ANAS ZUBEDY caught my attention when he put up full-paged adverts egging Malaysians to be what they have to be - Malaysians, not Malays, not Chinese, not Indians etc.......just Malaysians, period. He has been at this crusade for some two plus years.
He continues to this day, doggedly, unperturbed.
This is my type of TOWERING MALAYSIAN.....not the type manufactured by UMNO like the recent award they gave to a former info minister who stuttered between election and erection. That one award really sucks.
Suckers put up full page ads to suck up to some minister who open this and that function. Some even pay millions to angkat some principal wife for some never-heard-of awards bestowed by we do not know who. And here we have a Malaysian who spend his own money to put up a full page ad to seek UNITY in our diversity.
On Wednesday he put up such an advert to wish Malaysians a MEANINGFUL WESAK.
BLESS YOU ZUBEDY from us meaningful Malaysians.
People, the least we could reciprocate is to say thank you to Anas Zubedy at
Get to know Anas HERE
People, the least we could reciprocate is to say thank you to Anas Zubedy at
Get to know Anas HERE
yeah know bout him several years ago through his adverts in the star. i really like what he said about hari malaysia. i'm from malaya. but when i first came to sabah 10 years ago i really love my life here. but yesterday really make me sick when my fren told me our hq in KL arrange a meeting on 1st and 2nd of june. wtf is this? dont they know sabahan celebrate kaamatan while sarawakian celebrate their gawai?
You do know Anas Zubedy is UMNO's "feel good" mole, don't you? He subtly attacked Pakatan and Anwar, and Jibby was the first person to take up his "call for unity" in Jibby's "1Malaysia" blog.
See here his interview with Nut Graph, and read under the lines, and you will start seeing that he is not quite what he projects himself to be:
Not everything that glitters is gold.
Bernard & Anas Zubedy,
Thank you for being the Initiator & Agent of change...
Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles. ~Walter Cronkite
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. ~Albert Einstein
ANAS ZUBEDY, you are a Ketuanan Malaysian! Faked UMNO ketuanan, lick my boots!!!
I wish you are like Anas Zubedy.
Malaysia will indeed be a better place.
Anyway, Happy Wesak ro you and everyone.
Let the light shine on us always.
Anas Zubedy - a truly Human Race and a towering Malaysian!
Retired Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed should have chosen to lend a helping hand to Anas Zubedy after his retirement, an opportunity to do good and repent after 22+yrs of evil dictatorship. That would be admireable, but instead in his bonus years, he chose to join that schizophrenic Ibrahim Ali to create a bigger mess which may soon explode in their faces if not careful!
Time those two do some soul-searching and stop their venomous project spewing BTN-racist filths and sowing relgious discord in public to poison the minds of ordinary Malaysians.
They should instead help mend this nation already in tatters - thanks to BN after a failed 53 years, Malaysia is about to go bankrupt in 9 years - claimed Idris Jala, Minister in PM's Department!
How about turning
Perkasar into "Perpaduan"?
my my... aren't we being presumptuous....we are now calling ourselves "meaningful mlaysians"
As what KJ said to Sami Jr Vellu, "WE ARE FAMILY, I GOT ALL YOUR SISTERS WITH ME".
Yes, I'm proud to call Anas Zubedy a Towering Malaysiam!!
Zorro, after reading Rahman's comments, i am a bit sceptical now ...
Remember Rocky Bru, your buddy b4 i supposed, and that sucker Wee, you see, these two friends turned out to be foes, so to speak...
Look at Anwar, how his supposed buddies want him dead now...
Even that "respectable" Chandra Muzzafar at the eve of GE, run a full page of attacks against Anwar (Star, of course), how scary...
When millions of Dollars are waived in front of humans, Zorro, these humans will forget about you totally and instantaneously...
As such, am sorry Zorro, i will take Zubedy with a "pinch of salt".
Have a nice day !!!
Do Malaysians ever realise the best virtues in Life propounded by religious teachers are always low-key? They never hog the front pages with all the noise and charade. Unlike some other religious prostitutes who harp so much on their values and yet become the most high-profile hypocrites the very next minute. We all know who these prostitures are. They carry very prominent names and you hear their bullshit crap ever so often on the headlines.
"You can call it whatever you want, the social contract, perjanjian keramat, whatever.
But in this perjanjian, the Malay inhabitants decided to share this country with those who were then considered pendatang. The contract also clearly upheld hak keistimewaan orang Melayu. But at the same time, there was compromise."
