Saturday, July 12, 2008


My post yesterday "HITLER YOUTH REVISITED" highlighted the indoctrination and brainwashing by this Government agency under the aegis of the Prime Minister. This post generated a fair bit of comments (23) but this comment shook me somewhat:

This is what is happening daily at the NS camps: trainees divided and labelled by race and religion and subject to mindnumbing and dumbing lectures! My son says he's in danger of coming out a racist!

July 11, 2008 6:47 PM

The objective of NS was integration of our youth; in a nutshell, to depolorize and undo what the education system has spawned. The Biro Tatanegara has done enough damage and I innocently thought that this NS thing was some damage control....but how wrong I was.

Blogger Tulang Besi of Malaysian Wave did a similar piece on the Biro. I took the liberty to extract some of his readers comments for my readers:

A friend of mine was of those who was there that day. He's a native from Sabah, a Christian and the first sentence he said when he met me (after the BTN) was "Saya sedih" (I'm sad).

He went on saying that he never heard of anything like this his whole life in Sabah.

Besides all that was mentioned in the post, he said that the saddest part for him was when the speaker starts lowering his voice and said "Orang Kristian tak pernah suka orang Islam" (The christians never like the muslims). He explained to me that in church people would pray for the well-being of the muslims especially those who in trouble and for unity and peace.

He addded that the Pendidikan Moral should as well be abolished from schools if this continues. "What happened to Atan, Ali and Muthu?, because that is what kept us (in Sabah) together despite having different races in the same class or anywhere. No wonder people from the semenanjung like Sabah, Sarawak".

He went on, "Hatred should never be planted into the hearts of the people in order to have progress and to be competetive. I never hated the jews but i'm against the zionist. But he speaks as if we should kill all jews. I've never even felt the urge to hate another race. Maybe pendidikan moral should be compulsory to all including muslims because majority present that day were agreeing to what the speaker said."

Being a person aware of the issues in this country, I listen to him attentively and said that this is all the government's propaganda of which he should not in any way get influenced. I know him, and he is also aware of all of this government stuff, but he still felt shocked and sad and ashamed (on behalf of the malays) to have and educated speaker to talk like that.

I'm a malay and i'm used to hearing my fellow malay friends saying these speeches are fiery and good although i know that these speeches are one of the many obstacles from unity and it's just another lame way for the gov to spread its propaganda. But it striked me when another person who is not of the Chinese, Indian and Malay came to comment about it.

This should not continue because i haven't attended BTN yet. I don't want to waste my time listenng to all this. I prefer Ali, Muthu and Atan. Just like one of the best pendidikan Islam class i had... the one i didn't attend because i sneaked into the pendidikan moral class.

July 12, 2008 1:39 AM

Insidious indoctrination. And yes, it has been going on for decades.

Doesn't make it any less nauseating and dangerous.

I know someone in BTN. Of course when I confronted him about the fear-mongering tactics of BTN, he said, "no laa, we just teach respect". If he was in front of me, I would have slugged him.

These guys are the real threat to the dream of plural society in Malaysia.

I wonder ppl like Dr Idris, how and where he got his Phd and what his Phd work was about? His ideals can't be that far from the Ku Klux Klan.

I also can't help but notice that this student who posted this stuff must have him/herself been a Malay.
I salute his/her conscience.

On the face of it, I don't find the song objectionable. But read in current context, this is no benign song.

I have seen plenty of bright intellectual Malays and it gladdens my heart with hope that one day these fellas will lead Malaysia alongside their Non Malay brothers and sisters.

This kinda BTN garbage only sows insecurity and paranoia.

And to bring Islam into this just to justify that Islam endorses it.

Dari masa hingga masa
Petualang menghancurkan bangsa
Alatkan agama demi peribadi
Pupus kita di bumi Ilahi.

The veiled reference to using religion for own gain, is probably for PAS.

This is so wrong.

And the part about blogs being sinful?


Bodoh sangat ke orang Malaysia ni, sampai depa boleh cerita gini?


I am not a Malay, Chinese or Indian or even a Malaysian. What I do know is that in this time of Globalization if Malaysia as a whole does not get its act together and function as a united country you will never be a great country. All this emphasis on race is meaningless in a borderless world. Why talk about first class mentality, the best of the best, Glocal Malays, towering Malays etc if you cannot even compete on equal footing in your small pond? How can you even expect to compete with the likes of Singapore etc. Go on brainwashing the Malay students, give the best of your brains to other countries, slide down the slope of mediocrity and become no better than one of the poor African states in time.

July 11, 2008 8:54 AM


Like somebody posted above, there is nothing new about this BUT maybe new to the younger generations. It is good that the writer point this out and I bet the writer is not from a boarding school (or at least not from an MRSM).

The year was 1992, I was one of the editorial board members of an MRSM. I was assigned to interview one BTN officer who came to our school. I would say 50% of the interview was conducted off the record, which means I can't write down the facts or even tape the conversation. There was so many sensitive issues touched and explained by the officer.

