Some weeks ago when Bersih members publicly tore the photo-image of BN chief accomplice, our PM went on the attack and called the former BIADAP. But we later learnt from reliable scources, like Peoples' Parliament that BIADAP stands for BARISAN INSAN AWASI DRAMA AHLI PARLIMEN.Because of this close affinity between our BN Memebers of Parliament and drama, BODOHLAND has bestowed this first inagural award on the head of the BN Drama Troupe.
The organisers of this award said that there was no contest and there would be no more contest for this award. SO BN YOU CAN KEEP THE AWARD PERMANENTLY.
However, lets not the above distract us from what we are intent on doing at the end of the next 6 days. Make time to view this:
Haris, brother, your speech last night at Hannah's ceremah was 25mins. You are ok lah. Anwar beat you with 53seconds.
The organisers of this award said that there was no contest and there would be no more contest for this award. SO BN YOU CAN KEEP THE AWARD PERMANENTLY.
However, lets not the above distract us from what we are intent on doing at the end of the next 6 days. Make time to view this:
Haris, brother, your speech last night at Hannah's ceremah was 25mins. You are ok lah. Anwar beat you with 53seconds.
The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) has issued a public statement calling on the voters of the Kulim Bandar Baharu (P.18) parliamentary constituency in Kedah not to support BN candidate Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir
hi zorro, need your advice.
i've received 4 cards 'maklumat pengundi pilihanraya' fr the bn candidate in my area. these cards contain our names, ic no. house add. etc. but the irony thing is 2 names do not belong to my family members! i suspect these are the so-called phantom members which i've been reading abt.
their details :
ooi wah chooi - 680315085427
chong siew khuen - 680614085240
how did they manage to register under my house add? one thing i notice is they are perakian, like me.
what should/can i do? can the dap/pas candidate in my area take up this case? it's such a blatant act!
hi zorro, need your advice.
i've received 4 cards 'maklumat pengundi pilihanraya' fr the bn candidate in my area. these cards contain our names, ic no. house add. etc. but the irony thing is 2 names do not belong to my family members! i suspect these are the so-called phantom members which i've been reading abt.
their details :
ooi wah chooi - 680315085427
chong siew khuen - 680614085240
how did they manage to register under my house add? one thing i notice is they are perakian, like me.
what should/can i do? can the dap/pas candidate in my area take up this case? it's such a blatant act!
Make a police report after you make a copy of that card....make a few.
Follow up asking the opposition candidate in your constituency to take note of this fraud.seek out your candidate during a ceremah....we have another 6 days.
Ask the Opposition polling agents to make a note of their voting channel and wait for them to turn up on election day. Find out who they are. Take their photos.
All polling agents should lie and wait for the phantoms to turn up. All will immediately be made clear. Object when they turn up to vote.
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