Sunday, January 11, 2009


I was awakened by an SMS: Keep Pete safe......somebody is going to sue him big suing his pants off.

Can't be this quartet again, can it?
I hurriedly sourced my sources and they assured me that the quartet has got more worries than to worry about RPK' They all concurred that it has got to do with toxic waste that RPK has been threatening to dump into these two oceans.
This is utterly preposterous. I know him as an environmental freak. However, stay close until more information seep through. If the NST and Star are silent about this, I know they are up to no good. In the meantime, stay cool and focus on KT which from last nights ceremahs indicate that the seat is in PAS pocket. This is for sure, unless the 7000 odd cops discard their uniforms on 17 January and vote phamtomly! Possible meh?If the EC can guarantee this then I'll waste my money on a teh-tarik with the EC boss. I would love to unbottle a malt with him if he is worth that.


shar101 said...


RPK is technically unsue-able without his consent in his current status

Strange though it may sound but it's legally applicable.

Check with Haris when he's back at KT.

Why? You dun believe me ah?

You stay safe too, bro. Give my salam to the rest, will ya.

Onwards, BRB.

*Barisan Rakyat Bloggers lah.

Anonymous said...

malt with out spirit can meh?

Anonymous said...

NO lah ,they won't touch YM lah, not NOW !!

Donplaypuks® said...

BN must be defeated at KT. So, keep up the good work and we'll soon celebrate.

Perhaps there is another conspiracy by the MSM you should look into. It is the 14 Rebana Ubi Islam Hadhari project which has now moved to ground works in Jln Syed Putra in KL.

It now appears City Hall gave the go-ahead for the project on 23 Nov2008, 2 days after it was suspended for failing to submit proper documents for approval.

The curious thing is no one knows who is behind this project for Islm to profit from commercial advertising project. The name of the 'developer' and the project details have not been disclosed on info billboards at the project site. And the MSM has maintained absolute silence ever since the project was exposed.

Is this a gaji buta reward project to a retring PM via alibaba croneys?

You can be sure there is a billion $ scandal here waiting to be exposed!!

Anonymous said...

Long live RPK!

Jong said...


It's burial at sea being given to UMNO/BN by Kuala Trengganuites. Watch out, toxic wastes are oozing out of their discarded bodies!

Don't expect Najib and Badawi to be around to bother say a little prayer for them.