Chinkie hater said...
This info was taken from their website(http://www.thecanticlesingers.com)
We are pleased to announce the cast as follows
The Company
Andrew Lai Chii Horng
Betsy Yeo Wai Li
Chang Yow Keong
Charity Lee Chin Ai
Chow Hung Lan
Emmanuel Shumba
Jasmine Lee Chian Hui
Jon Ti Yi Hong
Lim Ai Da
Low Tze Liang
Lucy Khoo Poh Looi
Mak Su Yin
Michelle Siaw Mong Cheng
Patricia Ngo Kim Lan
Samuel Goh Min Tzung
Shameela Chandran
Thiruganesh Rao
Old fart bernard, i have a question for you.. how come you only support efforts by piggy chinkies but not for Malay natives of this country? How come you chinkies always group together to subordinate, oppress, discriminate and demonise other races? Do you piggy chinkies know that where ever u go in this world, be it europe, austra-asia, south east asia, north america etc , u all will be hated by the natives?
Ever wonder why? its because of the piggy chinkie values that you all bring. U know..the one where u are oblivious to others, talk rudely and treat others badly? its bad enough that u all smell bad, but behaving badly is what turns people off...
We know your agenda to create chaos in this country , u old chinkie piggy, so dont think the natives will take this lying down.
June 4, 2010 2:40 PM
eatpig said...
Chnkie Hater
I knew it. That is why this racist man bothers to publicise the show.
If it is a Malay concert, will he bother?
And he's always talking about 1Malaysia.
1Chinese more superior, right old man
June 4, 2010 4:44 PM
Chinkie hater said...
Yes this racist chinkies will only think less if it was by any other race.
Just look at how Anon 4.41pm degrades jom heboh, referring to it in a degrading manner, when he very well knows that it is the lower to middle class malays who are majority in this concert.
At the same time he takes a swipe at Utusan Malaysia. A paper that has a predominantly malay based readers.
To this chauvinists, anything malay is insulting. They are just too scared to degrade the malays directly so they sugar coat it with code words such as "jom heboh", "BTN" , "Utusan" .. but we all know, they might as well talk bad about malays because that is what they have in their hearts.. hatred towards the malays.
June 4, 2010 5:16 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with eatpig.
The Gala concert should be held in Istana Budaya. Then chinkie hater could appreciate it.
June 4, 2010 6:00 PM
i was about to say, just ignore these idiots. but then ignorance is the reason why this god blessed country is where it is now, in deep shit. so just carry on with the good work.
You keep on keeping on Uncle. You're doing a great job with this blog and don't you ever let any two bit scum tell you otherwise. For my part,I'll have a drink to your name tonight. Hehe.
My My, what has BTN done to them. nothing up there but just obsession with pigs. you are right, wonder what kind of piglets they would bring up. sad isn't it. If they so wanna be a native of the land, they would probably get their wish come true. By 2020, they would be sodomising wild boars in their promised land when the umnoputras have plundered all the nations' wealth and their bogeymen chinkies have shipped out all their investments into developed countries. They can then import chinkies dungs to feed their favorite ikan keli and have a good feast on harvest time. Thank you BTN for killing off competition for us chinkies. We owe you lots.
oi!!!! eatpig, pergi buat lah macam nama u.
btn lu bapak punya kah? btn tu subuah ajensi kerajaan - untuk rakyat semua. bukan untuk melayu aje.
umno baru parti melayu. wajib dikuburkan.
mca parti cina. wajib dikuburkan.
mic parti india. wajib dikuburkan.
ppp dan gerakan, tak payah sentuh. dia orang akan gulung tikar tanpa campurtangan mana2 pihak.
politik baru - tanpa sempadan. tanpa lihat warna kulit.
kami hentam btn pasal btn pariah. hentam ajensi bukan hentam mana kaum. kau ni mangkuk lah.
inilah fikiran sempit yang uncle zorro harap jangan dijangkiti oleh anak2 tuan/puan yang mangkuk ni.
mereka masih budak. tak berdosa. bukan macam ngkau.
jangan asyik berbuih2 pasal melayu melayu melayu.
i am waiting for right-minded progressive malays to hentam u kuat2 dalam blog ni... i am waiting.
me hentam u here, u say i racist. biar other malays hentam u.
buta punya mangkuk!!
and one more thing, referring to the title of this posting, i think it's a wrong statement.
i am SURE ibrahim katak can and will stoop even lower. we just wait. he is beyond salvation.
it's as natural as breathing for him. he's a natural.
no doubt about it.
zorro,I think malaysiakini is getting a bit like utusan ,very one sided and the journo are becoming less pro more arrogant.
what is low is the fact that the current administration has this penchant for asses.
If they don't like what is written here, there are plenty of sites out there that suit their taste.
GO there and never return.
Zorro, Keep writing!
"hate begets hate"
You have reaped what you sow bernard.
What do you expect when your kind has done nothing but marginalize the malays? generalizing them and taking hidden shots at them?
Sugar coating your hate against them behind masks..
Hate begets hate...
How long can the malays read hate literature against them before they hate back?
