In my post yesterday, I questioned Pak Lah's man (formerly anwar's man) Zahid when he asked Malaysians abroad not to read blogs. I produce verbatim, unedited and unexpurgated this comment by a Malaysian residing in Finland: (strap on your seat-belts for Finnish Sauna's comments)
I will give you examples of social behaviour and responsibility of politicians in
1. Sometime early this year the water pipe for thE CITY OF
2. politician sent sms's during parliment time to mistress, who sold the info to newspapers,.. there was an uproar in the country, politician is elected to work for the people and not supposed to be sending sms to mistress, politician apologised and resigned. (this particular politician was very powerfull and also an effective minister.
3. police commissioner (like our malaysian igp) took his oficial car home after late govt meetings, this was considered as abuse of power and he was forced to resigned,
4. 3 seniour politician was caught sleeping in parliment and was severly reprimended from own electrote and party and was cosidered very lucky was not forced to resign.
In finland nobody is above the law, a couple of years ago the CEO OF NOKIA was caught speeding and he was going 15 km above the speedlimit, his POLICE SPPEDING FINE was to the tune of
RM 480,000.00, WHY? IN FINLAND FINES ARE DETERMINED ON YOUR INCOME, so the higher you earn the more you will pay in fines, so even if you are high and mighty you pay the same percentage as the poorest in the land, that is called equality across the board.
these are just small examples but the rules are the rules and there is no shirking of duties, compare this to malaysian politician where don't talk about sleeping ministers or non attending ministers or MPs but when the PRIME MINISTER IS CAUGHT SLEEPING, what more do you need to say, I remember the MP of jasin close one eye, zakaria palace, balkis funds, drunk ex-minister-butt-grabber, commissions for militry hardware,LINGAM-GATE, AP's abuse etc,and all simiLlar scandals of abuse of power and corruption, if these incidents had happened in Finland, THEY WOULD BE SITTING IN JAIL FACING VERY SEVERE SENTENCES.
THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL RULE OF LAW, UNLIKE IN MALAYSIA WHERE one set of rules applies to the people, and no laws govern the bn and powerfull cronies, they are the untouchables.
finnish sauna
1. Any MPs (BN or Pakatan) who do not know how to behave ought to be stripped of their status as member of parliament.
2. Only with this kind of ruling will they seriously think of their actions (or inactions)
3. We stood in the hot sun to vote, for these people to fight for our concerns, yet they bring this sort of attitude to the Parliament.
4. If they don't know what they arew doing, better give the post to someone who does.
this is not finland...
Is either bolehland or sodomland!
dont compare apple with orange!
Oh, what a craving..
Dear Zorro,
Thank you for the Youtube shot. He did it with his left fist closed and not as what he had shown in newspaper.
uncle, these donkeys will never compare us to finland or any other more developed countries. what's on their mind is as long as we are better of than Burma, Vietnam, Phillipines. Come to think about it, donkeys are smarter than them.
I WONDER ...........
Ahhh Zorro,
Dont waste your time blogging and promoting this asshole. Honestly he gives us sabahan from Kinabatangan a very bad name. he is just another big joke to all of us and he is too dumb not to realise it tsk! tsk! tsk!
Orang Kinabatangan
well well this is a surprise reading my comment thank you. Mr. Bernard khoo, still remember your reputation IN LA SALLE pj, I was from catholic high. anyway will keep in touch. keep up the great articles, and let morons spout rubbish and in the end they will finally end up in the political dustbin of history. will future history b\ooks be written about the dark days of Malaysia where the corrupt ruled, your guess is as good as mine.
finnish sauna
suomi saunalehti!!!!
nice video :-)
to Ketuanan Rakyat!
i lived in Finland for almost two years. i remember seeing the Finnish PM Tarja Halonen in a supermarket pushing her own cart... and when she went to pay, she queued-up just like anyone else.
i wondered then which country is more Islamic!
EDI...what apples and oranges? I am comparing UNIVERSAL VALUES that do not change from one country to another. As for the ISA, it is not for you to decide but for THEM to decide if I qualify. But your prayers might help either way! I am not worried. Are you?
Ex-Catholic High aka artic turban....your comment was god-sent and I could not miss the chance.
BTW, I was never teaching in LSPJ...was there for football though.