That is when I truly understand the function of BTN. That is when I realized the meaning of the Warisan song which we were all proud to sing during our MRSM school assembly and during BTN/Bina Insan/Bina Negara programs. That is when I started to have my own personal view about our so called 'Malay right' that we are trying to protect so much.

Anyway, a very good topic and congratulations to the writer for sharing this.


July 11, 2008 4:23 AM


Its really sad when I read what was posted about the work done by these BTN people. I've read about them in some other posts but this one really alarms me as it really gave elaborate examples of what was actually being told to the participants, who I understand are either mainly Malay students or government servants.

If what is posted is true, the PM's Dept or the Higher Educ Ministry must take immediate and drastic action either against the lecturer or to thoroughly review or axe the whole BTN program. Never forget the BTM and the lecturers employed by them are paid from Malaysian taxpayers of all races. To indoctrinate and to incite our young Malay brethens against Malaysians of other races is not only immoral but a sin (dosa) from whatever religious teachings.

As someone here pointed out here, with these types of BTN courses, what's the point of having the NS programs ? Make it seems like this government deliberately spends millions of rakyat's money to disunite them. What an irony and a joke. Can some uprighteous politicians take this matter up in Parliament before more damage is done to the unity of our nation. Where's the National Unity Department ? Don't they monitor these courses ? Are they sleeping ? Do something before quick before more damage is done to the unity of this country.

July 10, 2008 10:24 PM


I feel sorry for Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor. He may have a Ph.D. but he's still living under a coconut shell. There is so much that is wrong with our educational system and the way we teach our children - Malaysia's future. In many ways, the government's policies amount to cheating, literally cheating, our children of the best education possible and therefore of enabling them to realise their full potential. Yet, Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor chooses to ramble on about "ketuanan Melayu". Doesn't this man know what's going on in the global information economy? Doesn't he realise that the rest of the world is passing us by and leaving Malaysia behind? Perhaps his Ph.D. really stands for Permanent Head Damage!

The world is passing us by precisely because of people like him who cannot see anything beyond race and religion. I bet you he's never even questioned his own beliefs. We can't expect anything more from a man who has never even thought to question and challenge his own basic beliefs, and this is exactly the kind of person that Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor is.

On second thought, I feel deeply sorry for our children that they are compelled to listen to the likes of Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor. At the same time, I have confidence in our children that they are smarter and more critical than Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor. Thank God for the innate intelligence that He has endowed our children with.

I hope the Ministry of Higher Education is taking note of your report. If it does not take appropriate measures to retool Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor, the Ministry would be seen as condoning his position. Then again, since Dr. Idris is suffering from permanent head damage, I fear there is nothing much that one can do to retool him.

Khalid Hishamudin

July 10, 2008 9:06 PM


IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET A FULL RECORDING OF THE SPEECH OR RECORDINGS, let us show the public and expose these snakes amongst us who tell the other races they will take care of them when they need the votes and on the quiet they try to indirectly sabotage or worse still incite racial hatred, lets expose them. expose these frauds. if you have recordings like the lingamgate put it on youtube and expose this insidious plot to destroy malaysia

July 10, 2008 8:35 PM

More comments here

anon 6:12pm has the Warisan song on MP3.

(click on pics to enlarge)



thanks Tulang Besi.... and Bodohland for the pics.


amoker said...

Any MPs here? Ask the government how much we spent on BTN each year? Half a billion ringgit?
BTN is against national unity. That is the first institution that need to be disbanded. There are many racist organisation that does not run on government funding ,- like UMNO.

Anonymous said...

I hope all peace loving Malaysians who love this country will pursue this matter seriously and assidously by campaigning for a total disbanding or at least a total review of these programs (NS and BTN) because these agencies appear not to be serving the interests of Malaysian taxpayers. Imagine where in the world can you find a country where hundreds of million of taxpayers' money are being spent to wipe up racial hatred and distust amongst its own citizens. It's not only illogical but foolhardy. It is no wonder that after 50 years, national unity in this country is as elusive as ever and instead of moving closer, we as a nation seems to be moving apart, where race relations are concerned.

I would like to propose that a parliamentary select committee be set up immediately to look into this matter, and all agencies connected, such as the National Unity Department be also reviewed. Just consider how much of our budget has been spent ( guess must be billions by now) over the last 20-30 years on all these national unity/patriotism programs, and what do we get ? It's time for public accountability. My gut feeling is maybe without all theae agencies and programs, we might have been more united as a nation. But most of all, even if we were not so united, the billions of financial resources saved (cost) could have been redeployed for other more beneficial programs for our citizens, such as poverty eradication programs.

Any takers from our MP's from both sides of the House ?

amoker said...

BTN and Project IC Sabah ( Islamization ) are 2 officially sanctioned Gov project that is deterimental to the well being of a multi racial society.

I do wonder how Sabah would be today if they opted out last time. Then the youngs dun have to listen to this propoganda and feel alien in own land. And no pressure to be 1st level bumi.

Jamuuna said...

