats there to say ? how can a court convict someone based on heresay ??
If you Anwar as you say have SOLID PROOF , bring it out OK !!
NO more wayang please .
RPK is still the most reliable and still the BEST when it comes to bravery and on willing to stand up on what he writes . He should be the PM of Malaysia, not you two opportunists.
Saw the press conference of the retraction of the SD this evening.
Anyone know why Anwar is not at the press conference?
I think all these fiasco are to divert the people's focus on the rising cost of living,the fuel hike a result the poor are getting poorer and the rich are trying to make more money..
It's definitely important to investigate the case on Najib and Anwar allegation since "there is rule of law?" in Malaysia.
What's more important is to solve Malaysia economy and corruption problem!!!
Lastly, I don't think the folks in UMNO is too bright.
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