Friday, July 16, 2010


WHEN I was growing up in Taiping in the 50's, reading newspapers was rather considered square;
we rather spend time on comics when we were not playing around the neighborhood - Beano, Dandy, Captain Marvel, Classic Comics and Eagle. Dang, I don't remember reaching for school books once the dismissal bell rang. As such you are considered sissy if you cannot come out to play and you are considered a spoilt-sport if you ran home when the street lights come on. I was introduced to the newspapers one Saturday morning. Barefoot, as always, we were deciding what games to play when Kamal fished out something from his pocket. He spread it out before me, my younger brother Mike, Chandra and his brother Kicee, Sonny and his younger bother Boy and Zainal. It was Ester Williams in a swim suit. The paper was Standard, if memory holds good. Nah, we never read....we just looked at pictures. It was only in Form 3 in St. Xavier's that I was introduced to the then Strait Times which unfortunately morphed into The New Crooked Times. But I stopped reading the NST after my buddies like Fauzi Omar, Lazarus Rokk, George Das, Tony Francis STOPPED writing. It is a pity they did not continue writing for the alternative media. However one such former journalist continues and with the usual BITE. Today he is my guest blogger:


Editors who condone political smear campaigns

The shameless connivance of the Malaysian media in leading and pushing an anti-Anwar smear campaign of the past weeks has been sickening to read, even if it comes as no surprise after 13 years of steady and enthusiastic anti-Anwar coverage.

Utusan group, Bernama, RTM and TV3, and the Malay Mail’s Rocky and his blogging friends, have only weakened the case for a free press and for independent journalism, by enthusiastically pushing unverified comments by unknown American bloggers. Utusan said one of them was a “prominent blogger”. That is plainly a lie.

What went on was a smear campaign, using all the tools of journalism. It was journalism as a political tool, with journalists seen at their worst, being used to propagate half-truths and outright lies.

My choice is appropriate. With the Selangor Government passing the Freedom of Information Bill and their appointing an opposition UMNO Assemblyman as Chairman of PAC, it augurs well for transparency and accountability. Like somebody said, "Shitcan your KPI, FOI is good enought for us."

Continue reading Uppercaise HERE



The Truth Will Set Us Free


Anoneh said...

I am very tired of the constant media bashing by BN's Utusan, RTM and TV3. We all know that they are spreading lies because they are very afraid right now.

The only consolation is that it has made Anwar stronger.

In the meantime, don't buy NST and boycott Utusan by all means.

Unknown said...

Well Done Guru,
Aptly chosen and Rightly spoken.

Anonymous said...

BN said 'price hike' cannot be used. Use 'upward price adjustment' or 'subsidy rationalisation' to reduce public outcry.


nstman said...

NST, then known as the Straits Times, was du jour in the fities,sixties and seventies until a psycho by the name of Kadir jasin took over. Kadir and his sycophants like Ahmad Talib turned the paper into a mini version of Der Stuermer, the rabid anti-semitic paper of the Nazis. They turned the paper into a cesspit of lies, subterfuge, idiocy, bigotry, stupidity. Great writers like Tony Francis, Cheryl Doral and Tony Danker were replaced by sycophants whose only qualification was the ability to lick Kadir's balls.

flyer168 said...


This is interesting....

The Art of Bankrupting Bolehland & still standing Tall & Smiling...

Robert Welch predicted the outcome in 1958...

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

April 27, 2009 – Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite.

Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul’s positions today.

This is proof that there are plans in place by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder who those elite are...

JFK speech on Secret Society and warns America of there Freedom (black and white) -

August 15, 2009
If you understand why the this country is evil, it's because good people keep getting silenced.

They let the owner of the Federal Reserve head the investigation of the CIA involvement with the Kennedy's Assassination. Talking about conflict of interest LOL.

The U.S. President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States was set up under President Gerald Ford in 1975 to investigate the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies within the United States. The commission was led by the Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, and is sometimes referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.

The Bird Flu HOAX – How One Wicked Nation Can Kill Billions –

Why Would the U.S. Government and the U.N. Perpetuate this HOAX on America and the World?

Answer: Look who benefits – and How...

You be the judge.


Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...


When you can't "call a spade a spade"
You are trying to hide truth in the shade
Which is located not too far away from hade
Useless then to comment on people in various grades

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 170710
Sat. 17th July 2010.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...


Do we all truly want half-truths or the whole truth
It's not easy to bite the bullet with a single tooth
While there are usually two distinct sides to a coin
Do we still just toss it so as to suite our own point?

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 170710
Sat. 17th July 2010.

Anonymous said...

I hope your blogger friend would not succumb to the dark side like rocky bru.

zorro said...

Anon 504pm....don't insult my friend here....go to his blog and say what you have in mind.

uppercaise said...

Zorro, you have been most kind and gracious in highlighting some of my little rants. Thank you very much for the compliment. I hope my views will help to establish some balance when we are being flooded with half-truths. Keep up the good work.
Regards, "uppercaise"

nstman said...

malaysians must stand united against paid agents of Barisan like Rocky and Bloody Magpie. These cheer leaders of corruption and bigotry must be stopped at all costs. We will continue to expose the lies, bigotry and subterfuge of these evil men.

Unknown said...

The TRUTH will set us free.Correct,correct,correct,but one have to first realise what Truth IS