Thursday, October 8, 2009


WHEN we left YB Salahyddin Ayub and YB Mafuz at 2:45am after a light supper, both we in their usual causal self. This morning at the Press Conference both YBs were in no mood to compromise over the assault of one of their campaign workers. Fuazi of Perisik-Rakyat put up the news sans photos of the victim and within half an hour he had hordes of BN supporters lambasting him for spreading false news as they claimed that there were no photo evidence. In that short period 77 commentators flooded his comment box. Fauzi, immediately followed up wioth graphic front and back photos of the victim. The UMNO commentators ran into their holes and that post invited only 8 comments, as I post this.

Read the story HERE.


Anonymous said...

That's Karma...

Orang melayu kata, baru kena buku dengan ruas.

BN supporters had encountered this many many times.

So go make police report. Going to the mediia is not enough.

Old Fart said...

Hey, Bernard, how many times must I tell you, if it is not reported by any of the MSM, it just did not happen! So UMNO, the Police, and the EC do not have to address this. You can well bet they will neither deny nor even refer to it. That way, the people have to wonder if this story is true. and benefit of the doubt is always given to SILENCE!

Anonymous said...

UMNO is disgusting.

Unknown said...

The script of the cosmic movie is writeen and the flim canned.Just sit back and witness what THY WILL BE DONE have in store for us.
Like all movies,the scenes and charecters are all a diaplay of light on the screen and with this realisation enjoy the screening.D'ont forget to look out for the charecter Bernard aka ZORRO.

Anonymous said...

Like a rat? You mean Tikus? Moo. moo. Remember the moo moo head debacle? Even the headless moo moo has better dignity than the rat.

Anak Perelih said...

the are the UMNO cyber-mercenaries as they are being paid to make comments at Pro PR blogs... to know if they are cyber-mercs or real bloggers... just click on their names to view their profiles... if there is no profile or no "My Blogs" in their profile, they are cyber-merc as they only registered with google to make comments, not to blogging...

bennyloh said...


Unknown said...

They keep on emphasizing development, saying Kelantan is poorly developed. i visited Kota Bharu this raya. i can firmly say that KB is more developed than Seremban. to my surprise, big hotels are everywhere in the city and the main road is BROAD!!!

KB wins hands down.