Dear Zorro,

I was in Tamil School for six years. True enough it did not really give me much opportunity to mix around with other races. But I was gifted, I was in a high school where all of us were colour-blind (most of my friends at least). It was some of the best five years of my life.

Our circle of friends were so diversified that we each had our strengths and weaknesses but zorro that had nothing to do with where we were from but merely our character. I believe it is more vital to build good characters than blind fanatics.

All I ask is please lets build a strong nation not with racial tolerance but with acceptance. Let me quote Senator Obama's Philadephia speech "...I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together – unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction – towards a better future for of children and our grandchildren."

Anonymous said...

NS stand for Najib Scheme and KN stand for Koret Negara.

shine said...

I was trying to find Idris image...I am not surprised with what I found here...check out all the profiles....

shine said...

BTN is a tool by BN to create race based politic...look at the the course outline and the objective of the course work...something should be done before further damage is done...

Anonymous said...

" yes, it's TRUE we christians always PRAY for other souls to be SAVED through our LORD JESUS !!"

Sklau said...

Hello zorro,

Biro Tata Negara- Unmasked !

I am in total agreement that a recording of one such lectures be posted on the net for all to listen to.

I'm sure all those in UMNO knows about this since the program was specifically hatched to keep them in power. To sow racial hatred and imbue race supremacy so that the racial card can be played as and when it is needed to instill fear onto other races to keep them in check.

Such a recording would force the PM into action, even if he proclaims public misinterpretation or ignorance of the program. However the objective to highlight the devious ideals of BTN to the masses would be achieved.

We need Pakatan in power before there is any chance to pull the wire on this self destructive Biro Tata(waving goodbye to progress?)Negara.

Will we see BTN, Unplugged?

Anonymous said...

What I do know is that in this time of Globalization if Malaysia as a whole does not get its act together and function as a united country you will never be a great country.

Actually, this guy is being rather polite.

In reality, if Malaysia doesn't get its act together there will be NO MORE Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

The NS issue you brought up will be an eye-opener for a lot of people.

On the letter, and the comments you posted from Malaysia Waves. I myself also posted the letter in my own blog. I got a comment that goes like this:

Nowadays, I don’t believe much about what is written on the blogs, its propaganda and each party going to the extreme to slaugther their opponent.

It's sad that perhaps this person thinks the letter was a fake, generated as propaganda against BN.

Anonymous said...

Hi Zorro,
We'd heard that NS had its flaws, but we were shocked at this: the trainees are not called by name or number or just a 'Hoy', they are called 'Wira Cina!', 'Wirawati India!', 'Wira Melayu!'

And when you look like none of the above, say if you're very fair and look Caucasian, they ask you what you are!

Ironically, after a few weeks of marching at 2.30pm under the scorching sun, the trainees became indistinguishable because all were now toasted, bald and lean (from the substandard insufficient food) and sometimes the trainers mistakenly called the Chinese kids 'Wira Melayu' or even 'Wira India'!!!

Some of the other kids who had finished NS confirmed this happened at their camps too, but they were not shocked or bothered by it. Perhaps they bad become inured to such things.


Anonymous said...

Well zorro, next time we'll meet at the press club where we'll be able to talk more! I'll come with my bodyguards! :)

Old Fart said...


Of course I have known all that is happening for a long time. And because I could I have ensured these BTN guys will never be able to get at my kids. They are far away and they also thankfully don't know and don't understand this language that is used to inculcate all these ideas into their heads. It is every parent's right to insulate their kids from this language of hate that BTN does through schools as well as now, the NS!

ME136 said...

I have three children who are still in primary school and I do not want them to ever go to NS. I hope NS is abolished by them and that it will never be resurrected.

I do not want any child to ever go to any NS programme because:

I do not want any child to die or be maimed or be infected with any disease - due to negligence or criminal intent.
I do not want any child to be molested, raped or abused emotionally, physically or mentally - due to negligence or criminal intent.
I do not want any child to feel either superior or inferior just because they belong to a particular race or practise a certain religion - after listening to the teachings at the camps.
I do not want any child to think that the government is always right and the right to question denotes insubordination - just because the camp officials say so.
I do not want any child to think that an outward expression of their beliefs and discontent, eg: protests, is akin to a criminal act - just because camps officials say so.

I am bringing up my children based on what I know is right. I do not want the state to intervene and brainwash them into thinking something else. The state has no right to tell my children how to think.

Old Fart said...

All that you have quoted above is deniable. SO silence will be maintained like as if it never happened.

What we need is another V.k. Lingam's Correct, Correct, Correct type of video recording of the entire talk on U-Tube with English translations the world will understand. Maybe then you can hope for something.

Until then this is UMNO's weapon to subdue the entire population. If you thought the corruption of the judiciary, the impotence of ACA and the abuse of the police and the government machinery was scarry, this is worse. And it comes directly under the Prime Minister's department.

These guys will surely make Hitler proud.

Anonymous said...

please raise this issue in parliament, no point debating this in blog when there is no concrete evidence at all..

Anonymous said...

then again, this matter has already been raised in parliament by teresa kok