Well these are no doubt Ketunan Melayu Muslims
because they have not learnt the teaching of Islam. These Ketunan Melayu are a bloody disgrace to their kind and very bad examples of Muslims !
With these as examples of Muslims any wonder why so few non Malays ever get converted to become Muslims ? To the non Muslims all religions are foreign and ever wonder so many billions were converted to Christianity and other faiths.
It is because these are bad examples of true Muslims, good at calling non Muslims with rude and filthy names, speaking with lots of filthy and offensive languages. Above all threatening non Muslims to cut off their limbs and lives, surely this is not what Islam is all about or Islam have taught them. These foul, filthy and offensive people should really become suicide bombers and blow up more Muslims in Muslim countries !
Their behavior will never ever convince the non Muslims to become Muslims !
Therefore please regard these morons of their ill up bringing and not as Muslims.
They are indeed a bloody disgrace to their kind and religion ! It must be their ill up bringing or their in-breeding genes, as mentioned in shenanigan Mahathir's book !
Br Bernard,
eatpig....u r just 2 disgusting n pathethic... go keep those remarks to yourself lest u'll tarnish even further the extremely good values & percepts of what Islam stands for...If u r a malay muslims (which I assume U R)...I must admit I m much ashamed 2 b associated with the likes of u...a real let down. If u do not know what is bil hikmah...go learn more rather than spewing whatever s@#$%^&t that comes out from that god given orifice of yours..
mej (rtd)haji muhammad bin abdullah @ tan wah guan
ya Zorro just ignore those little ones...
You have been doing a great job for the people, for the society, to uphold justice, God knows.
Remember, even Mother Theresa was criticised for her good works, can you imagine that?
God bless you and family !!!
p/s Fear no evil !!!
chinkie hater can criticise but cannot take feedback.
he cannot expect all events to be multi-racial.
he should not visit zorro blog.
Me no worry, I can take the blows. Haha.
Why are you posting this again to invite comments from Malay haters.
You can only be champions in this blog.
Zorro dont hide. I am Chinese First. That's what you are.
Nothing is more disgusting than presenting yourself as a liberal tolerant person, when you are NOT.
Too much eating pork can make your brains infected with filthy racist thoughts.
Just like the pigs who eat their own swill and wallow happily in slime.
Anon 3.14 am
Penchant for asses. Yes like Anwar al-juburi.
and Azmie, etc dont go hoodwinking people, by using Malay names to condemn Malays.
Ali Baba business in cyberspace yeah.
Malays are not that stupid to go to this blog except to condemn the despicale old man.
SPOT ON Anon 8.51 am !!
Agree with you! To the chauvinists, it is only racist when a malay does it. But when the malays are the victims, they cry foul!
Keep them coming! We have to know the 'enemy' - how they think, talk, sleep, shit in order to 'combat' them.
May Allah (assuming he is a Malay) bless his soul.
Zorro is willing to lay down his life for the CHINESE cause!
Malays cannot say I am A Malay first.
Chinese can say I am a Chinese first.
Bravo racist Zorro.
Indians dont eat cows because the cow is a god to them. Do the Malay flers worship pigs and is that why this is always the thing they bring up?
Why are you posting this again to invite comments from Malay haters. ~eatpig
They are Malay-haters as much as you are a Chinese-hater. You are no different.
Do you really understand what you write?
pooo kids! bad upbringing, suffering such deep complex. There's so much they hate about themselves, they need to tear others down and what have their parents done to deserve such horrible species, huh?
You are doing a great job Zorro, keep it up!!!
Have mercy on them , they know not what nonsence they are uttering.Eatpig , be slow to judge others but be quick to judge your self.
Fight on Zorro , our justice fighters are into extinction and your manner of giving shows the character.
The best gift for the younger generation is a good example from the older geneation.
If we are ready to die , we are ready to live.SO PROUD TO LIVE AND SO PROUD TO DIE. Zorro- you are STB.
Simply The Best.
Malays are blessed with the background of an elegant culture and a valuable Abrahamic religious tradition.The entrenched growing Malay insecurity unfortunately comes through in real situations where the 'nons' now are faced with less than courtesy. Pity they have sunk to the levels of uncouth name calling.The present Malay psyche does not get reassurance from concerts,kenduris & sabre rattling....in English its called "cutting off your nose to spite your face"!!
If you see the credits to all RTM programs, 99.99% are malays. Nobody make noise. But this private concert somehow make chinkie hater uncomfortable. I cannot understand why. For this gala concert, I think the malays may be uncomfortable if hymnn songs are sunk. Amazing Grace!
Zorro,zorro ,just like yesterday anti-Israel/jewish rally.Words like "hancur israel" and ACTS like burning a country flag is no peace loving thing to do.
So,pakatan rakyat are no different than bn. your own words hate begets hate.i wondered what that clown antares would say to this.
RPK's latest revelation on Vincent Tan's connection with umno should convince us that we should boycot the government-sponsored football betting via SportsToto.
OK to continue the underground way.
wonder why chikie hater did not make noise on the chinkie with misai by the name of vincent tan?
chinkies like vincent tan are embraced by umno and perkasa. he is the 'front' where umno engages in illegal business. simple as that.
Cheh! Jangan beri makanan kepada "troll".
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