Zaki Samsudin, above, concurs....thanks Zak.
edi what I was trying to convey is the difference and comparisons, I definatly do know, Malaysia is not FINLAND, I LOVE MY COUNTRY, I AM A MALAYSIAN, I HAVE BEEN OFFERED FOREIGN NATIONALITY TWICE, BUT HAVE DECLINED, no I am not stupid, I just believe in Malaysia, its people, our values and culture. but what I don't believe in is Barisan and umno's bulls**t, are we blind to these pirates, no we are not. what i was trying to convey is by providing the comparison to finland is this, the people of finland do not allow their politicians to preach bullshit, they think and analyse and know their rights, here it is very clear, politicians are there to serve their rakyat, unlike our co called umno champions, who shout slogans of ketuanan, but in reality actually are there for their own get rich quick schemes and this is allowed to flourish, this is not the Malaysian culture I grew up with up to Hussein Onn, BUT WHEN MAHATHIR CAME TO POWER IT WAS A DIFFERENT STORY. Lets take a note from history, where corruption is allowed to flourish the country dies. bottomline my comparison is something for Malaysia to aspire to. the politicians have to be reminded they are there to work for the rakyat, not the other way round, the rakyat are the masters of these politicians not their slaves.
I know you were also the disipline master, was at the match in the morning between la salle and catholic high in '79, where all hell broke loose, and was captaining the evening hockey match for catholic high against La salle, both BOTH RICHARD HARDING AND MYSELF WERE CALLED UP AND TOLD to prevent any untoward events from taking place.
Zaki, sorry to correct you but TARJA HALONEN IS THE FINNISH PRESIDENT AND SHE IS VERY DOWN TO EARTH AND APPROACHABLE. like some people also in Malaysia who invite university & scholarship dropouts to their office and home. so approachable.
Don't forget, we are 98% chimp..
anon8:24pm....exactly my point...shame is a universal emotion by any mammal...unless some plants weep I am told, but express shame I am not sure.
Just ask our Sleeping Beauty to see the video himself and read what that fella Bung explained...i bet there is nothing for him to say also...for all we might know, he may be having his beauty nap when it happened...
4. 3 seniour politician was caught sleeping in parliment and was severly reprimended from own electrote and party and was cosidered very lucky was not forced to resign.
OUR SENIOR POLITICIAN IS OFTEN CAUGHT SLEEPING IN Meeting, while standing, he is the laughing stock of Malaysia, and yet we still elect him....
how sad.
- Anarchy
Liar ! Liar….! the Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) and become ………a ”bongkak” man later on………. !
Hey ! You “natang Bung Moktar” the “Menteri of Pasarmalam”.Not suprise ,maybe you always shown this "Johnson clap" to your own mother, wife or your daughter when you felt disagreeing with them .
Keep on showing your culture, we have nothing to lose , that’s your culture and also reflect you upbringing.
Actually, Bung d' Dung is employed by Sleepy as a whip-master to cow the opposition in the Dewan Rakyat. 'Bocor' and Johnson Claps are part of his repertoire. One of these days, someone is going to sodo his mouth.
You cannot compare with Malaysian Culture ma! We follow Asian Culture one. The Asian Culture that Lee Kuan Yew talks about one. Asian Culture is good culture. Not bad one! Western culture is bad. They take you to hell one. And also we now got Islam Hadhari also. Islam Hadhari culture very strong one and everybody also accept one.
That is why when Bung give Johnson clap we bless him with Islam Hadhari prayer one. We forgive him. So maybe he don't do next time and still can go to heaven. These Finland one never even say Heaven and Hell and vever even say God..so surely not good.
bung the dung is a liar!!
oh, and this zahid idiot, did he actually believe people will take heed and listen to him? get real, mannnnnnnnnnnnn........
That BUNGkus idiot!..He deserves a reciprocal gesture with an audio accompaniment of KEPALA B*T*H.
And this is just being polite!
I would be interested to hear the Kinabatangan MP to explain what his gesture means (the one he demonstrates in the photo, not the one captured on video). My guess is that he won't be able to explain it because it was something he invented on the spot to cover his earlier slip-up and doesn't have any meaning.
Assuming that he really did do the gesture in the photo (not the video) at the opposition during parliament proceedings, it brings up a secondary concern for the voters in Kinabatangan - you guys and gals are being represented by an MP who seems to be prone to making weird unexplainable (although not obscene) gestures with his hands for no apparent reason at the opposition. With my tongue safely in my cheek, I can sincerely say I'd be quite worried about that if I were them.
Oh Come on. He's Bung the Dung representative MP from Kinabatangan, you know, KENA, BATANG and then TANGAN.