"Ketuanan Melayu has always existed, but at different times in history it carried different meanings. Today, ketuanan Melayu should mean that Malaysian culture must have budaya Melayu at its core.
It doesn't mean a Malay [Malaysian] is more superior than a non-Malay [Malaysian]. It doesn't mean other cultures are not Malaysian, but that they play a supporting role to Malay culture. It's a question of whether or not all Malaysians can speak Bahasa Melayu fluently. If you can't, then there's a problem somewhere."
(Anas Zubedy - An Interview with The Nut Graph)
and people like KT Rahman, wandererAUS and of the same boat, should sail away from Malaysia and find their own racist people to live with. This is Malaysia, as what Anas had said in his interview, not simply Malay of Tanah Melayu, Chinese of mainland China, Inidan of India and so on...
West Malaysians, every time you mindlessly utter that phrase "Malays, Chinese and Indians" or "agama, bangsa dan negara", remember that you are declaring others to be nonentities. Is it surprising that they view YOU as aliens?
Zorro, get your fact right.
Zubedy purely another breed of Rocky Bru league hoping for money means from the power that be. These league of members are beneficiary of mainstream politics in the federal.
If Rocky Bru got post in the Malay Mail, Zubedy obtained host for RTM1's morning program and his slot played in TV repeatedly. These group members are new emerging Umnoputras, quite out of many knowledge.
Ever since his anti-September 16 by PR with over sensationalized The Star advertisement, we start to look at Zubedy views from time to time. He has proven slowly to gain popularity especially the mainstream media and is moving towards forming support group from certain segment of society under the fake brand name Third Voice of Malaysia. Beware, Zubedy will turn his support group into BN votes bank through both mainstream media and internet media.
Look, he drag himself quite bravely in the political and social event with mask for popularity. What an opportunistic motive? He claims September 916 caused his business downturn. Did Zubedy ever blast BN's Perak power rob, that's uncivilized event? No advertisement accompanied, in fact he feel secure? What about continued onslaught by Najis against PR state including Kelantan?
Then, he see good opportunity again with hot May 13; Himpunan Bangkit Melayu going to organize by Mahathir breeds. Zubedy bluntly come out with Recolour May 13, this time under Malaysian Unity brand. In fact, very effective publicity in mainstream attention through The Star, Malay Mail and The Sun (but not so successful in internet media). My dear, May 13 is the dark memory for all Malaysians. Even VCD MCA President advised dark side of social event not to be remembered. MAY 13 IS DARK FACE FOR ALL MALAYSIAN; HOW COULD YOU RECOLOUR THAT!
Zubedy is silently moving toward a kind of social movement that will turn tide against PR. In political term, we call it undercurrent, formed in silent mode.
My friends and I discussed about Zubedy's activity from time to time including his forum session Q & A to see what is transpired. We decided to respond to Zorro because our believe in Zorro as PR loyalist. Don't be fool by Zubedy.
Netizens are smart to judge an opportunist.
albert308 and friends.
albert308 and friends....before I moderated your comments this is what I received on the email at 2:14PM: "Sir, were you really trying some reverse psy? Were you trying to draw out something from readers who can read deeper into Anas' modus operandi? You are fishing! Are you re-coloring him? I remember how you used to draw us into discussions in your History sessions that unveiled hidden facts that came to pass.I remember with fondness your quote: "History is not what is written. It is what happened. Lets find out what happened and might have happened." Sir,you might get an insight presently....just be patient."
I will be patient.
Be extra careful with those who look holy on the outside.
Money talks in malaysia.
Dear zorro,
Superficially and without bias, Zubedy comes out as a towering Malaysian unlike the shiok sendiri UMNOputras who scratch one another's backs to feel good and at the same time make it an event to show the middle finger to all Malaysians how fantastic they are at sodomising the rakyat.
However after reading the adverse comments about this Zubedy character I think it would be better NOT to be seduced by his PERPADUAN, ALL ARE MALAYSIANS, etc. slogans. It might just be another form of the lacklustre and shallow 1 Malaysia slogan coined by APCO and Najis.
Is he another Rocky Bru or Wee the shit from Wangsa Maju? Time will tell. Let us be patient but it doesn't hurt to be ever vigilant.
Selepas membaca komentar-komentar di atas, saya pun cuba layari blog Anas. Nampaknya Chandra Muzaffar sudah berada di sampingnya. Tanpa bazir masa, terus padam blognya.
Mujur juga ada rakan-rakan siber yang pantau pengkhianat ini.
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