I often get annoyed when foreigners make fun and refer us as coming from BOLEHland. But can we blame people for tagging this distasteful appendage on us? Our system is such that anything is POSSIBLE. Murderers can walk free; judges and prosecutors can be changed with a twitch of the nose; today I say you are an adulterer, tomorrow I will say you are ripe for sainthood; yesterday he was black-gold, today he turned yellow-bellied; yesterday he shook hands with me, today I will wash my hands with some clorox detergent; yesterday I thought his act heroic, today I will spit on that offensive craven coward;. yesterday he could have been shouldered as a match-winner, today he scored an own-goal! Yesterday he looked smart and confident but not so today.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Was Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal made an instant millionaire, never an impossibility in this land of plenty or was he badgered into submission? Can a majestic, proud black mamba cobra morph into a yellow worm usually excreted after an enema?
What then? July 1 or July 4? Read Malaysiakini HERE
......and only Bernama covered the retraction SD.....afraid of journalists and bloggers questioning?
Zorro, shame on you. How could you imply improper conduct on the part of I Polis Raja.
BP did not retract his 1st SD under duress or by having his palms well greased.
He retracted it under Durex and Petroleun Jelly.
Donplaypuks....I wanted to spank you but you were spot on son! Cheers.
Bernard, I am just tired of all these games lah. If Anwar's got the drop on ol'C4, he should just do it man. Whaddaya think?
Halim, I was the last to volunteer the last question at the PKR press conference this evening. I asked YB Sivarasa: When will this ping-pong game end?
I am with you here Halim. No time is better than now or esle shut up and let us carry on with our lives, fuel hike or whatever. Salam brother.
Today a new saying was born:
"To do a Balasubramaniam" i.e. to retract and deny everything that was sworn to be true and which was given voluntarily.
Add to your vocab. It will likely to be of common usage from now on. Count on it.
Q. What's the difference between a Thumbdrive and a Thumbscrew?
A. A Thumbdrive makes information more portable - while a Thumbscrew makes even the toughest thamby turn flaccid (that's right, Thumbscrews are the antidote to Tongkat Ali).
If you happen to be a real horny fler, keep a Thumbscrew in your trouser pocket!
Let's not judge Bala too harshly, Bernard. He's just repaying his debt to civil society for his shady SB past by shedding some light in a very dark place. The fact that his light lasted only 12 hours goes to show how dense this darkness is that has hung over the land for a couple of generations.
In any case the damage done to Najib - indeed the entire edifice of lies erected by the BN - is now irreparable.
I don't want to offend my Indian brothers, but I sure want my say in the selective prosecution of Bala.S (for snake) in the court of public opinion.
If they threaten his life or that of his family, maybe we can understand the ordeal of fear hanging heavy over him. If he flip-flopped just to grease his hand, he should be castrated and force to crawl into the sanctum sanctorum of Sleepy's bowel. I think we have to make a half-apology to Hamidah Osman to absolve her of her statement. Fcuk !!!
This is all RPK's fault loh. He started this SD thingy, and gave kopicats some kopi ideas!
All this will come home to roost one day.
There is still one silver lining in all of these , that is, if indeed Bala was threatened or induced, he can still come clean.
PLUS disclose what was induced if finally given, he can show the money or if threatened, seek protection before disclosing.
Hope he can redeem his own name and that of his family.
The big question is not about Bala.
Even MIC and MCA are deathly quiet.
Can we check if Bala's family has been kidnapped and held to ransom? Suhakam? Anyone, close friends? Or maybe the police dug up something from his past... Just a thought...
Yes, I agree with Antares - he should be given the benefit of the doubt.
It's quite easy to break a person if what you are confronting with has the means and the machinery - and don't forget what's Bala up against.
Any of us will shit in our pants just by thinking about what he has got to do.
Seriously, I think the PKR flers and his lawyer did not do their part.
Their inaction will probably scare any potential whistle blowers.
I agree with Gan & Antares - who knows what each of us will do if our family or us is threathened with C4, sodomy, etc or tempted by 25% of 800million? Or both?!
Certainly PKR should have taken better care of Bala - they took the limelight readily enough - and know enough to run to the Turkish embassy to hide! They could have escorted Bala & family to an embassy to be protected, too - afterall, it was no small accusation that Bala made on SD1.
- noyawns
Nowawn, Gus and Antares. My latest posting points the finger at another direction.
But of course, selling your soul and enduring torture is a big choice...or is it?
Antares, I like the thumbscrew. Is there an aluminum version...that would be lighter to carry around.
Do I see you at Bloghouse tonight?
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