So he's entitled to his Orang Utan gestures which if you ask the Sepilok fellows, they will tell you it means he wants to get wanked in Orangutanese. Sabahans will tell you it is an obscene gesture there. So gotcha on tape.
His children were thrilled at their father's exploits. Maybe fellow Sabahans too. Was this gesture recorded in the HANDsard?
hah! he admit doing it but say its not offensive?
what? depend on how we interpret it? so, is that a sign of Wisdom?, sign of Maturity?, gesture of Appreciation? or sign of giving Encouragement?. which one huh?...or is it all of those, yes ke, mr bung?
and we gather you did that to your kids huh?, like when they got good grade (to show you Appreciate their effort) but when they screw-up their exam, we believe you will also give them many loudest 'pup' (for Encouragement) right? mr bung?
don't tell us you did the same to the mrs too? yes ke! mr bung, you canggih la! but like when? mmm, when she put together a good lunch or when she accidently burnt your dinner...? good for you! mr bung!
what? and your parents too?!!! like when they impart some words of wisdom to your kid!!! wow! god bless your soul, me bung, you are a good son!
hey, me bung! if & when we happen to meet you & family, we will always & definitely give you guys many, many very loud 'PUPP'!!!
btw, help us to give badawi & najib a 'PUP' or two ok? once a day will also do... just to give them some encouragement.
Normally it's the uneducated and uncouth
Who will use socially vulgar hand gestures
Since they can't express well with their mouth
For fear that they'll lose their dirty dentures
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 100708
Thur. 10th July 2008.
How one like him can get elected by Malaysian voters to be MP? It is mind boggling!! Voters fault by voting blindly.
I was looking at his 'revised' gesture and thought..., has he invented a new retort? Right palm forcefully smacking..or sodomizing the left, that says... 'Nah, I SoDo you'?
OOiii..universal sign of derision back at you Bung.
maybe it is a cultural thingy from that ulu kanbatangan area, instead of shaking hands he shows the johnson clap, i am wondering whether everytime he meets someone he shows his appreation of meeting the person with this gesture, just imagine every time he meets dollah he shows this sign to him, how bloody hilarious. bung the dung doing the bung sign at dollah. nazri oh nazri wasn't it you who said some monkeys were behaving like thugs, now is your chance teach this moron a lesson.
Bung the dung is the pointman from Kinabatangan, representing not only that constituency but the Barisan National and most importantly the UMNOputras.
Bodowi can preach Islam Hadhari but what sort of morals does his Islamic teachings convey? Using the parliament worse than a whorehouse by his elected thug speaks volumes about him and his hypocracy.
Is this the way to promote the socalled ketuanan mentality? Is it what kedaulatan of a race means to you? " Asses can never become horses."
Bodowi would be doing the rakyat a great favour if he chooses Bung the dung and the equally reprehensible moron MB of Pahang and many others like them for the next general elections.
Incidentally do not forget to nominate the Lingamgate actor MP from Putrajaya and the backdoor entry Minister caught with millions of ringgit in OZland.
What a joke you have made this wonderful country in the eyes of the global community? You don't know, do you? How can you? You are sleeping most of the time while your sil is running the show.
An excellent post - especially the letter by arctic turban/finnish sauna. I used to think things like that only happened in an ideal world. It is good to see that it is not so impossible after all - if Finland can do it, so can we. And we know what it takes to make it happen.
Zorro, shall you please tell me a politician here in Malaysia who have not ever lied in their tenures? Anyone from Pakatan Rakyat perhaps?
Please don't insult the monkeys! Those hand signs are that this man is ready to be handcuffed, OK? Hidup Abdullah and his Monyets in Parlimen!
Good post. With the right connections, one can blow anyone up too. M
Finnish sauna makes an excellent point. Why should we Malaysians settle for corruption and nepotism? We live in a potentially wealthy country with great resources. Finland has little else than it's people. Twenty years ago, it was a poor relation to all of it's neighbours. It's only due to DECENT leadership that this little country has now become the envy of it's neighbours. We all know that projects are only given the go ahead here if there's a cut for "x", "y" and "z". Contractors are forced to play this dirty game, or else they get nowhere. We need new broom.
" YES ! i did it ,sharp & clear, so
what...what can you all do ? i did that to johnson too, remember ? busy body.. @#$%^&*....!!"
" hahaha.. i really like the video showing him & adnan fking each other and AAB in between ...hahaha, congrats for the editing, thanks !!"
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